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SDGs 3: Good Health and Well-being 2021

SDGs 3 Good Health and Well-being

Good health and well-being are becoming increasingly crucial as the world faces new and diverse challenges of life and disease. Increasing awareness of mental health is a good start for everyone to respond more carefully to the problems they face in life. Mental stability will be the foundation for the creation of strong physical health. The COVID-19 pandemic has also created new problems that illustrate the need for resilience to respond to the risks posed by the pandemic. By uniting countries around the world to create strong physical and mental health of people, it is hoped that there will be a sustainable transfer of knowledge and technology.

Collaborations and health services

Health and well-being are the rights of every human being. Universitas Indonesia is determined to assist the government in improving public health through a collaboration with local, national, and global health institutions. UI strives to increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health and develop innovations for more effective disease treatment. UI also collaborates with several health agencies in providing further education for our students to broaden their horizons and experiences, preparing them to become competent health workers. Other collaborations take the form of seminars, visits from professors, community service, and training.

            In 2021, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) also collaborated with the Health Office of East Lombok in conducting practices, research, and community services, in addition to an academic collaboration with Pasar Minggu General Hospital. The Faculty of Pharmacy and Satellite Clinic of UI Makara also collaborated with the health department of the hometown of UI, namely the Health Office of Depok in establishing a mass vaccination center. In addition to local health institutions, UI also cooperated with national institutions. The Hospital of Universitas Indonesia (RSUI) organized an educational program in collaboration with the Indonesian Adolescent Health Association (AKAR) on mental health. Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) cooperated with Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in a professional education program for dentists and specialist doctors. Meanwhile, international cooperation was established in February 2021 with Oxford University, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Chung San Medical University, and others.

Cooperation in Professional Education Program for Doctors at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

FKG UI in Collaboration with the Indonesian Society of Radiographers (PARI)

A Collaboration of FKG UI in Special Care Dentistry

A Collaboration of UI Makara Center Clinic

RSUI: The Local Collaboration of RSUI

The Partners of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI

Cooperation with Oxford University

FK UI: The International Collaboration of FK UI

Faculty of Pharmacy: The Health Collaboration of Faculty of Pharmacy of UI

The Health Collaboration of FKM UI

A Collaboration of FKM UI with Active Partner Institutions

FEB UI: The Collaboration of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI with Health Institutions

Vocational Program: Training to Treat Child with Cerebral Palsy

SKSG UI: Center for Social Security Studies (PKJS) of UI

FH UI: The Community Service of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI to Improve Medical Personnel Competence

Faculty of Psychology: The List of Cooperation between Faculty of Psychology of UI and Institutions

School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) in SDG 3

RSUI: Cooperation between RSUI and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Universitas Indonesia Cooperation with PT Equilab International

Widely accessible health outreach programs are highly essential amidst this pandemic. Universitas Indonesia plays an active role in conducting various outreach programs aimed at the community. These programs are available in the form of free online education on our learning sites or social media, community services to the local community, seminars, and others. Community service programs has been conducted by Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Vocational Program regarding stunting as well as by Faculty of Engineering (FT) regarding the right materials for producing face masks and personal protective equipment.
In terms of education, UI provides a special online learning site that can be accessed by the wider community for free and discusses numerous topics about health. Faculty of Psychology also regularly organizes online events to educate the community about mental health while Faculty of Law holds public lectures that can be accessed via a YouTube channel. The outreach programs are also implemented in research and innovation. School of Environmental Studies (SIL) and School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) provide several articles on health, meanwhile Faculty of Engineering (FT) has created various new innovations to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Several of these new innovations even receive awards.

Basic Knowledge of Polylearning Materials to Help Understand the Correct Functions of Face Masks

Students of FT UI Designing Corona Go as An Effort of Education Concerning Covid-19 

FT UI Receiving Platinum Award for Plastic Waste Management at UI 

FT UI Developing 3D Design for Covid-19 Screening 

FT UI Developing a Puvicon Cold Plasma Air Purifier

UI Developing Breathing Aid Devices

FT UI Designing Recovery Device for Emergency and Catastrophic Situation (RDECS), An Electricity and Clean Water Provider

FK UI: Health Outreach Programs

Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of UI Holding Teledentistry Program at Kayu Manis Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu)

Online Outreach Program on Dental Health by FKG UI

Healthy Smile of Pregnant Mothers (SEHATI) Community Service by FKG UI 

Faculty of Pharmacy:  Health Outreach Programs of Faculty of Pharmacy of UI

FKM UI: Health Outreach Programs of FKM UI

Health Outreach Programs of Faculty of Psychology of UI

FIB UI: Health Outreach Programs of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI

FH UI: Health Law Lecture on Informed Consent as the Foundation of Medicine Action 

Vocational Program: The Support of Vocational Program of UI related to the Suppression of Stunting

SIL UI: Health Outreach Programs of SIL UI

SKSG UI: Health Outreach Programs of SKSG UI

Sports are important activities to support daily life. Universitas Indonesia has various sports facilities that can be accessed by campus residents and the local community, such as sports halls, gyms, badminton courts, futsal fields, and others. All facilities are in good condition due to the regular maintenance. The tools provided are modern ones. UI also has special paths to facilitate pedestrians and cyclists. These sports facilities are frequently utilized by students when organizing interfaculty competitions. It is a form of support of UI for non-academic activities to create competitive and sportive students.
Every weekend, the UI campus area is visited by the general public because of the beautiful environment, particularly the forest area, where people usually go jogging and cycling. More modern facilities, such as a golf course and a swimming pool, are available at FelFest. Several faculties also have a special area for exercise which is frequently used by students for other activities such as social and art events.

PAU: Sports Facilities at UI 

Unique Facilities at UI

FKG UI: Sports Facilities for the General Public

FK UI: Sports Facilities at Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI

FKM UI: Sports Facilities at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

Faculty of Psychology: Sports Facilities at Faculty of Psychology of UI

FIB UI: Sports Facilities at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI

Vocational Program: Sports Facilities at Vocational Program of UI

SKSG UI: Sports Facilities at School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) of UI

Universitas Indonesia realizes the importance of sexual and reproductive health care services for students. We provide easy access for students to obtain the right services in the campus area, namely at Makara Clinic. The services provided to students are free of charge by showing a student card, even though some further examinations require an additional fee. The clinic uses modern equipment and hires competent doctors. The unit that focuses on sexual health issues is KIA (Maternal and Child Health).
In addition to providing services, UI is committed to continuing to actively educate students and the general public about the importance of sexual health. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) has a student association called Student Forum for Adolescent Reproductive Health (PIK-R Rumah Panda) with a Peer Education program. The program aims to disseminate basic information on reproductive health and gender through advocacy and counseling. Meanwhile, School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) also provides a gender study program that includes courses on sexual and reproductive health. UI continues to strive to distribute the latest information on this topic to students in order to create comprehensive knowledge.

PAU: Services at UI Makara Clinic

PAU: Services at UI Makara Clinic

FK UI: Reproductive Health Services for Students

FKM UI: The Involvement of FKM UI in Reproductive Health Services

Faculty of Psychology: Reproductive Health Services for Students

FEB UI:  Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

SKSG UI: A Study of Gender at SKSG UI

Mental health is frequently overlooked compared to physical health. However, current public awareness about mental health keeps increasing and expanding. Having a healthy mind and soul becomes the basic foundation for everyone in carrying out daily activities. Specifically during this pandemic, there are various new crises to face. Universitas Indonesia realizes that students are vulnerable to mental health problems, thus providing various services and education regarding this issue to generate physically and mentally healthy students. This service is provided free of charge to students and the staff and also accessible to the general public.
Counseling services are available at the Satellite Clinic which operates Monday to Friday from 9:00 WIB. The counseling room is prepared comfortably and neatly to ensure that the coming students or staff can tell their problems and feel safe. Moreover, Makara Satellite Clinic also conducts various educational programs through its social media. Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Medicine (FK) creates a movement called Quality Time in Quarantine (QualityTine), which is an event aiming to improve mental health during the pandemic through publications on Instagram, webinars, and recommendations for activities that can be done at home. The entire content is rechecked by doctor from the Department of Psychiatry of Faculty of Medicine (FK) and Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. A support team providing psychological assistance is also available for students to maintain their mental health. Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Engineering (FT), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), and Faculty of Psychology also actively conduct various educational programs and counseling services. Even Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) provides Counseling Lecturers/Psychologists who can be visited by students. Faculty of Law (FH) has also provided a counseling service since 2018 while Faculty of Psychology has an Integrated Clinic. Vocational School also introduced the Bonding application by students to detect mental health disorders in deaf children.

PAU: Mental Health Support by UI

PAU: Mental Health Support by UI (2)

RSUI: The List of Doctors at the Hospital (RS) of UI

RSUI: The List of Doctors at the Hospital (RS) of UI (2)

FT UI: Self Care during the Pandemic

FK UI: Active Promotion on Mental Health on Social Media

Active Promotion on Mental Health on Social Media

Faculty of Pharmacy: Active Promotion on Mental Health on Social Media

Faculty of Psychology: Counseling Services at Faculty of Psychology of UI

FIA UI: Accountability Report (LPJ) on Counseling Activities of Students

FH UI: Counseling Services at FH UI

UI Vocational Introduces Bonding Application for Detecting Mental Disorders of Deaf Children 

Smoking habits have widely spread to almost all community groups in Indonesia and tend to increase, particularly among children and adolescents. It indicates that the issue of smoking has become increasingly serious considering that smoking has the risk of causing various diseases or health problems both to smokers themselves and to others around them who do not smoke (passive smokers). Universitas Indonesia has been a non-smoking campus since 2011 based on the Rector’s Decree 1805/SK/R/UI/2011 on Non-Smoking Areas (KTR UI). The decree also mentions the supervision of its implementation in all faculties.
The smoke-free policy aims to provide protection from the dangers of cigarette smoke for active and/passive smokers, provide a clean and healthy space and environment for the community, protect public health in general from the adverse effects of smoking both directly and indirectly, create a clean and healthy environment free of cigarette smoke, improve the welfare of the community, and prevent novice smokers. The benefits of this smoke-free policy are clean air without cigarette smoke, a comfortable environment, and reducing the impact of smoking on health. A special area is provided for smokers, such as at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP). Several faculties have also released their respective regulations regarding non-smoking areas in their faculties, such as Faculty of Humanities (FIB), Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom), Vocational (Vokasi), Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Faculty of Public Health (FKM), School of Environmental Science (SIL), and School of Global Strategy Studies (SKSG).

PAU: Circular Letter of No Smoking

PAU: Circular Letter of No Smoking (2)

Vocational Program: A Policy of Non-Smoking Areas in the Environment of  Vocational Program of UI

FT UI: Non-Smoking Areas

FKG UI: A Policy of Non-Smoking Areas at Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of UI

Rector’s Decree: concerning the Universitas Indonesia No- Smoking Areas

PAU: A Policy of Non-Smoking Areas

FKM UI: Non-Smoking Areas at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

FKM UI: The Implementation of Non-Smoking Areas

FIB UI: Non-Smoking Areas

Vocational Program: A Smoke-Free Policy

SIL – SKSG UI: An Anti-Smoking Policy

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