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SDGs 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDGs 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Having a job does not guarantee the ability to get out of the grip of poverty. A persistent shortage of decent job opportunities, inadequate investment and low consumption lead to the erosion of the fundamental social contract on which a democratic society is based: All progress must be shared. Decent work in safe and stable conditions is an important component of helping people move out of poverty, with aspects related to reducing hunger and improving health. The rise of precarious work, modern slavery, and unequal growth have created threats to a sustainable future. Colleges as employers can lead, as teachers can educate for the future, and as innovators can develop new and fairer ways of working.

Employment practice

Universitas Indonesia pays all staff and faculty members at least a living wage, which is defined as Regional Minimum Wage (UMR). UI employs civil servants and non-permanent civil servants. It means UI is obliged to adjust its policies to the policies issued by the government, particularly in its remuneration system. UI implements the 3P remuneration system consisting of Pay for Person, Pay for Position, and Pay for Performance. At UI, gender is not a factor in remuneration disparities of employees. 

Human Resources Management of UI

Faculty of Medicene : Employment Practice

Government Decision : 561/Kep.774-YanBangsos/2020

Minimum Wage

FPsi UI: Implementation of SDGs 8 by Faculty of Psychology

UI Lecturer Remuneration System

Evidence of SDGs 8 by the University of Indonesia

Regulation of the Salary and Welfare of UI Permanent Employees

Government regulations regarding the salaries of civil servants

Employment practice living wage Pay

SIL: Employment Practice

SIL: Employment practice appeal process

Universitas Indonesia recognizes the rights of trade and labor unions including women and international staff. It includes unions for employees and faculty members. According to Rector’s Decree No. 033 of 2018 concerning Human Resource Management, Chapter X – employment practices. The applicable employment practices at Faculty of Psychology includes employee living wages, recognition of the trade union, anti-exploitation policies, appeal processes, and outsourcing policies. 

Employment practice unions

FPsi UI: Implementation of SDGs 8 by Faculty of Psychology

Universitas Indonesia issues a policy against forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor. In accordance with Rector’s Decree No. 033 of 2018 concerning Human Resource Management, Chapter X – employment practices, Rector’s Decree No. 16 of 2017, and Letter No. 1970/UN2.R/OTL.03.00/2018 concerning the Determination of Working Time for Educational Staff of Administrative Center of Universitas Indonesia, UI complies with the applicable laws in Indonesia.

Employment policy modern slavery

Law Of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 13 Of 2003 Concerning Labor

Rector’s Regulation Regarding Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Employment policy modern slavery Have a policy commitment against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour

FPsi UI: Implementation of SDGs 8 by Faculty of Psychology

Employment policy modern slavery Have a policy commitment against forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour

Evidence of SDGs 8 by the University of Indonesia

FEB UI:  Employment policy modern slavery by Faculty of Economic and Business

Universitas Indonesia imposes a policy to guarantee equal rights of employees when outsourcing to third parties in accordance with Rector’s Decree No. 033 of 2018 concerning Human Resource Management, Chapter X – employment practices. In every outsourcing recruitment held by UI every year, UI always strives for every employee to obtain the similar benefits as other UI employees. UI requires every outsourcing company to provide benefits to its employees, such as a similar monthly salary and health insurance. 

Employment practice equivalent rights outsourcing

Rector Decree of the University of Indonesia Number 33 of 2018 concerning Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation Regarding Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

FPsi UI: Implementation of SDGs 8 by Faculty of Psychology

Evidence of SDGs 8 by the University of Indonesia

SIL UI: Employment Practice

SIL UI: Employment Practice

Policies and Work Practices at SKSG and SIL

Universitas Indonesia measures or tracks pay scales that apply gender equality. UI pays all staff and faculty members at least a living wage, which is defined as Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) in accordance with Rector’s Decree No. 033 of 2018 concerning Human Resource Management, Chapter X – employment practices, and applicable regulations in Indonesia. UI implements a 3P remuneration system consisting of Pay for Person, Pay for Position, and Pay for Performance. At UI, gender is not a factor in remuneration disparities of employees. 

Tracking pay scale for gender equity

Regulation of The President of The Republic of Indonesia Number 16 Year 2015 Regarding Adjusment of Basic Salary of Civil Servants According to Government Regulation Number 30 of 2015 Into Basic Salary of Civil Servants According to Government Regulation Number 15 Year 2019

Rector’s Regulation Regarding Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Minimum wage for Depok as the capital city of Jawa Barat province in 2021

FPsi UI: Implementation of SDGs 8 by Faculty of Psychology

Evidence of SDGs 8 by the University of Indonesia

Tracking pay scale for gender equity Measurement and tracking payscale gender equity

SIL: Employment practice appeal process

Universitas Indonesia provides a process for employees to appeal their rights and/or salaries in accordance with Rector’s Decree No. 033 of 2018 concerning Human Resource Management, Chapter X – employment practices. This regulation applies to all areas of UI. UI also complies with the applicable laws in Indonesia. 

Employment practice appeal process

Rector’s Regulation Regarding Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Evidence of SDGs 8 by the University of Indonesia

Employment practice appeal process

SDGs 8: Employment practice appeal process

SOP in Process to appeal employee entitlements and/or salaries

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