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SDGs 15: Life on Land 2021

SDGs 15 Life on Land

Biodiversity on land, including flora and fauna, needs to be considered, especially for those categorized as endangered species. The first step that can be taken by universities to maintain biodiversity is to make policies regarding the prohibition of waste disposal that can damage the terrestrial environment, such as B3 waste and non-disposable waste. Universities can also collaborate or provide educational programs on flora and fauna ecosystems for students and local communities to always protect the terrestrial environment. This is one proof that universities not only set policies, but also need to implement them in daily life as a form of sustainable business, conservation, and land restoration.

Supporting land ecosystems through education

In order to support sustainable use of land, Universitas Indonesia held a number of events, such as a webinar coordinated by Faculty of Law (FH) on the topic of environmental law enforcement strategies in illegal logging cases. The webinar discussed the enforcement of recovery-based multi-instrument environmental law, a concept of compliance still related to the effectiveness of law enforcement formulated in 3A+1, namely Ability (to detect, to respond, to punish, to build perception) and the application of administrative sanctions and Crimes in the Job Creation Law No. 11 of 2020. Meanwhile, Administrative Center (PAU) held a webinar on the Management of Green Open Spaces and Endangered Plants at Universitas Indonesia, discussing biodiversity conservation by prioritizing genuine Indonesian plants and the management of green open spaces as well as trees at risk of falling.


Webinar on “Environmental Law Enforcement Strategies in Illegal Logging Cases”

Webinar on the Management of Green Open Spaces and Endangered Plants at Universitas Indonesia in 2021

Furthermore, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) is committed to planting endangered plants with new students to realize reforestation and raise awareness of the importance of maintaining a stable learning environment. Trees planted include Kepel/Burahol (Stelechocarpus burahol), Gandaria (Bouea macrophylla), Java Plum (Syzygium cumini), Khaya (Khaya anthoteca), Tengkawang (Shorea stenopetra), and Kafor (Dryobalanops laromatica). All these plants were planted around the faculty yard. Meanwhile, the Alumni Association of Faculty of Medicine of UI (Iluni FK UI) of 1996 planted trees as a series of 2021 Virtual Anniversary and as a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of FK UI Building. In addition, FK UI also carried out a Green Open Space Vegetation Inventory at the Salemba and Pegangsaan Timur 16 yards of FK UI, assisted by the Research Center for Plant Conservation and Botanical Gardens, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

Text of the Commitment of FIB UI in Preserving Endangered Plants 

Conservation Activities at FK UI

School of Environmental Studies (SIL), however, did something different. Its faculty members actively published the results of land conservation and sustainable use. The studies examined community perceptions of the use of village funds for peatlands restoration by highlighting the aspects of village budgeting mechanisms, development planning, community capacity, and district government regulations in supervising the villages. The results show the need to strengthen the role of district governments to improve village fund governance in supervising the utilization and management of village funds at the site level for peatlands restoration.

Village Fund for Peatlands Restoration: Study of Community’s Perceived Challenges and Opportunities in Muaro Jambi District

According to Article 14 of UI Rector’s Decree No. 057 of 2017 concerning the Implementation of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (K3L) in canteens in the university area, beverage and food processing must meet certain requirements, one of which is fresh and good quality ingredients. In order to ensure that campus food is processed sustainably, particularly during the pandemic occurring since 2020, several faculties of UI have sought empowerment in the food sector. It is known that Faculty of Humanities (FIB) helped promote the food products of one of the sellers at its canteen, Kantin Sastra, through the @kantin.sastra Instagram account in the movement of #KansasBukaLagi. In addition, a faculty member of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) continued the innovation program carried out in 2020 to develop a microphonic technology, a mushroom cultivation system. In 2021, faculty members of FMIPA helped to restore the economy of Bojong Koneng villagers by providing training in producing various processed products from oyster mushrooms they cultivated.

Mas Pri’s Ayam Kalasan

Helping Bojong Koneng Villagers to Restore the Economy in the Pandemic, FMIPA UI Academicians Holding Entrepreneurship Training in Food Products

In addition, a faculty member from FMIPA, Dr. Arie Listyarini, also made an innovation from her research results about a feasibility sensor to monitor food quality and safety using natural food coloring. The feasibility sensor is an indicator label in the form of stickers attached to the packaging. This innovation is claimed to be environmentally friendly and more effective in dealing with food security while preventing merchant fraud.

Overcoming Food Security, a Doctor of FMIPA UI Developing An Innovation for Environmentally Friendly Food Quality Indicator Labels

On February 8, 2021, Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment (K3L) of Universitas Indonesia carried out tree planting as an activity in environmental management including in the Flora and Fauna Conservation program. This activity was also done to increase the richness of flora species found in the campus area of UI. Periodically, UPT K3L monitored and maintained endangered trees as well both in the UI urban forest and in the green open spaces of the UI Campus. In addition, the Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC) of UI conducted a number of studies on biodiversity, including its problems and protection. Likewise, School of Environmental Studies (SIL) also published research results on the maintenance of ecosystem biodiversity entitled “Diversity, Biomass, Covers, and NDVI of Restored Mangrove Forests in Karawang and Subang Coasts, West Java, Indonesia”. 

Planting Tree Seeds for Flora Species Enrichment in the Campus Area of UI 

Monitoring and Maintenance of Endangered Trees 

List of RCCC UI Publications on Biodiversity Maintenance

Diversity, Biomass, Covers, and NDVI of Restored Mangrove Forests in Karawang and Subang Coasts, West Java, Indonesia

Conservation Activities at Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UIvasi di Fakultas.docx (1)

Universitas Indonesia has been committed to offering educational programs for local and national communities as a campus open to both communities. The educational programs on ecosystems provided in UI include the opening of UI Forest functioning as the lung of Depok City that has become a favorite destination for the residents of Depok and Jakarta. Furthermore, Faculty of Medicine (FK) provides a number of courses related to the environment for Regular Undergraduate, International Class, Master in Nutrition Science, Master in Biomedical Sciences, Master in Occupational Medicine, Occupational Medicine Specialist, Regular Medicine Professions, and Specialist Medical Education Program (PPDS) as well as Subspecialist Study Programs. In addition to FK, Faculty of Law (FH) also provides a course for postgraduate study programs, master of notarial law, namely capita selecta of land law containing cases in the land sector. Moreover, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) conducted education about ecosystems through a Webinar held on September 16, 2021 with the topic of Fauna Ornamental Variety in Indonesian Literature.

UI Urban Forest

List of Environmental Courses at FK UI 

Webinar on Fauna Ornamental Variety in Indonesian Literature

Teaching Plan Book on Capita Selecta in Land Law Course of FH UI

In order to support sustainable management of land for agriculture and tourism, Universitas Indonesia through Faculty of Law (FH) organizes a course for Postgraduate Study Program, namely Master of Notarial Law on the Capita Selecta of Land Law. Briefly, the achievements of this course contain cases related to the land sector, including the analysis of multi-sectoral problems in the agrarian (land) sector. 

Teaching Plan Book on Capita Selecta in Land Law Course of FH UI

Supporting land ecosystems through action

The policies of Universitas Indonesia to ensure the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems related to the university, particularly forests, mountains, and dry land, are evident from UI Rector’s Decree No. 1306 of 2011 concerning the Policy to Restrict the Use of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) for Food and Beverage Packaging at UI Campus; UI Rector’s Regulation No. 4 of 2019 concerning the Zero Plastic Program at Universitas Indonesia; and the rules contained in the appeal letter No. S-2260/UN2.R/LOG.01/2018 regarding the restriction and reduction of the use of paper and plastic. As for one of its implementations, there is a movement to use a tumbler instead of food and beverage containers made of plastic, including plastic straws.

Meanwhile. Faculty of Medicine (FK) has provided parking areas for bicycles and shuttle services for educators and education staff. The faculty also has campaigned for the use of emission-free vehicles and public transportation, including supporting pedestrians as well as establishing rules for limiting the number of motorcycles. In addition, many doctors from the Environmental Science Study Program have published their dissertations on environmental studies (ecosystems) to be used as references to support sustainable action on the environment.

UI Policies to Ensure Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use of Terrestrial Ecosystems and Their Implementation

The Implementation of UI policies Related to Conservation, 

Restoration and Sustainable Use of Terrestrial Ecosystems by FK UI

List of Doctoral Alumni of Environmental Science Study Program Along with Dissertation Publications Related to the Environment

Universitas Indonesia implements policies to identify, monitor, and protect IUCN Red List species and other species listed in national conservation, living in habitats affected by the operations of the university. The stipulated policies are Rector’s Decree No.084/SK/R/UI/1988 concerning the Designation of Reforestation Land at Universitas Indonesia as a UI Building Development and Construction Area, and Rector’s Decree No.2446/SK/R/UI/2016 concerning the Master Plan of New Depok Campus of Universitas Indonesia.

UI policies on IUCN Monitoring and Species Conservation

In the physical development of the environment, Universitas Indonesia adheres to the 2016-2026 Master Plan, requiring all physical development to preserve campus forest and local biodiversity. The Master Plan is stated in Rector’s Decree No. 2446/SK/R/UI/2016. One of its forms is tree planting to maintain and increase the diversity of flora species found in the UI campus area. In addition, the new building renovation of Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) Stage 1 for the 2021 Academic Year has considered the concept of vertical garden and is expected to become a green building.

The Inclusion of Local Biodiversity in the Planning and Construction of UI Campus 

Recommendations for Plant Enrichment and Arboretum Master Plan 

Planting Tree Seeds for Flora Species Enrichment in UI Campus Area 

The New Building Renovation of Faculty of Computer Science Stage 1 for the 2021 Academic Year

Universitas Indonesia has implemented policies of reducing hazardous alien species in the UI area, one of which is regarding the implementation of lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic that was not fully subsided yet in 2021. Faculty of Humanities (FIB) considers Coronavirus-19 a highly dangerous alien species that threatens the safety and health of the residents of FIB, hence its decision to extend the lockdown period. The policy was contained in the circular letter No. SE-374/UN2.F7.D/OTL.09/2021 concerning the Extension of Building Closure (Lockdown) of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of Universitas Indonesia.

The Circular Letter on Lockdown Extension until February 28, 2021 at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of Universitas Indonesia

To maintain the shared land ecosystems, Universitas Indonesia attempts to collaborate with the community concerned. The collaboration is created in community service programs, such as those carried out by faculty members and students of Faculty of Humanities (FIB), supported by the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park of UI. They promoted people’s coffee grown in Cisadon Forest and its surrounding area. Furthermore, to increase the impact of this community service, the Community Service Coordinator collaborated with Deputy Dean 3 of Faculty of Art and Design of the Jakarta Institute of the Arts (FSRD IKJ), Nikolas Wila Adi. The concept of ecotourism generated from this collaboration indirectly increases the economic value of Forest Coffee and eventually impacts on the economy of the village in the vicinity of Cisadon Forest.

Nyadon (Visiting Sadon) – Ngemping (Camping) – Ngopi (Drinking Coffee): An Ecotourism Marketing Model

Land sensitive waste disposal

Universitas Indonesia already has had water quality standards and water disposal guidelines to maintain water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife, as well as human health and welfare. UI has also complied with the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards as guidelines for water disposal as well as Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning National Water Quality Standards.

The Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 68/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/8/2016 Concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards  

Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning National Water Quality Standards

Water treatment guidelines applied at the university level are also passed down to the faculty level. At Faculty of Public Health (FKM), wastewater from the toilets is directly disposed of to a septic tank; wastewater from the Matoa canteen is technically handled using a grease trap; wastewater from AC condensation is collected in a water reservoir; and wastewater from the laboratory is placed in a special container. It is also collected and treated separately from other wastewater. Meanwhile, at Faculty of Humanities (FIB), wastewater treatment takes place in Building X using Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to protect the ecosystems and living creatures living in the river or other sewers.  

In addition to FKM and FIB, Faculty of Medicine (FK) is known to carry out water treatment and water disposal guidelines. FK has two types of liquid waste, namely domestic waste and laboratory waste. The domestic waste is carried out by means of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) functioning to accommodate waste from the toilets and sinks (kitchen). This liquid waste is processed in a contact tank and later used as a source of recycled water (processed later in the Water Treatment Plant). The treatment done in this WTP is accommodated in the Ground Water Tank (GWT) and pumped to the roof for further use such as flushing toilets. Meanwhile, physical and chemical waste from the laboratories is specifically accommodated in a special waste bin provided and disposed of in the Waste Shelter, while laundry waste is specially processed in contact tanks later used as a source of recycled water. FK also conserves water and uses water-saving equipment such as automatic water taps, auto flush toilets and others.

Water Disposal Guidelines in FKM UI

Waste Treatment in FIB UI

Waste Treatment in FK UI

Water Treatment in FK UI

Plastic waste reduction policies have been implemented at the university and faculty levels. Policies at the university level include: Rector’s Decree No. 1308/SK/R/UI/2011 concerning Policies on Reducing the Use of Paper and Plastic at Universitas Indonesia and Rector’s Decree No. 4 of 2019 concerning Zero Plastic Program at Universitas Indonesia. These policies are intended to control the use of plastic as food and beverage containers within UI.

The faculties have given an appeal to their society of academicians as well circular letters, one of which is Circular Letter No: SE-002/UN2.F11.D/RTK.00/2019 by Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) regarding the Appeal for Reducing Plastic Waste, Reducing Paper Usage, and Using Eco-Friendly Foodstuffs. Moreover, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) has made a special application for Student Letters, abbreviated as PERMISA ( used to reduce paper usage with an output in the form of soft-file letters.

Meanwhile, in the implementation of reducing paper usage, UI also applies a double-sided printing policy for each faculty. To support this policy, UI has developed applications to help reduce paper usage, such as an electronic mail application (, an online facility renting application (, and an online facility maintenance application ( These applications are expected to reduce the use of paper in correspondence at both university and faculty levels. 

Since 2019, Universitas Indonesia has actively carried out socialization to introduce the reduction of plastic and paper usage to the society of academicians. One of the movements done is UI Zero Plastic. This movement is a proof of the concern of UI in overcoming and minimizing the use of plastic in daily life at UI. 

UI Having A Number of Policies and Movements to Reduce Plastic Waste 

Rector’s Decree No. 1308/SK/R/UI/2011 concerning Policies on Reducing the Use of Paper and Plastic at Universitas Indonesia  

Rector’s Decree No. 4 of 2019 concerning Zero Plastic Program at Universitas Indonesia

Circular Letter No: SE-002/UN2.F11.D/RTK.00/2019 regarding the Appeal for Reducing Plastic Waste, Reducing Paper Usage, and Using Eco-Friendly Foodstuffs 

Application of Letter Requests for Academic and Student Affairs of FKM UI  

 FKM Letter

The Policy of Faculty of Pharmacy of UI Supporting Nature Conservation by Reducing Paper and Plastic Usage 

Faculty of Psychology of UI Supporting Nature Conservation by Reducing Paper and Plastic Usage 

The Policy of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UI Supporting Nature Conservation 

The Circular Letter No: SE-2771/UN2.F7.D/OTL.08/2022 Regarding Zero Plastic Program at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI 

The Decree of the Dean of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) No: SK-25/UN2.F16.D/HKP.02.04/2022 Concerning Policies to Reduce Paper and Plastics Usage in FIA UI

The Announcement No: PENG-4/UN2.F14.WDV2/HMI.01/2020 on Vocational Program No Longer Providing Drinks in Plastic Packaging 

Universitas Indonesia issues waste disposal regulations related to hazardous materials at both university and faculty levels. The policies at the university level include: Rector’s Decree No: 1305/SK/R/UI/2011 concerning Policies on the Management of Waste and Waste Containing Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) at UI Campus, and Rector’s Decree No: 1306/SK/ R/UI/2011 concerning Policies on Restricting the Use of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) for Food and Beverage Packaging at UI Campus. With these policies, UI encourages the formation of a waste sanitation management system that is hygienic, eco-friendly, and sustainable. Therefore, all units or faculties at UI are required to have a B3 waste treatment system according to safe and hygienic procedures because the hazardous waste generally comes from education and research activities, laboratories, and work facilities that contain chemicals such as ink and toner for printing machines (printers), electronic waste, and others. 

The process of B3 waste treatment begins by classifying B3 waste according to its type and nature, to then be given a symbol and label. In processing solid B3 waste, each unit/faculty that produces B3 waste is required to have a special room for storing solid B3 waste. Meanwhile, UI carries out liquid B3 waste processing independently by constructing a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). The liquid B3 waste is processed before disposal or recycled into clean water. Therefore, every work unit/faculty that has a laboratory and produces B3 waste at UI is required to have a waste treatment facility to prevent pollution and maintain clean water quality. In treating various types of waste, UI cooperates with third parties, such as Prasadha Pamunah Industrial Waste (PPLi) as a company engaged in B3 waste treatment. 

UI Having A Number of Policies and Movements to Treat Waste Containing Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3)

Rector’s Decree No: 1305/SK/R/UI/2011 concerning Policies on the Management of Waste and Waste Containing Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) at UI Campus

Rector’s Decree No: 1306/SK/ R/UI/2011 concerning Policies on Restricting the Use of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) for Food and Beverage Packaging at UI Campus 

Waste Treatment in Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI 

Policies on Research Waste Treatment in Faculty of Pharmacy of UI  

The Treatment of Hazardous and Toxic (B3) Waste at Faculty of Psychology of UI  

The Treatment of Hazardous and Toxic (B3) Waste at Faculty of Psychology of UI

The Policy of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UI Supporting Nature Conservation 

Waste Treatment in Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI

Waste Treatment in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI

The Decree of the Dean of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI No: SK-26/UN2.F16.D/HKP.02.04/2022 concerning Policies on the Treatment of Waste, E-Waste, and Waste Containing Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) in FIA UI

Waste Treatment in Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI 

Waste Treatment in Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

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