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Without water we can’t live. Water supports out agriculture and aquaculture. Clean water is vital. However, due to bad economics or poor infrastructure, millions of people including children die every year from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene.

THE Impact Rankings Methodology 2022, p. 75

Water consumption per person

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is one of the largest universities in Indonesia stretching up to 320 hectare of campus area. To satisfy clean water needs in the campus, UI has collaborated with Local Water Company (PDAM) Depok, who supplies them with clean water. Not only monitoring water use in campus every month, UI also monitors rate of clean water supply in campus area every 6 months. The results are then reported to Depok local government in DELLH (RKL-UPL) UI. Parallel to population growth in UI campus area, the need for clean water will also increase. Therefore, UI starts to apply water conserving policy to all campus community members and students in campus perimeter. Universitas Indonesia also starts to apply management of used water so that the water can be reused.

PDAM Water Usage

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Faculty of Medicine of UI

Water Consumption Tracking at Faculty of Medicine UI

Water usage and care

To use water efficiently and effectively, used water in Universitas Indonesia is treated in several ways, such as through Reverse Water system, Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), and Water Treatment Plant (WTP).

Implementation of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Water Treatment Plant (WTP)

Used Water Management at Vocational Program

Used Water Management at Faculty of Psychology

Used Water Management at Faculty of Public Health

In trying to prevent pollution on water system, Universitas Indonesia applies the following: disposing waste to concrete septic tank, using Grease Trap on canteen used water management, and managing toxic and hazardous laboratory waste through collaboration with third party (Prasadha Pamunah Limbah Industri (PPLi).

Moreover, Universitas Indonesia contributes to Indonesia in providing solution for water system pollution prevention by building used water treatment installation (IPAL) and creating microfilter technology to reduce the amount of microplastic content in used water.

Used Water Treatment Installation

Microfilter Technology Reducing Waste

Prevention of Water Pollution at Faculty of Public Health

Prevention of Water Pollution at Faculty of Psychology

Universitas Indonesia Water Body and Environment Conservation

In order to reduce plastic wastes, Universitas Indonesia also provides free drinking water facilities through Drinking Water Fountain available in almost every Faculty. This drinking water is freely available for all lecturers and students by placing fountain facilities in all faculty mosques and student facilities. Drinking Water Fountain can be found in most faculties in UI. Drinking water fountain is also available in other facilities often used by students, namely dormitories, Pusgiwa new building, and UI Mosque.

Free Drinking Water Provision at Faculty of Psychology

Free Drinking Water Provision at Faculty of Engineering

Water Fountain: Free Drinking Water Service for FIB UI Students

Free Drinking Water Provision at Faculty of Economy and Business

Universitas Indonesia applies water-conscious building which can be proven through application of Rain Ground Tank System, distribution of some bio-pore spots around the building, and installation of toilets furnished by some water saving appliances, such as manual tap and touch free faucet, which automatically stop water from pouring.

Water Conscious Building at Faculty of Psychology

FIK UI installs water saving faucet in ablutions area of the praying room in 1st, 2nd, 5th and 7th floor, and in the wash basin. FIK Wash basin has been equipped with automatic sensor faucet which will automatically turn off after use. Moreover, some toilets also use automatic flush consisted of big and small stream toilet flush. Furthermore, FIK will also raise the use of auto flush toilet to save more water. This water saving program is inexorably promoted through billboard and poster set up in FIK UI area.

Usage of water saving appliances policy is declared in Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing Dean’s Decree No. 5670/UN2.F12.D/HKP.02.04/2018 concerning Implementation of Go Green FIK UI Policy point h. FIK water saving program policy is ensued by manual and procedures of energy and water saving implementation in FIK UI area.

Usage of Water Saving Devices

In order to reduce water use, Universitas Indonesia plants various green plants that do not need watering in raining season and only need occasional watering in dry season such as banyan and cotton tree, and many types of grass which can minimize water use. In addition, many varieties of rare plants can be found in Universitas Indonesia. Meanwhile, on the back wall of the building of Faculty of Nursing, there are vine plants, namely betel and binahong, which can be used in addition to reforestation as well as traditional medicinal plants. These kinds of plants don’t need any maintenance and can be left alone to grow by itself. In the rainy season, we don’t need to water it and in the dry season, we only need to water it occasionally. Thus, we can save water while maintaining the greenery environment in Faculty of Nursing.

Water Conscious Planting at UI Vocational Program

Water Conscious Planting at Faculty of Humanities

Water Conscious Planting at Faculty of Psychology

Water Conscious Planting at Faculty of Nursing

Water re-use

The university has water reuse policy to maximize water use in Universitas Indonesia regulated in Universitas Indonesia Rector’s Decree No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2019 concerning Conservation of Clean Water in Universitas Indonesia Campus Policy. For instance, the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Administrative Sciences implements several water conservation programs such as infiltration wells and a ground tank. The Faculty of Nursing also recycles liquid waste or dirty water by sheltering and recycling it with recycling machine. The recycled water and rain water sheltered in container tank is refined using STM. Clean water produced from this distillation process is reused for watering the plant and flushing the toilet.

Universitas Indonesia Rector’s Decree No. 1309 of 2019 concerning Conservation of Clean Water in Universitas Indonesia Campus Policy

Implementation of Water Conservation Program at the Faculty of Engineering

Implementation of Water Conservation Program at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Implementation of Water Conservation Program at the Faculty of Nursing

Universitas Indonesia measures the use of recycle water in some buildings in the university perimeter. Used water treatment is performed in the entire campus, mostly by recycling domestic used water to be readily reused. By utilization of Sewage Used Water Treatment (IPAL), recycled water will be gushed to absorption well and will be available as reserved water.

Faculty of Engineering of UI manufactures a water recycling system by constructing IPAL. This system was designed in 2018 at Metallurgy Engineering Department, and in 2019, Faculty of Engineering installed IPAL in Chemistry Engineering Department. This installation collects reserved water by the rate of 5 m3/day and the water produced is flown to absorption well and can be used to water the grass (Up-cycling). Faculty of Medicine also has IPAL to manage their used water. Its capacity is 30 m3/hour with water comes from Sewage Treatment Plant by 11 m3/hour capacity.

Disposal of Domestic Used Water

Application of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Water Treatment Plant (WTP)

Recycled water and rain water sheltered in container tank is refined using STM. Clean water produced from this distillation process can be used to water the plant and flush the toilet.

Implementation of Recycled Water Usage Program in Faculty of Nursing UI

Implementation of Recycled Water Usage Program in Faculty of Administrative

Water in the community

Universitas Indonesia provides various opportunities through education and research activities in collaboration with various stakeholders, including local community, to learn about good water management. The Directorate for Research and Development (DRP) has facilitated various researches funded both by internal and external resources on this issue in compliance with SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 6 (Clean Water & Sanitation), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life below Water), SDG 15 (Life on Land).

List of Research Grant Proposal at Universitas Indonesia 2019

List of Research Grant Recipients of Kemenristekdikti Budget Year 2019 Universitas Indonesia

The Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Indonesia conducted “Application of Biopore Technology in Mustika Kramat Jati farmer groups, East Jakarta” by assisting the manufacture of biopori in the Kramat Jati area. The biopori program has been proven to increase water absorption and improve soil fertility, so it is expected to be able to overcome flooding.

Collaboration between the Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Application of Biopore Technology

Universitas Indonesia actively promotes conscious water usage in campus and local communities. UI continues operating programs and promotion to support water saving activities in campus. One of the activities currently running is promotion of conscious water consumption to the campus community members and students of Universitas Indonesia and people living around campus area. To encourage water consumption awareness in the campus, UI declares and implements Rector’s Decree No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2020 stating that all communities in and around campus must exercise water saving and use recycled water for their water needs.   

Universitas Indonesia actively promotes conscious water use in campus and local community. To show support to water consumption consciousness, UI encourages surrounding community to conserve water. Universitas Indonesia also celebrates World Water Day by conducting some activities, such as promoting water awareness behavior to local community through the students. Keeping this decision in mind, UI starts to repair and renovate toilets, add automatic faucet and EcoFlush System. Concurrent to these appliances, posters containing manual for saving water are also distributed. UI also has a program promoting water usage conservation to wider community. By inviting students to contribute to promoting water usage in order to celebrate world water day, UI conducts seminar to wider community to promote Conscious Water Usage.   

Universitas Indonesia Rector’s Decree No. 1309 of 2011 concerning Conservation of Clean Water in Universitas Indonesia Campus PolicyIndonesia 

Water Saving Promotion at UI Vocational Program

Water Saving Promotion at Faculty of Public Health of UI

Water Saving Promotion at Faculty of Nursing of UI

Universitas Indonesia supports water conservation outside campus by organizing the following programs: As part of community service, Universitas Indonesia plants bamboo trees. Universitas Indonesia executes water conservation program to conserve surrounding ecosystem by planting bamboo trees. Bamboo is one of the most effective plants to save water. This activity is executed in upstream area with steep cliffs in Cibeureum village, Cisarua, Bogor, West Java. This activity is a collaboration between the Directorate for Research and Community Involvement UI and Urban Development Studies from School for Global and Strategic Studies of Universitas Indonesia supported by Geography Department of Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science (FMIPA) of Universitas Indonesia and Rungkun Awi Community to satisfy the need of community in areas where clean water is hard to find every day.

Universitas Indonesia Community Service (Bamboo Planting)

Universitas Indonesia is committed to use sustainable water extraction in related to university perimeter technology, in and outside the campus.

There are six lakes inside UI Depok Campus area which can contain up to 52,500 m3 water. In association, UI consistently shows usage of sustainable water extraction in related to campus technology outside the campus by using water from UI lakes for flood control and plant watering. In this regard, the lakes in UI campus also shelter rain water which then can be used to water the plants. Water usage program in Faculty of Public Health is performed by sheltering condensate water from all air conditioners throughout the faculty. This condensate water is sheltered in container tanks located in 6 spots in Faculty of Public Health, each with up to 1000 liter capacity, for 2 – 3 days. This water is then used to clean the floor and water the plants.    

Manual for Water Usage in Universitas Indonesia

Ecosystem in Universitas Indonesia Perimeter

Sustainable water extraction on campus

Sustainable water extraction at Faculty of Psychology

Sustainable water extraction at Faculty of Public Health

FIK UI has clean water container well and absorption well. In addition, as another way to conserve water, at the moment there is a construction of a well to shelter rain water. FIK UI also recycles liquid waste or dirty water by sheltering and recycling it with recycling machine. The water produced is used to water plant and flush the toilet. Across FIK UI, there is also an agatis lake, an artificial lake used as a means to shelter and conserve water at Faculty of Nursing.

Implementation of water conservation in Faculty of Nursing UI program

Universitas Indonesia collaborates with local, national and global government in water security. UI collaborates with and invites various institutions to secure and conserve water. For example, UI cooperates with local community and government to make water conservation program and sustainable water setting. UI also cooperates with city government to satisfy the need for clean water at municipal and national level. UI, along with some other universities, work together to create clean and sustainable river setting.

UI cooperates with local citizen for water conservation program in Citanduy Watershed by creating sustainable river setting and securing drinking water supply (Water Security). This program invites people to keep cleanliness around the river. In addition, UI cooperates with local government to help designing Free Drinking Water Facility in Muntok. At national level, UI collaborates with UNESCO and Government of DKI in providing clean water in city setting. Urban Water research collaboration holds meeting with The Australia-Indonesia Center in Melbourne involving Monash University, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), and Universitas Indonesia (UI). This group involves researchers from related discipline, including politic, law, economy, sociology, city planning, architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering, hydrology, water resources, geology, and forestry. As is widely known, Citarum River is polluted by industrial and domestic wastes. In association, some researchers from UI, IPB, and Monash University in collaboration with Government of West Java Province conducted a study concerning revitalization of Citarum River.

Involving Public in Sustainability and Security of Water Supply in Citanduy Watershed (DAS)

Collaboration in Making Free Drinking Water Facility Design in Muntok, West Bangka

UI and DKI Jakarta Government Collaboration in Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi Sector 

UI and DKI Jakarta Government Collaboration in Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi Sector (2)

Urban Water Research Collaboration with the Australia-Indonesia Centre in Melbourne

Collaboration between FMIPA UI and UNESCO Jakarta in Conserving Water Supply Commitment


Volume of water used in the university: Inbound (treated/extracted water)

Number of campus population


PDAM Water Usage
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Faculty of Medicine of UI
Universitas Indonesia Water Body and Environment Conservation

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