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SDGs 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Our Goals in Action

Employment Practice

Universities are pivotal in cultivating ‘Employment practice’ for SDG 8, fostering environments where future leaders learn the importance of decent work and economic growth. They commit to equipping students with the knowledge and ethics necessary to ensure fair labor standards and sustainable business practices, thereby driving positive change in the global economy.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is committed to focusing on decent work and economic growth by implementing fair employment practices, including ensuring all staff and employees receive a living wage. Through the policies regulated in Chancellor’s Decree No. 054/2017, as well as Decree No. 0264 of 2014 concerning the salary structure and standards for UI employees, the university ensures that all employees, both teaching staff and education staff, receive adequate salaries in accordance with decent living standards in Indonesia.

UI complies with the guidelines set by the UI Human Resources Directorate (DSDM) regarding salaries and benefits that reflect the principles of justice and welfare. Through this policy, UI not only meets local employment standards but also supports the socio-economic welfare of its academic community, creating a healthy and productive work environment.

In addition, the university also regularly monitors and evaluates salary policies through a periodic review system to ensure that all employees receive compensation that is appropriate to current economic conditions, including considering inflation and ever-evolving living standards. This policy is an integral part of UI’s commitment to inclusive economic growth and the creation of decent work opportunities

Basic Policy of Workers Welfare Universitas Indonesia  

Regulations and Guidelines for the Directorate of Human Resources, Universitas Indonesia  

Minimum wage for Depok as the capital city of West Java province

Rector Decree of the Universitas Indonesia Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees  

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 10 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas  Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 039 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas Indonesia

FIA UI regularly holds training programs and workshops that focus on developing work and entrepreneurship skills. This program is designed to equip students with relevant and practical skills that can help them become a qualified workforce ready to contribute to the world of work. These trainings cover human resource management, public administration skills, as well as business and entrepreneurship strategies. These programs strengthen students’ competencies and prepare them to face challenges in key economic sectors. 

Universitas Indonesia  Chancellor’s Decree Number 0264/SK/R/UI/2014 is an official regulation established to regulate salaries and welfare for permanent employees at the Universitas Indonesia . By considering the important role of the Universitas Indonesia  as a higher education institution that focuses on education, research and community service, this decision was taken to ensure that all employees continue to receive adequate welfare.

In order to achieve national education goals that make the nation’s life more intelligent, the Universitas Indonesia  requires a workforce that is professional, capable and highly committed. Therefore, policies related to salaries and welfare are formulated to support the motivation, welfare and quality of work of permanent employees at the Universitas Indonesia . This shows UI’s commitment to creating a work environment that supports employees’ professional development and recognizes their contribution to achieving the university’s vision and mission.

In carrying out teaching, research and community service duties, lecturers continue to play an important role in the development of science and make real contributions to society. Through this remuneration system, the Universitas Indonesia  wants to give appropriate appreciation to permanent lecturers who are fully committed to carrying out the Tridharma of Higher Education with high standards. By implementing an adequate remuneration system, the Universitas Indonesia  strives to improve the welfare of its permanent lecturers. This step is expected to not only improve the quality of life of lecturers but also motivate them to continue to improve the quality of teaching and research which has an impact on the university’s academic progress.

Decent Work and Economic Growth, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Indonesia    

Rector Decree of the Universitas Indonesia Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees  

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 10 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas  Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 039 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas Indonesia

POB Basic Remuneration for Educators (Tendik) at the Universitas Indonesia  

Universitas Indonesia Chancellor’s Regulation No. 69 of 2022

The Universitas Indonesia  (UI) upholds workers’ rights, including the right to organize, which is in line with the SDG 8 goal of creating decent work and supporting economic growth. UI gives freedom to all teaching and education staff to participate in labor unions in accordance with established regulations. This is reflected in the policies regulated through the Chancellor’s Decree and statutory regulations, including Regulation no. 03/PB/2015 concerning workers’ rights, which explicitly includes protection of freedom of association.

Trade unions at UI play an important role in representing employee interests in terms of welfare, salary policies, working conditions, as well as issues that affect the welfare of the workforce. With the existence of a labor union, UI ensures that communication between management and workers runs transparently and fairly, so that employees can voice their aspirations and complaints collectively. This policy also ensures that employment-related decisions are taken by considering input from all parties involved.

UI recognizes that every employee has the right to voice their aspirations and have strong representation in the decision-making process at the university. To support these rights, UI has provided several mechanisms and organizational structures that play a role in protecting and facilitating labor rights. UI applies human resource management principles based on professionalism, equality and equal rights without discrimination. In its implementation, UI guarantees that there is no discrimination against employees based on ethnicity, race, religion, gender or disability. This is stated in Article 2 of Chancellor’s Decree Number 33/2018, which regulates employees’ rights to receive fair and equal treatment in the work environment.

Based on Chancellor’s Decree Number 33/2018 concerning Human Resources Management, UI emphasizes the right of every employee to receive protection and express opinions regarding university management. In Article 44 of the decision, it is explained that employees have the right to express aspirations and input regarding university management policies. This is an important foundation that ensures that employees can actively participate in improving the work environment and developing the university.

Regulation of Human Resources Management, Universitas Indonesia   

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Indonesian University Values Handbook  

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is committed to creating an inclusive and fair work environment for all staff and employees, which emphasizes a discrimination-free employment policy. UI’s anti-discrimination policy strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination in the recruitment, promotion, compensation and all other aspects of employment, based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, age, disability or sexual orientation.

Through Regulation no. 03/PB/2015 issued by the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM), UI ensures that every individual is treated fairly and has equal opportunities to develop in the workplace. This policy also includes a commitment to provide training to all employees on gender equality, inclusion and diversity to increase awareness and prevent discriminatory behavior.

UI has implemented a complaint mechanism for employees who experience or witness discriminatory acts. Every complaint will be followed up using transparent procedures, maintaining the confidentiality of the reporter, and guaranteeing protection for victims. In addition, UI management regularly evaluates policies and procedures to ensure compliance with national and international regulations related to the protection of human rights in the workplace.

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Regulation of Human Resource Management Universitas Indonesia 

Regulations and Guidelines for the Directorate of Human Resources, Universitas Indonesia   

Minimum wage for Depok as the capital city of West Java province 

Pocket Book 9 Values ​​of the Universitas Indonesia   

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia  (FEB UI) collaborates with the Institute of Applied Psychology, Universitas Indonesia  (LPTUI) to implement the Employee Psychological Assessment program. This program aims to carry out inventory, mapping and development of employee potential at FEB UI. The assessment is carried out in several stages which include written tests, group discussions and individual interviews. Written tests are designed to measure employees’ intellectual aspects and work attitudes, while group discussions or Leaderless Group Discussions (LGD) are used to assess collaboration and problem-solving abilities. Interview sessions are conducted to dig deeper into employee work experience and potential behavior in the work environment. The assessment criteria in this assessment include the ability to manage oneself, manage tasks and manage people. Each of these aspects has specific indicators, such as leadership, communication, thoroughness, stress resistance, and service orientation, which are assessed based on predetermined standards. These aspects are measured with an assessment level from 1 to 5, to provide a clear picture of individual competence.

Based on the mandate in Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, the Universitas Indonesia  (UI) as a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) has special authority to regulate and manage human resource management independently. This regulation was issued by the UI Chancellor with the aim of creating an HR management system that is effective, fair and in accordance with the university’s academic and administrative needs. Referring to Article 65 paragraph (3) letter e of Law Number 12 of 2012, the Universitas Indonesia  is given special authority to appoint and dismiss lecturers and educational staff independently. This authority provides flexibility for UI to ensure that all workers involved in the university have competencies and qualifications that are in accordance with the institution’s vision and mission. This regulation is designed to create a professional, transparent and fair HR management system, taking into account the needs of academic development and university operations. The management principles promoted include developing individual potential, increasing competence, and providing fair incentives for all UI employees. This is done to maintain employee motivation and performance in supporting the progress of the university.

EMPLOYEE PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT Personnel Inventory & Development Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia   

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Decree of the Director of the Vocational Education Program at Universitas Indonesia number 260 2023

The Universitas Indonesia  (UI) is committed to preventing all forms of modern slavery in its employment practices, including forced labor, child exploitation and human trafficking. In an effort to ensure that every individual within UI works in fair and decent conditions, UI implements employment policies that are in accordance with national and international standards regarding human rights, as regulated in Regulation no. 03/PB/2015 issued by the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM).

This policy includes the implementation of adequate wage standards, reasonable working hours, as well as workers’ rights that are protected by law. UI also ensures that in all recruitment, promotion and employment contract processes there is no form of coercion or exploitation that violates workers’ rights. All workers at UI, both teaching and non-teaching staff, work based on transparent and fair contracts, which guarantee protection from all forms of forced labor or work in inhumane conditions.

UI also actively provides training and outreach to all employees and work partners regarding the risks of modern slavery and how to recognize and prevent it. A secure and anonymous complaints system has also been implemented, allowing employees to report suspected violations related to modern slavery without fear of reprisal.

As a form of commitment to achievement, UI strives to continuously monitor its supply chain and business partnerships to ensure that there is no involvement in practices that support modern slavery. UI is determined to ensure an ethical and fair work environment, in line with human rights values and the SDG 8 goal of creating decent work and inclusive economic growth.

Universitas Indonesia  Chancellor’s Regulation Number 9 of 2021 regulates the Attendance System for Education Personnel at the Universitas Indonesia . This regulation was prepared to ensure the efficiency and productivity of educational staff in carrying out their duties within the university environment, as well as creating an orderly and conducive work environment for all educational staff. Education staff at the Universitas Indonesia  are required to attend according to the work schedule set by the university. In general, the working time regulated in this regulation is 5 working days in one week, with working hours of 8 hours and 40 minutes per day. This schedule follows national work standards, namely 40 hours of work in one week, which also includes rest time. The Universitas Indonesia  implements a strict and structured attendance system to monitor the discipline of educational staff in carrying out their duties. This regulation is designed to minimize unplanned absences and ensure that all administrative tasks run well and efficiently. With this system, universities can monitor the attendance of educational staff and ensure that each employee carries out their responsibilities according to the specified working hours.

Regulation Of Human Resource Management Universitas Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia   


The Universitas Indonesia  (UI) ensures that all outsourced workers receive equal employment rights to permanent employees. This policy emphasizes that outsourced workers at UI must receive equal treatment in terms of compensation, working conditions, and access to other worker rights, such as health insurance, benefits, and legal protection.

Based on the guidelines set by the UI Human Resources Directorate (DSDM) as well as applicable regulations at the national level, UI collaborates with outsourcing service providers that comply with fair labor standards. This ensures that agency workers at UI receive equal protection, both in terms of wages, leave rights and social protection rights, so that they do not experience discrimination in the work environment.

UI also regularly monitors and evaluates outsourcing partner companies to ensure their compliance with labor regulations and UI standards. In addition, UI guarantees that there is a transparent and safe complaint mechanism for agency workers, so that they can report problems related to employment rights without fear of negative impacts.

With this policy, UI ensures that all workers, both permanent and outsourced, are treated equally and have fair rights and a conducive working environment. This commitment is in line with the principles of SDG 8, to support decent work and ensure the welfare of all employees involved in university operations.

Further evidence of support regarding the implementation of this policy can be accessed through the UI HR policy and guidance documents available on the official DSDM website as well as other related documents that support UI’s efforts to implement fair and equal employment practices for all parties.

In this agreement, the Universitas Indonesia  is represented by Rahmat Aryo Baskoro, S.E., M.M., CFP, CPSP, who serves as Director of Procurement and Logistics at the Universitas Indonesia .   The service provider in this agreement is represented by Melky Aliandri, S.T., who acts on behalf of PT Provices Indonesia. Both parties, the Universitas Indonesia  and PT Provices Indonesia, are committed to ensuring that the work is carried out in accordance with the provisions agreed in the contract. The Universitas Indonesia  as the service user has the right to supervise the quality of services provided by the provider. On the other hand, PT Provices Indonesia as the provider is responsible for providing cleaning services that comply with agreed standards. This agreement includes cleanliness maintenance for areas inside the UI Campus building in Depok as well as cleanliness maintenance inside and outside the UI Salemba Campus building. The scope of work involves routine cleaning activities and ongoing cleanliness maintenance, with the aim of creating a clean and comfortable environment for the entire academic community.

Equal Rights for Outsourced Cleaning Service in UI Campus

Letter of Agreement for Procurement of Cleaning Services in UI Depok

Letter of Agreement for Procurement of Cleaning Services in UI Salemba

Rector Decree of the Universitas Indonesia Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees  

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 10 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas  Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 039 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

This Joint Decree of the Directors of the School of Environmental Sciences (SIL) and the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) at the Universitas Indonesia , with number 0001/SK/F13.D/2023, establishes a policy regarding the provision of overtime honorariums for outsourced workers within SIL and SKSG. This policy was created with the aim of increasing the motivation and welfare of outsourced personnel working in the two units, as well as ensuring excellent service quality to students and lecturers in the SIL and SKSG environments. In order to ensure a comfortable learning environment and well-maintained facilities, SIL and SKSG require full support from outsourcing personnel. Outsourced workers in these two units are responsible for carrying out various tasks, both in the fields of cleaning, facility maintenance, and supporting administration. Therefore, the policy of providing overtime honorariums is seen as a fair and appropriate step to appreciate their contribution. Providing this overtime honorarium not only has a positive impact on outsourced staff but also on students and lecturers in the SIL and SKSG environment. With the support of a motivated and valued workforce, service quality can be improved, so that students and lecturers can experience a more conducive environment and services that are responsive to their needs.

Joint Decision Of The Director Of The School of Environmental Sciences And The Director Of The School Of Strategic And Global Studies Universitas Indonesia Number 0001 2023

The Universitas Indonesia  (UI) is committed to creating a fair and equal salary policy for all employees, both academic and non-academic, which focuses on pay scale equity. This policy ensures that the salary received by each employee is based on the principles of fairness, transparency and equality, without discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion or position in the organization. The Universitas Indonesia  (UI) has a policy regarding equal pay scales with a strong commitment to measuring and eliminating gender-based pay gaps. This policy applies to all employees, both Civil Servants (PNS) and non-PNS employees. As an institution that also employs civil servants, UI must adapt its policies to regulations issued by the government, especially in the remuneration system implemented. To support this commitment, UI implements a 3P remuneration system, which consists of three main components, namely Pay for Person (Payroll Based on Individual), Pay for Position (Payment Based on Position) and Pay for Performance (Payment Based on Performance). 

In its implementation, UI applies a salary structure that is clearly regulated in various internal regulations, such as the Chancellor’s Decree and regulations issued by the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM). This policy considers various factors such as job responsibilities, experience, and qualifications to set fair salary standards for each position. Evidence related to salary policies can be accessed through various internal documents, including the Chancellor’s Decree regarding Employee Salary Regulations which explains in detail the salary structure and standards at UI.

UI also regularly reviews salary policies to ensure that salary equality is maintained and relevant to changing economic conditions and institutional needs. In this case, UI is not only committed to transparency, but also to improving the welfare of all employees, ensuring that there is no unfair wage gap between employees who have equal responsibilities.

To ensure consistent implementation, UI provides regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms as well as open communication channels for employees to submit complaints regarding payroll. This policy is part of UI’s proactive steps in ensuring that all workers, both permanent and contract, receive decent and equal wages, in line with the SDG 8 goal of creating decent work and inclusive economic growth.

Employment policy pay scale equity Universitas Indonesia  

Universitas Indonesia  Chancellor’s Regulation 033 of 2018

Determination of Employee Remuneration at the Universitas Indonesia  

POB Variable Remuneration for Permanent and Non-Permanent Educators

Rector Decree of the Universitas Indonesia Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees  

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 10 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas  Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 039 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Decree of the Chancellor of the Universitas Indonesia  Number 0264/SK/R/UI/2014 regulates the Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees of the Universitas Indonesia . This regulation was created as a basis for ensuring welfare and fairness in providing salaries and allowances for all permanent employees within the Universitas Indonesia . This regulation was made based on the Universitas Indonesia ‘s commitment to achieving national education goals, especially in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which includes the fields of Education, Research and Community Service. To achieve this goal, UI needs qualified, professional and highly dedicated employees. Therefore, providing adequate salaries and benefits is considered important to attract and retain a competent workforce in the university environment.

Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees at the Universitas Indonesia  

POB Variable Remuneration for Permanent and Non-Permanent Teaching Staff  

Basic Payment Regulations for the Welfare of Universitas Indonesia  Employees based on Chancellor’s Decree Number: 0264/SK/R/UI/2014 concerning “Regulation on Salaries and Welfare of Permanent Employees of the Universitas Indonesia .” This regulation aims to provide details of basic welfare payments for permanent employees at the Universitas Indonesia, including lecturers and education staff. The basic salary for permanent Universitas Indonesia  employees is calculated based on the Civil Servant Salary Table which refers to Indonesian Government Regulation Number 22 of 2013 and refers to the fifteenth amendment to Government Regulation Number 7 of 1977 concerning Changes in Civil Servant (PNS) Salaries. This salary determination ensures that permanent Universitas Indonesia  employees receive a basic wage that is equivalent to national standards for civil servants. Apart from BPJS Employment, UI also covers BPJS Health contributions of 4% of the basic salary and family allowances for permanent employees and their families. The BPJS Health program includes basic health protection for employees and their families, providing access to necessary health services.

Universitas Indonesia  Chancellor’s Regulation No. 69 of 2022

POB Variable Remuneration for Permanent and Non-Permanent Educators   

POB Variable Remuneration for Permanent Educators

The Universitas Indonesia  (UI) is committed to ensuring gender-based pay equality through transparent pay scale policies and monitoring systems. In its employment policy, UI upholds the principles of non-discrimination, including in terms of wages, where every employee—both men and women—receives equal compensation based on their responsibilities, qualifications and work experience.

Through guidelines and regulations issued by the Directorate of Human Resources (DSDM), UI routinely tracks and evaluates salary data to ensure that there is no gender-based wage gap. This monitoring process is carried out by comparing income between male and female employees who have similar positions, responsibilities and qualifications. This salary monitoring system also allows UI to identify and address potential unfair pay differences that may arise due to gender bias.

As a concrete step, UI has implemented salary policies regulated in various policy documents, such as the Chancellor’s Decree regarding salary scales and regulations that ensure that all workers at this university, both academic and non-academic, are treated fairly regardless of gender. Supporting evidence regarding the implementation of this policy can be found in UI’s internal policy documents as well as monitoring reports periodically released by DSDM.

UI also provides an internal reporting and evaluation mechanism to ensure that any complaints or indications of unfairness in salary payments can be followed up quickly and transparently. This policy aims to create an inclusive and fair work environment for all employees, by ensuring that gender equality is achieved, especially in terms of compensation and economic welfare.

Apart from that, UI also provides training and outreach regarding gender equality in the workplace to all employees, so that awareness of the importance of gender equality, including in wages, can continue to be increased. UI’s commitment to gender equality in salary scales is not only in line with national standards, but also with the global principles promoted by SDG 8 regarding decent work and inclusive economic growth.

Tracking pay scale for gender equity Universitas Indonesia   

Minimum wage for Depok as the capital city of West Java province

POB Remuneration for Teachers is Not Permanent

Rector Decree of the Universitas Indonesia Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees  

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 10 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas  Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 039 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Operational guidelines that determine procedures and procedures for implementing activities in the field of People and Culture, especially regarding the submission and calculation of basic remuneration for permanent teaching staff or lecturers. This POB is designed to ensure that every application process is carried out consistently, accurately, and in accordance with the applicable regulations within the Universitas Indonesia , especially at FEB UI. This POB ensures that the submission of basic remuneration calculations for permanent lecturers at FEB UI is carried out in a standardized manner, in accordance with the policies set by the Universitas Indonesia  and the faculty. One of the main objectives of this POB is to ensure that the basic remuneration proposed and calculated is in accordance with the functional position and educational level of the teaching staff. This is to ensure fairness and appropriateness in the compensation given to teaching staff in accordance with their roles and qualifications.

POB Remuneration for Permanent Teaching Staff

The Universitas Indonesia  (UI) has a strong commitment to providing fair and transparent worker rights, including in terms of appeals or complaints processes related to employment decisions, as regulated in SDG indicator 8.2.8. This policy ensures that every UI employee, both academic and non-academic, has the right to file an appeal or complaint regarding decisions that are considered detrimental or unfair, such as salary issues, promotions, discipline, and other decisions.

In the employment policy structure managed by the UI Human Resources Directorate (DSDM), the appeals process is regulated in detail to ensure that all employees can access a fair, transparent and impartial mechanism. This policy is contained in a number of internal regulations which ensure that every employee complaint is handled quickly and professionally. One of the important documents that is used as a reference is Chancellor’s Decree No. 0264 concerning Salary Regulations and other regulations related to the management of employment appeals and complaints.

The appeal process at UI includes several important stages, namely :

  1. Submitting an Appeal: Employees who feel that they have been treated unfairly can submit an appeal or formal complaint through the specified channels, either in writing or digitally.
  2. Review by Special Team : Appeals will be reviewed by a special team consisting of representatives of DSDM and related units. This process is designed to maintain objectivity and ensure that all parties are heard fairly.
  3. Settlement Procedure: After investigation and review, the decision regarding the appeal will be conveyed to the submitting party, accompanied by an explanation and the steps taken. If the appeal is approved, corrective measures will be implemented immediately.
  4. Advanced Mechanism: If employees are not satisfied with the results of the appeal, they have the right to submit a further appeal to a higher level of management, in accordance with established procedures.

UI is also committed to maintaining confidentiality in the appeal handling process, ensuring that employees do not face retaliation or discrimination for appeals submitted. To strengthen the implementation of this policy, UI periodically provides outreach to all employees regarding their rights to submit an appeal and the available procedures.

With this appeal mechanism, UI creates a fairer and more supportive work environment, where every employee has the opportunity to voice their complaints or dissatisfaction without fear of negative repercussions. This appeals process also ensures that employment decisions are taken taking into account fairness, transparency and compliance with applicable employment regulations.

Employment Practice Appeal Process

POB Evaluation of Universitas Indonesia  Employee Performance   

Rector Decree of the Universitas Indonesia Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees  

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 10 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas  Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 039 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

Employment Practice Appeal Process Vocational Program Universitas Indonesia  

Decree (SK) of the Chancellor of the Universitas Indonesia  Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Regulations on Salaries and Welfare of Permanent Employees of the Universitas Indonesia . This decree contains provisions that regulate the structure and amount of salaries, allowances and welfare for permanent employees, including lecturers and education staff at the Universitas Indonesia . This regulation was issued with the aim of ensuring clear and fair standards in providing compensation to Universitas Indonesia  employees. This regulation has a significant impact on the welfare of Universitas Indonesia  employees. With these structured regulations, UI employees receive certainty and fairness in the compensation they receive, which in turn is expected to improve employee performance and loyalty to the institution.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is committed to guaranteeing and protecting employment rights in accordance with applicable national and international standards which focus on employment practices that respect and uphold workers’ rights. This policy ensures that all workers at UI, both teaching and non-academic staff, receive full protection for their basic rights, including the right to work in conditions that are fair, safe and free from discrimination. Universitas Indonesia (UI) is committed to guaranteeing and protecting employment rights in accordance with applicable national and international standards for employment practices that respect and uphold workers’ rights. This policy ensures that all workers at UI, both teaching and non-academic staff, receive full protection for their basic rights, including the right to work in conditions that are fair, safe and free from discrimination. Universitas Indonesia also integrates these policies with Indonesian government regulations and international labor standards recognized by the International Labor Organization (ILO), ensuring that all labor rights are fulfilled in accordance with the applicable legal framework. 

Chancellor’s Regulations Concerning the UI Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct standards of behavior that reflect integrity and ethics in all activities at UI.

Chancellor’s Regulation No. 033 of 2018 concerning Human Resources Management which morganize the management and management of UI human resources according to applicable standards, ensuring that existing policies support social and economic goals.

UI HRIS Information System which regulates sAn HR management information system that helps monitor, manage and ensure compliance with policies implemented regarding the welfare and rights of employees at UI.

Employment practices, Labor Rights, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia 

Universitas Indonesia  Human Resources Data

Rector Decree of the Universitas Indonesia Number 0264 of 2014 regarding Salary and Welfare Regulations for Permanent Employees  

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 10 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas  Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation of the Universitas Indonesia Number 039 of 2017 on the Integrated Remuneration System for Lecturers at the Universitas Indonesia

Rector’s Regulation Number 33 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at the University of Indonesia

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