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Social impact refers to their positive influence on society through research, education, and community engagement initiatives.



equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policy

The equality, diversity, and inclusion policies at Universitas Indonesia (UI) underscores our commitment to fostering a welcoming and equitable environment for all members of our community. Through these policies, we prioritize, respect, and support for individuals regardless of their background, identity, or characteristics. We strive to ensure that every student, faculty, and staff member feels valued and empowered to contribute fully to out educational mission. By embracing equality, diversity, and inclusion, we not only enrich our learning environment but also strengthen the fabric of our educational institution, promoting fairness and opportunity for all. These policies are implemented throughout the faculties and schools at UI. 

UI has 9 principles that serve as guidelines for academic and social activities. These values form the foundation for the UI community to excel in education and make positive contributions to society. 

  1. UI Rector Decree No. 2719/SK/R/2018 on Determination of Key Behavior Indicators of Cultural Values 
  2. Book of the 9 UI’s Values

Some faculties have also created guidelines based on the 9 values of UI for their faculty members and staff as well as students such as Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Vocational Education Program (Vokasi).

  1. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Value Guidelines
  2. Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) Value Guidelines

Furthermore, UI has EDI policies protecting characteristics such as age, gender, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, refugee and asylum seekers, pregnancy and maternity. 

  1. UI Rector Decree No. 33 on Human Resource Management 
  2. UI Rector Decree No. 4 on Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct
  3. UI Rector Decree No. 5 on Guidelines for Resolving Violations of the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

Example implementation of these policies can be seen at the Faculty of Engineering (FT). They provide equal opportunities for women to occupy strategic positions at FTUI such as Head of Department, Associate Dean, Secretary of Department and Secretary of Unit, maternity leave for female employees and paternity leave for male employees whose wives are giving birth, and facilities for working mothers and students such as lactation room on the 1st floor of the Dean’s Building. 

disability services

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is dedicated to inclusivity and support for individuals with disabilities. Through various initiatives and facilities, UI strives to ensure equal access to education and campus resources. UI offers counselling services, academic assistance, and disability awareness programs to foster an inclusive and supportive environment.

  1. Disability Support Office

The university also provides specialized accommodations such as accessible buildings, ramps, and assistive technologies to facilitate learning and participation for students with disabilities.

  1. Disability Facilities

These specialized accommodations can also be found throughout all the faculty and schools of UI.

  1. Faculty of Psychology (FPsi)
  2. Faculty of Computer Science (FASILKOM)
  3. Faculty of Humanities (FIB)
  4. Faculty of Law (FH)
  5. School of Environmental Sciences (SIL) and School of Global Studies and Strategic Studies (SKSG)
  6. Faculty of Medicine (FK)
  7. Faculty of Public Health (FKM)
  8. Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP)

Universitas Indonesia (UI) offers access schemes tailored to individuals with disabilities, including mentoring and specialized support services. These initiatives aim to enhance accessibility, ensuring equal opportunities for all members of the community and fostering an inclusive environment conducive to academic success and personal growth.

  1. Disability Student Services

The Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) offers access schemes tailored for individuals with disabilities, including support services for students with disabilities. One provision is creating a counseling facility named the “Story Room,” aimed at promoting a deeper understanding of mental health and facilitating the maintenance of a healthy emotional balance among students.

  1. Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) Story Room

Universitas Indonesia (UI) provides on-campus accommodation facilities, ensuring accessibility for all students, including those with disabilities. UI upholds a comprehensive accommodation policy or strategy tailored to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities, which includes sufficient funding to support their requirements. This commitment ensures that all members of our community have equal opportunities to thrive academically and participate fully in campus life.

  1. On-campus Accommodation
  2. University Accommodation Policy

With a commitment to diversity and accessibility, Universitas Indonesia continues to empower individuals of all abilities to thrive academically and contribute meaningfully to society.

social aspects of sustainability training

Universitas Indonesia (UI) offers specialized training programs focusing on the social aspects of sustainability. These initiatives aim to equip students, researchers, and professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to address social challenges within sustainable development frameworks.

The Directorate of Academic Development and Learning Resources of UI (DPASDP UI) conducted a training on counselling basic skills for academic counsellors. The aim of this training is to enhance the abilities of academic counsellors to fulfil their duties as student counsellors.

  1. Counselling Basic Skill for Academic Counsellors

Faculties at UI have also conducted specialized training programs focusing on the social aspects of sustainability.

Faculty of Engineering (FT) provides special training on social aspects of sustainability for students and staff Training for students was held at KATALIS IKM FTUI 2023. The event featured Daud Joseph as Director of Operations and Safety at PT Transportation Jakarta who provided material on leadership and entrepreneurship. Apart from that, there was also a mentoring session mentored by BEM FTUI, Chair of the FTUI Innovation Entrepreneurship Unit, and several founders of start-up companies, namely TryoutX, Micon, LeadUp, and PrintBox. This mentoring session is divided into 100 discussion groups. Training for employees was carried out at the 2023 FTUI Retirement Preparation Period Training (MPP) in facing retirement. This training was attended by 20 retirees in 2023-2025. In this training, participants are given material to prepare and face retirement with full readiness, including material on hydroponic cultivation, longan cultivation, freshwater fish cultivation, as well as material on tips for preventing aging and improving quality of life.

  1. Post-retirement Training
  2. Student Leadership and Entrepreneurship Training

Faculty of Computer Science (FASILKOM) conducted a personal finance management training for educational staff. The program aims to enhance financial literacy and empower staff members to make informed financial decisions. By equipping them with essential skills, FASILKOM UI fosters financial well-being among its educational workforce, promoting a more stable and prosperous community.

  1. Personal Finance Management Training

“Suara yang Terabaikan: Memahami dan Berpihak kepada Kaum Tertindas” is an event organized by the Faculty of Law (FH), Universitas Indonesia. It focuses on understanding and advocating for marginalized communities. Through discussions and workshops, participants explore ways to amplify the voices of the oppressed and promote social justice within legal frameworks.

  1. Suara yang Terabaikan: Memahami dan Berpihak kepada Kaum Tertindas

The Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) have conducted several training focusing on the social aspects of sustainability. The Family Women’s Association (IWK) Vocational Education Program, held the activity “Training to CreateBatik Coletan With Anggun Batik”. Located in the Bogor area, the activity involves UI Vocational female academics to provide knowledge about batik and foster a love for the noble arts and culture of the Indonesian nation. The Family Women’s Association (IWK) Vocational Education Program also conducted training to manage linen waste by upcycling it to tie dye patterned fans.

  1. Training to Create Batik Coletan
  2. Upcycling Linen
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