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SDGs 6 Clean Water and Sanitation

Clean water and sanitation are basic human needs. One of the points in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the environmental sector is to ensure that the community achieves universal access to clean water and sanitation. Water supports agriculture and aquaculture. Clean water is very important. However, due to a poor economy or poor infrastructure, millions of people including children die every year from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene.

Water consumption per person

Universitas Indonesia is one of the largest universities in Indonesia, stretching up to 320 hectare of campus area. To meet the need for clean water on campus, UI has collaborated with Water Utility Company (PDAM) of Depok which supplies clean water. UI has started implementing a water-saving policy that applies to the entire society of academicians and students on campus. UI has also started implementing wastewater management to reuse water and water conservation programs such as at Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom). UI also consistently measures water volume

Water usage in University of Indonesia on 2019-2021

Water usage in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)

Conservation Program in Faculty of Computer Science (FASILKOM):

Water usage in Faculty of Public Health (FKM)

Water usage in Faculty of Engineering (FT)

Water usage in Faculty of Medicine (FK)

Water usage and care

One example of utilizing wastewater is to recycle it into clean water using a domestic Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Faculty of Medicine (FK) implements programs for conserving water, recycling water, saving water, as well as adding hand washing and hygiene facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) also implements similar programs. Meanwhile, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Faculty of Psychology always use wastewater from condensed water from AC. Water recycling programs have also been implemented across all faculties at Universitas Indonesia

Wastewater treatment in University of Indonesia

Wastewater treatment in Faculty of Medicine (FK)

Wastewater treatment in Faculty of Computer Science (FASILKOM)

Wastewater treatment in Faculty of Public Health (FKM)

Wastewater treatment in Faculty of Psychology

Wastewater treatment in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)

Wastewater treatment in Faculty of Humanities (FIB)

Rector’s Decree No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2011 Regarding Clean Water Conservation Policy at the University of Indonesia Campus

Legal Protection of Cultural Conservation in Indonesia Regarding Sustainable Development by the Faculty of Law

Wastewater treatment in Vocational Program

In preventing pollution in water sources on campus, Universitas Indonesia has issued various policies to be carried out by all work units. One of the activities carried out is wastewater management. It is important to prevent contamination of water sources from wastewater/dirty water generated from the daily activities of the university.

Preventing water system pollution in University of Indonesia

Preventing water system pollution in Faculty of Psychology

Water conservation program in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)

Preventing water system pollution in Faculty of Humanities (FIB)

Legal Protection of Cultural Conservation in Indonesia Regarding Sustainable Development by the Faculty of Law

Universitas Indonesia has implemented water-saving equipment as a standard of buildings on the UI Campus. It is stipulated in UI Rector’s Decree No. 2893/SK/R/UI/2018 concerning UI Green Campus Policy, which refers to the 17 components of SDGs, one of which is water-conscious building standards. This regulation also applies to every faculty at UI.

Universitas Indonesia has implemented water-saving equipment as a standard of buildings on the UI Campus. It is stipulated in UI Rector’s Decree No. 2893/SK/R/UI/2018 concerning UI Green Campus Policy, which refers to the 17 components of SDGs, one of which is water-conscious building standards. UI continues to install and replace water equipment such as faucets and toilets to become water efficient. The use of water-saving equipment is applied as a standard for the construction and renovation of new buildings. Examples of water-saving equipment installed in the UI are as follows: 1) water faucets with sensor systems in toilets in administrative and faculty buildings; 2) dual-flush toilet in administration building. This appliance has two water use systems: a) a small button with 3 liters of water consumption b) a large button with up to 4.5 liters of water consumption; and 3) automatic dishwasher for faculty canteens. Dishwashing can be done centrally, contributing to the efficient use of water. This regulation also applies to every faculty at UI.

Water-consious building standards in University of Indonesia

Water-consious building standards in Faculty of Dentistry (FKG)

Water-consious building standards in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)

Water-consious building standards in Faculty of Computer Science (FASILKOM)

Water-consious building standards in Faculty of Psychology

Water-consious building standards in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)

Legal Protection of Cultural Conservation in Indonesia Regarding Sustainable Development by the Faculty of Law

Water-consious building standards in School of Environmental Studies (SIL)

Water-consious building standards in School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG)

The water-conscious planting program applies to every faculty at UI. For example, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Universitas Indonesia carried out a community service activity in Gandasoli Village, Sukabumi, West Java, for two days, namely from Saturday to Sunday on September 23-24, 2021, promoting the theme “Development of Musabotanica Arboretum as Germplasm Conservation Media”. UI also applies a landscape planting program to minimize water usage. The planting program is available in every faculty at UI. Meanwhile, Faculty of Psychology has two drinking water fountains adjacent to the center of the faculty. 

Germplasm Conservation to Improve Community Economy by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)

Water-conscious planting in Faculty of Medicine (FK)

Water-conscious planting in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)

Water-conscious planting in Faculty of Computer Science (FASILKOM)

Water-conscious planting in Faculty of Psychology

Water-conscious planting in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)

Water-conscious planting in Faculty of Humanities (FIB)

Rector’s Decree No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2011 Regarding Clean Water Conservation Policy at the University of Indonesia Campus

Legal Protection of Cultural Conservation in Indonesia Regarding Sustainable Development by the Faculty of Law

Water-conscious planting in Vocational Program

Water-conscious planting in School of Environmental Studies (SIL)

Water-conscious planting in School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG)

Water usage and care

Based on UI Rector’s Decree No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2020 concerning Conservation Policy at the Campus of Universitas Indonesia, UI applies the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) method to treat wastewater to be clean and ready to use. Faculty of Medicine (FK) has conserved water, recycled water, implemented water-saving policy, as well as added hand washing and hygiene facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. The water reuse policy intends to provide other sources of water to be utilized, such as ground water tanks in several buildings at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Faculty of Psychology reuse condensed water from AC. 

Water reuse policy in University of Indonesia

Water reuse policy in Faculty of Medicine (FK)

Water reuse policy in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA)

Liquid waste utilization program in Faculty of Public Health (FKM)

Water reuse policy in Faculty of Psychology

Clean Water Conservation Policy in Faculty of Engineering (FT)

Clean Water Conservation Policy in Faculty of Humanities (FIB)

Rector’s Decree No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2011 Regarding Clean Water Conservation Policy at the University of Indonesia Campus

Legal Protection of Cultural Conservation in Indonesia Regarding Sustainable Development by the Faculty of Law

Faculty of Public Health (FKM) measures the total volume of water reused that is taken from water reservoirs located at six (6) points at the faculty. Each water reservoir can hold up to 1,000 liters of water within 2-3 days. 

Water reuse measurement in Faculty of Public Health

Water in the community

Water management education is provided at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) in the form of a special course, namely the Water and Soil Pollution. Caring for the environment, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UI presents a Plastic Waste Bank (BASALTIK). 

Water management education in Faculty of Public Health (FKM)

Campus Activities related to Environment and Environmental Sustainability by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)

Prof. Dr. Ir. Setyo Sarwanto Mursidik, D.E.A delivered a speech entitled “Crossing Water Science and Technological Innovation Challenges” during the Open Session of his inauguration as a Permanent Professor of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FT) of Universitas Indonesia. Water management education at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) is provided in the form of a special course, namely Water and Soil Pollution. Every toilet in Faculty of Psychology has a sticker on the back of the water taps and appliances that don’t have automatic sensors as a reminder to use water wisely when using toilet facilities. UI also has water-saving programs.

Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) actively promotes conscious water use on campus and community

Promoting conscious water usage in Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA)

Faculty of Public Health actively promotes conscious water usage on campus

Promoting conscious water usage in Faculty of Psychology

Promoting conscious water usage in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP)

Promoting conscious water usage in School of Environmental Studies (SIL)

Promoting conscious water usage in School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG)

The Community Service Team of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of Universitas Indonesia, led by the Lecturer of Electrical Engineering Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., presented the results of the UI BlueMetric evaluation at a virtual meeting between the UI Team and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on March 25, 2021, which was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunaryo, M.Sc. Two researchers from UI, namely Dr. Rr. Dwinanti Rika Marthanty, ST, MT. from Faculty of Engineering (FT) and Dr. Reni Suwarso from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), received a grant from the Australian government as part of the Citarum Program to resolve the heavy pollution in Citarum River, West Java in 2021. In addition, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) has a circular regarding Clean Water Conservation in the faculty environment.

UI BlueMetric Measuring the Quality of the Coastal Environment at the Citarum River Estuary by the Faculty of Engineering

UI Researchers and Australian Government Collaborate to Handle Citarum River Waste

Circular No. SE-51/UN2.F3.D/OTL.00/2022 Regarding Clean Water Conservation in the Environment Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (FMIPA-UI)

UI Rector’s Decree No 2446/Sk/R/Ui/2016 concerning the Master Plan for the New Campus of Universitas Indonesia in Depok in 2016-2026 stipulates a water management plan to develop water resources at UI Depok Campus. In 2021, Prof. Setyo S. Mursidik revealed Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities for Water Problems. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) also has Biopores and Rainwater Storages, while Faculty of Psychology applies the Rain Ground Tank System to extract water. Furthermore, Faculty of Law (FH) adheres to Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. UI has six artificial lakes in the Depok Campus area, namely Kenanga, Agathis, Mahogany, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam (KAMPUS) lakes. 

Water Management Plan at the University of Indonesia

Sustainable Water Extraction Technology at the University of Indonesia

Sustainable water extraction on campus University of Indonesia

Prof. Setyo S. Mursidik Reveals Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities for Water Problems

Sustainable water extraction on campus by the Faculty of Public Health (FKM)

Faculty of Psychology implements the Rain Ground Tank System to extract water

Legal Protection of Cultural Conservation in Indonesia Regarding Sustainable Development by the Faculty of Law

Sustainable water extraction on campus by the School of Environmental Studies (SIL) and School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG)

Two researchers from Universitas Indonesia, namely Dr. Rr. Dwinanti Rika Marthanty, ST, MT. from Faculty of Engineering (FT) and Dr. Reni Suwarso from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), received a grant from the Australian government as part of the Citarum Program to resolve the heavy pollution in Citarum River, West Java in 2021. In addition, to address water safety issues, the Department of Environmental Health of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) frequently collaborates with local, regional, national, or global governments. The Community Service Team of Faculty of Engineering (FT), led by the Lecturer of Electrical Engineering Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., presented the results of the UI BlueMetric evaluation at a virtual meeting between the UI Team and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on March 25, 2021, which was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunaryo, M.Sc.

UI Researchers and Australian Government Collaborate to Handle Citarum River Waste

UI BlueMetric Measuring the Quality of the Coastal Environment at the Citarum River Estuary by the Faculty of Engineering

Cooperation on water security in Faculty of Public Health

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