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SDGs 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 2021

SDGs 7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Energy is one of the main supporting factors of human life. Energy and how it is used must be efficient, sustainable and renewable as much as possible. Energy is at the center of almost every major challenge and opportunity facing the world today and access to energy for all is critical. But energy must be available and affordable for all to enable future development, and it must be clean to ensure that development is sustainable.

University measures towards affordable and clean energy

Universitas Indonesia imposes a policy to guarantee that all renovation or new building obeys energy efficiency standards. It is regulated in the Regulation of the Board of Trustees (MWA) of UI No. 001/Peraturan/MWA-UI/2015 concerning the Long-Term Development Plan of Universitas Indonesia in 2015 – 2025. In addition, UI has issued an energy conservation policy through Rector’s Decree No.1310/SK/R /UI/2011 concerning the Energy Conservation Program at Universitas Indonesia. UI also implements an energy-saving policy in each faculty.

FK UI: Energy Saving Equipment Attachments by Faculty Of Medicine 

Rector’s Decision Regarding Energy Conservation Program at the University of Indonesia

Articles About Upgrading Buildings to Higher Energy Efficient

FH UI: Policies Regarding Environmental Protection and Management, Sustainable Development

Building Development by SIL & SKSG 

Universitas Indonesia has the Regulation of the Board of Trustees (MWA) of UI No. 001/Peraturan/MWA-UI/2015 concerning the Long-Term Development Plan of Universitas Indonesia in 2015 – 2025. Furthermore, UI issues Rector’s Decree No. 2446/SK/R/UI/2016 concerning the Master Plan for the New Campus. Referring to the oracle data, Annual Work Plan and Budget (RKAT) of Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) to build a sustainable faculty in 2021 reaches IDR55,763,298,264. Other faculties at UI also have the opportunity to upgrade buildings to apply energy efficiency.

FK UI: Implementation of Smart Building Program by Faculty of Medichine

FASILKOM UI: Percentage of Faculty RKAT To Realize a Sustainable Faculty by Faculty of Computer Science

FKM UI: The Initiatives of SDG 7 by Faculty of Public Health

FPsi UI: The Implementation of SDG 7 by Faculty of Psychology

UI Greenmetric: The Energy Indicators

FIB UI: Solar Panel as an Implementation of SDG 7 by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences

FH UI: Policies Regarding Environmental Protection and Management, Sustainable Development

FIA UI: Solar Panel as an Implementation of SDG 7 by the Faculty of Administration

Articles About Upgrading Buildings to Higher Energy Efficient

Smart Building Concept

Universitas Indonesia provides Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV), such as scooters and bicycles in partnership with Gowes. There is also a collaboration with PT. TransJakarta, aiming to reduce the number of private vehicles entering the campus area and providing friendly transportation for people with disabilities. In addition, Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) has utilized equipment that can reduce the use of electricity. Carbon and emission reductions are also implemented in nearly all faculties at UI.

Carbon Management Facilities of UI

Enforcement of Parking Tariffs at the University of Indonesia as an Effort to Realize a Green Campus

FKG UI: Carbon reduction and emission reduction process by Faculty of Dentistry

FK UI: Renewable Energy Production at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

FMIPA : The Implementation of SDGs 7 by FMIPA

FASILKOM UI: Emission-Free Vehicles by Faculty of Computer Science

FKM UI: Initiatives of SDG 7 by Faculty Of Public Health

FPsi UI: The Implementation of SDG 7 by Faculty Of Psychology

FISIP : Plants for reducing carbon

FEB UI: Conversion of Car Parking into Green Land by the Faculty of Economics and Business

FH UI: Policies Regarding Environmental Protection and Management, Sustainable Development

FIA UI: Emission-Free Vehicles By Faculty of Administration

FIA UI: Solar Panel as an Implementation of SDG 7 by the Faculty of Administration

SIL & SKSG UI: Carbon reduction and emission reduction process by The School of Environmental Science and The School of Strategic

SIL & SKSG UI: Carbon reduction and emission reduction process by The School of Environmental Science and The School of Strategic

In accordance with Rector’s Decree No. 2446/SK/R/UI/2016 concerning the Master Plan for the New Campus of Universitas Indonesia in Depok in 2016-2026, every new building at UI must have a Green building concept including saving energy, using local materials, and considering zero run off, green replacement, and minimum carbon footprint. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) has a policy No. SE-55/UN2.F3.D/OTL.00/2022 concerning the Energy Conservation Program in the faculty environment, aiming to save electrical energy by choosing efficient equipment. Such program is also applied at Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom), Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Law (FH), and School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG).

Building Developmen Planning by UI

MIPA Green

FASILKOM UI : The Use of Energy-Saving Equipment by the Faculty of Computer Science

FKM UI: Initiatives of SDG 7 by Faculty Of Public Health

FPsi UI: The Implementation of SDG 7 by Faculty Of Psychology

LED Lamps by FISIP 

Rector’s Decision Regarding Energy Conservation Program at the University of Indonesia

FH UI: Policies Regarding Environmental Protection and Management, Sustainable Development

SIL & SKSG UI: Implementation of Smart Building Concept

Universitas Indonesia always monitors energy usage on campus to identify areas with the highest energy wastage. Excessive electricity usage is difficult to avoid, particularly at the institutional or company level where electricity consumption is difficult to monitor due to the vast number of users. Faculty of Medicine (FK) measures electrical energy usage in its faculty as an effort to reduce energy usage. It is also applied at Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Faculty of Humanities (FIB) and Faculty of Law (FH).

Energy Use Monitoring

FK UI: Electricity Usage in One Year (Total KWH) by Faculty Of Medichine

FKM UI: Initiatives of SDG 7 by Faculty Of Public Health

FIB UI: Electricity Usage in One Year (Total KWH) by Faculty Of Cultural Science

FH UI: Policies Regarding Environmental Protection and Management, Sustainable Development 

Universitas Indonesia has the policy of reducing oil usage in campus by developing some technologies to reduce coal waste and oil usage. This technology is developed by UI students and introduced to local community. For example, UI students create technology to turn coal waste into reusable fuel. UI also has the policy of using environment friendly vehicles to reduce carbon emission and oil usage. For example, UI provides bicycle and electric scooter to support intra campus transportation that can be used freely by UI campus community members. UI also develops electric vehicle for public needs. At present, UI already has some electric vehicles running in campus, such as buses, cars and some motorcycles.

Policies Regarding Environmental Protection and Management, Sustainable Development

Energy and the community

School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) of Universitas Indonesia installs a Solar Home System in Tawaang Village. UI also conducts environmental activities through student organizations and faculty members of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP). UI also conducts a campaign to save water for ablution. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) has Natural Resource Management and environmental economic studies. School of Environmental Studies – School of Strategic and Global Studies (SIL – SKSG) have energy saving programs. In addition, the faculty members of SKSG also received grants and conducted research related to energy efficiency.

SKSG UI: Installation of Solar Home System in Tawaang Induk Village

FISIP UI: Campus Activities related to the Environment and Environmental Sustainability by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UI

DPPM UI: Wudhu Water Saving Campaign

FEB UI: Development of SDG Academy Indonesia’s E-Learning Program Curriculum and Modules

The environmental economic research group (EERG) University Of Indonesia

SIL and SKSG UI: Energy Saving Program by the School of Environmental Sciences and the University of Indonesia’s School of Strategic and Global Studies

SIL & SKSG UI: THE Impact Rankings Questionnaire – Local community outreach for energy efficiency

Universitas Indonesia has promoted the use of 100% renewable energy to the public. For example, community empowerment in biogas development from organic and agricultural waste, utilization of Archimedes pico-hydro turbines for electrification in Batu Roto Village, and building biogas power plants from animal manure for the development of Energy Self-Sufficient Animal Husbandry. Meanwhile, the production of renewable energy that has been implemented at Faculty of Medicine (FK) is currently in the form of solar cells used for street lighting. It is also carried out by Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Public Health (FKM), School of Environmental Studies (SIL) and School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG).

UI has promoted renewable energy in the community

FK UI: Renewable Energy Production at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

FKM UI: Initiatives of SDG 7 by Faculty Of Public Health

FEB UI: Solar Panel by Faculty of Economics & Business

SIL & SKSG UI: Power Plant On Grid and Off-grid at school of strategic and global studies, University of Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia has nine (9) programs related to energy efficiency services for industries that receive funding. Furthermore, UI also conducts research entitled “Advanced Nanomaterials for Catalysis: Current Progress in Fine Chemical Synthesis, Hydrocarbon Processing, and Renewable Energy” and “GO Green with Renewable Energy, Installation of Solar Panel Home System in Tawaang Village, South Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province”.

List of Energy Efficiency Services by Industry

SKSG UI: Energy efficiency services for industry by The School of Strategic and Global Studies 

MIPA Green

Universitas Indonesia has a tropical renewable energy center. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) has eight (8) publications related to clean energy technology. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) also has research related to clean energy technology entitled “Comparing the Impacts of Fossil and Renewable Energy Investments in Indonesia: A Simple General Equilibrium Analysis”. Similarly, School of Environmental Studies (SIL) has a research entitled “Analysis of Spatial Distribution of PM2.5 and Human Behavior on Air Pollution in Jakarta”.

FT UI: Tropical Renewable Energy Center by Faculty of Engineering UI

FKM UI: Initiatives of SDG 7 by Faculty Of Public Health 

FEB UI: Comparing the impacts of fossil and renewable energy investments in Indonesia: A simple general equilibrium analysis

SIL UI: Policy development for clean energy technology

Nineteen students from Faculty of Engineering (FT) who are members of Arjuna Team of Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Super Mileage Vehicles (SMV) succeeded in advancing Indonesia to the international arena. The team achieved the Runner Up position in the Safety Award category at the Shell Eco-Marathon Virtual Program in 2021.

FT UI: Runner Up at the Shell Eco-Marathon 2021 Safety Award

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