sustainable development goal 3


As global challenges rise, prioritizing health and well-being is essential. Emphasizing mental health fosters physical strength. COVID-19 showcases resilience’s importance, urging global collaboration for knowledge and technology transfer.


Collaborations in health services are pivotal for achieving SDG 3, ensuring good health and well-being. Partnerships across sectors enable shared knowledge, resources, and innovations, thus strengthening health systems, increasing access to care, and improving public health outcomes globally. Such synergies are essential for a healthier, equitable world.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has collaborated closely with various health institutions on a local, national and global scale, aiming to improve the health and welfare of the community. One entity playing a key role in this effort is UI Makara Satellite Clinic. As an integral part of the Academic Health System, UI Makara Satellite Clinic has been actively involved in various significant collaborations with health institutions, ensuring the delivery of quality health services and contributing to the achievement of various Sustainable Development goals, particularly in the field of Good Health and Well-Being.

The collaboration established by UI covers various levels, starting from global collaboration with world health organizations to national collaboration supporting students, staff, and the surrounding communities in obtaining health services. At the local level, UI is also involved in various initiatives promoting community empowerment in terms of health. All of these efforts aim to ensure that community health and well-being is the top priority in the holistic and sustainable academic approach. Thus, the collaboration of UI with health institutions has a significant positive impact on the campus community and the wider community.

2022 UI Makara Satellite Clinic Collaborations

Another successful collaboration by UI is implemented between Faculty of Engineering (FT) and PT. Inspiry Indonesia Consultant.

This collaboration involves FT UI, the government, and industrial partners to improve research, development, and innovation in the field of medical devices. FT UI has conducted research and innovation in diverse health products including ventilators, oxygen generators, and others. However, they understand that they need help from the healthcare industry for mass production and commercialization.

Inspiry Indonesia Consultant acts as a bridge between FT UI and medical equipment companies. They collaborate to commercialize the innovative products of FT UI including Covent-20, Transport Ventilator, Flocked Swab, Puvicon3/Plasmafan, and others. It is a concrete example of how universities and industry can collaborate to create innovative health solutions that support domestic needs.

A discussion between FT UI and PT. Inspiry identifies 60 innovative products that can be further developed in collaboration with manufacturing partners and medical device distributors in Indonesia. It includes diverse products such as Liquid Propolis Soap, Facial Bone Implants, Respiratory Sterilizers, and others.

Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI and PT. Inspiry Prepares Reverse Engineering of 60 Products in the Health Sector 

Furthermore, Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI discussed curative strategies related to Covid-19. The Student Executive Board (BEM) of FF UI organized a public discussion on antiviral drugs as the main focus. This discussion was held via an online platform, considering the importance of providing accurate information to the public regarding Covid-19 drugs.

The presentation session discussed various aspects of antiviral drugs for Covid-19, including therapy management, pharmacovigilance monitoring, and types and mechanisms for developing Covid-19 drugs. This discussion highlighted the importance of accurate understanding and quality research in addressing urgent public health situations.

  1. A Public Discussion by The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI on “Research and Development of Antiviral Drugs as a Curative Strategy for Covid-19”
  2. 2022 MOU
  3. Factors Influenced the Endoscopic Services Volume during the COVID-19 Pandemic at National Tertiary Referral Hospital in Indonesia: Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI also contributed by holding a webinar related to ergonomics in working from home and office, considering changes in work patterns during the pandemic. Dr. Evi Rachmawati, a medical rehabilitation doctor, presented research results showing an increase in complaints of musculoskeletal disorders during the pandemic. This webinar provided insights into the importance of ergonomics in preventing health problems related to posture and work activities.

Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI Holds Health Talk Webinar: “Ergonomics When Working from Home and Office”

At a higher level, collaboration between the Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) of the Republic of Indonesia and the Demographic Institute of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI was conducted to provide training in Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), aiming to increase the competency of BPOM employees in carrying out RIA related to public policies, especially in the standardization of processed food.

In addition, collaboration with the T20 Indonesia Summit also highlighted the importance of using health taxes for innovation in cancer treatment and sustainable health care financing.

  1. 2022 Collaboration between the Demographic Institute of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI with the Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) of the Republic of Indonesia
  2. “The Opportunities of Healthcare Innovative Financing in Indonesia by Earmarking Health Tax to Cover More Innovations in UHC (Cancer Treatment)” by the Demographic Institute of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI, 2022

Lastly, Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI collaborated with PT Medikaloka Education Training to produce human resources ready to work in the health industry. Through this collaboration, Vokasi UI focuses on education, joint curriculum development, public lectures, internships, clinical practice, and other efforts facilitating student preparation to work in the health sector.

The aforementioned collaborations show the importance of cooperation between universities, government, industry, and other institutions in overcoming complex health challenges and supporting the development of innovation in the health sector.

Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI – PT Medikaloka Collaborated in Training Education to Generate Skilled Human Resources in Health Industry

Universitas Indonesia has a spirit of outreach and community service to become the main motivation to bridge knowledge and practice in real life. Each faculty at UI has various forms of outreach programs by prioritizing suitability in their respective expertise.

One of exemplary community service activities is the “FKM UI Cares 18” program held by Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI. This program invited all UI students to participate in community service. In its efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, this program emphasized the implementation of the 5M rules (washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, avoiding crowds, and reducing mobility), education about the dangers of smoking, the importance of vaccination, and the awareness of nutritious food consumption. These activities aim to help students become healthier and more focused on their studies.

  1. Accountability Report of 2022 HMP of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI 
  2. Accountability Report of 2022 FKM UI Peduli 18 of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI 

Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI is also active in health outreach programs. They introduced degenerative diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and high uric acid to the community. This program encouraged the residents of Penganjuran Village, Banyuwangi District to undergo health checks related to these diseases and provided valuable information about their health status.

Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI Held Outreach on Degenerative Diseases and Making Tea from Dragon Fruit Stems in 2022

Meanwhile, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI launched the “Psychology for the Nation (PuN)” program focusing on community development. PuN aims to stimulate the sustainable development of certain regions, particularly in terms of education. This initiative includes a variety of programs designed to improve the quality of life of the local communities.

2022 Psychology for the Nation of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI

Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI also contributed in community service efforts. The CHERRY program is one of their successful efforts in campaigning the community welfare through the construction of public toilets, clean water supply, and training in making manure. In the construction of public toilets, they collaborated closely with Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI to ensure the implementation of the proper health approach in the project. In addition, they were also involved in diverse outreach and socialization such as making manure and free health check programs in collaboration with other student organizations. 

Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Conducted Outreach by Building Public Toilets and Assisting in Supply Clean Water for the Residents of Cibuntu, Bogor 

These outreach activities reflect the strong commitment of UI faculties in carrying out their role as agents of positive change in the community. They not only provide useful information, but also actively participate in improving the quality of life and welfare of the community through significantly beneficial service programs. It is clear evidence that integrated science and practice can create a great positive impact in the community.

The importance of community service in the world of higher education is undeniable. Universitas Indonesia (UI), as one of the prominent universities in Indonesia, has succeeded in combining numerous community service programs in its various faculties, creating a significant positive impact.

One of exemplary aspects is sports facilities accessible to the local community. UI Stadium is an excellent example which has developed into one of the leading sports centers in Depok. With complete facilities, including a football field equipped with heat and rain resistant synthetic grass, a safe athletic track, and adequate lighting, this stadium serves the sports needs of UI students and the community.

Another example is UI Felfest, which was initially limited to students, lecturers, and members of society of academicians of UI. This facility, now open to the general community, includes meeting rooms and various sports facilities such as golf driving range, archery range, and swimming pool. All aims to support diverse community activities. 

UI Sports Facilities

Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI also has an important contribution in terms of sports facilities. They provide a sports facility located at Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) to encourage people to be more active in sports. Organized by the Center of Sports and Exercise Studies (SES), this facility has become crucial, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic when physical activities were directly related to comorbidities contributing to the transmission, severity, and fatality of COVID-19. Therefore, an active lifestyle becomes the most logical and important choice for developing health resilience against new COVID-19 variants or even other pandemics in the future.

Meanwhile, Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) provides a tennis court accessible to staff and the community. It is a good measure to promote an active and healthy lifestyle in the UI environment and the surrounding area.

  1. Sports Facilities of Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of UI
  2. 2022 Sports Facilities of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UI held 2022 FISIP UI MASTERS, a badminton championship involving athletes from various circles. The festival concept of combining a badminton championship with seminars, press conferences, exhibitions, as well as artistic and cultural entertainment was a great innovation to integrate sports with education and entertainment. The theme “Healthy, Smart and High-Achieving Generation of Indonesia” underlined the importance of sports in generating a superior young generation.

2022 Masters of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UI 

All are real examples of collaboration between UI and faculties to provide a positive impact on the community. From shared sports facilities to sports activities involving athletes from various walks of life, education and sports work hand in hand to create a healthier and more productive community. It is concrete evidence of the commitment of UI to implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, including community service.

Universitas Indonesia (UI), as one of the prominent universities in Indonesia, has committed to providing affordable sexual and reproductive health services for its students. It is one example of how UI implements the First Level Health Facilities of National Health Insurance (FKTP 1) for students.

  1. The Mission of Makara Satellite Clinic for SDGs 3, Good Health and Well-being: Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: Maternal and Child Health Clinic  
  2. National Health Insurance Services in First Level Health Facilities  
  3. Benefits Guaranteed by the First Level Health Facilities of National Health Insurance Services  

One of the facilities playing an important role in providing these health services is UI Makara Satellite Clinic. This clinic functions as a comprehensive health service center within the university where students can obtain physical health services, mental health counseling, and sexual and reproductive health services. These services are provided to students for free upon the presentation of a student ID, though several health checks require additional fees. This clinic is equipped with modern devices and competent doctors. The clinical unit focusing on sexual health issues is Maternal and Child Health (MCH).

  1. Facilities at UI Makara Satellite Clinic, What Are They? – ANAK UI
  2. Contact Us | UI Counseling Services 

Moreover, the Department of Advocacy and Student Welfare (Adkesma) of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI also provides support for mental as well as sexual and reproductive health issues. This support includes prevention efforts in student development and faculty community groups.

Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI offers various programs supporting sexual and reproductive health services for students. One of them is PIK-R Rumah Panda (Teenager Information and Counseling Center, a Student Forum Concerned with Reproductive Health). One of the activities organized by PIK-R Rumah Panda is Peer Education. This activity aims to provide basic knowledge about reproductive health and gender which will be beneficial for the community of PIK-R Rumah Panda in carrying out advocacy, counseling, and outreach to the targeted community or groups.

  1. PIK Remaja Rumah Panda of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI 
  2. Accountability Report of 2022 PIK-R Rumah Panda of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

Furthermore, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI also has an Integrated Clinic providing psychological examination and consultation services for individual cases, including children and adults. The clinic also provides evaluation and consultation services related to education and services for employees or prospective employees.

2022 Integrated Clinical Services of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI

Various sexual and reproductive health facilities available at UI allow students to obtain easy and affordable access to maintain their health. It is an important measure in supporting student welfare and creating a healthy educational environment at the university. It is a concrete example of how universities can play an active role in providing health services for their students.

Universitas Indonesia (UI), as one of the prominent universities in Indonesia, has taken various initiatives to create an environment that supports mental health throughout the university. These initiatives are also reflected at specific faculty levels. One of the fine examples is UI Makara Satellite Clinic that provides access to mental health support to students and staff.

UI Makara Satellite Clinic offers assistance to students and staff dealing with mental health issues. The clinic is at the forefront of commemorating World Suicide Prevention Day with the theme of “Creating Hope through Action.” By holding such events, the clinic not only provides assistance, but also strives to raise awareness of the importance of mental health on campus.

  1. UI Satellite Clinic Post for New Students 
  2. UI Satellite Clinic post regarding World Suicide Prevention Day   
  3. UI Satellite Clinic Instagram Live regarding World Suicide Prevention Day 
  4. UI Satellite Clinic Website for Counseling 

However, the efforts made are not limited to the university level. At the faculty level, various programs have also been implemented to support mental health. For example, Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI offers a Specialist Medical Education Program in Mental Medicine (PPDS of Mental Medicine) to provide in-depth training in mental health. Lecturers at FK UI are also involved as counselors for students, supporting those experiencing stress that possibly leads to academic problems. 

  1. Video of World Suicide Prevention Day Commemoration by UI Hospital (RSUI)
  2. Instagram @unity_4mentalhealth by PPDS of Mental Medicine, of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI
  3. Instagram of Teman Bicara of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI 

Other faculties are also active in organizing programs aimed at increasing the awareness of mental health. Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) of UI held a mental health webinar with the theme of “Keep You on Balance: at Your Pace, in Your Own Timeline”. This webinar aimed to help students overcome challenges in a dynamic world.

2022 Mental Health Webinar by Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) of UI

Faculty of Law (FH) of UI has also introduced FH UI Listening Friends to help students requiring mental health support. In addition, they also held activities such as mental health seminars to increase the awareness among students.

  1. Instagram of Peer Counselling Services for Students of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI
  2. Counselling Appointment Form of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI

Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI is also active in providing guidance and counseling for students dealing with academic or non-academic problems. They strive to ensure students can complete their studies within the required time limits and provide access to paid mental health support services if needed.

2022 Guidance and Counseling at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI

In addition, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) also plays a key role in supporting the mental health of students and staff. They hold activities such as psychoeducation (psychological education) aiming to increase understanding on mental health problems. Students and staff are educated about the symptoms of mental disorders, how to manage stress, and how to maintain their mental health.

FPsi of UI is also involved in training Peer Counsellor and Health Educators. These peer counselors are trained to provide peer support regarding mental health problems. Therefore, they help create a caring and supportive community on campus.

Post of 2022 World Mental Health Day of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI 

Meanwhile, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI held a Mental Health Webinar, discussing various mental health aspects and providing valuable insights to students and staff. They also provided a space for open dialogue about mental health problems among students and established a task force consisting of lecturers, education staff, student representatives, and members of Student Executive Board (BEM). This task force is assigned to perform preventive efforts within FKM UI and assist students in dealing with mental health problems.

  1. PIK Remaja Rumah Panda of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI 
  2. Accountability Report of 2022 PIK-R Rumah Panda of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

Another effort made is the issuance of the Decree of the Dean of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI Number: 1193/SK/F7.D/U1/2020 on the Appointment of a Counselling Lecturer for the Student Counselling Unit (UKM) of FIB UI. The decree confirms the commitment of FIB UI in supporting the mental health of students. By appointing a counselling lecturer in UKM, this faculty provides additional support for students needing mental health support. The counselling lecturer has an important role to facilitate counselling, guidance, and support to students dealing with mental health problems.

The Appointment Certificate of a Counselling Lecturer for the Student Counselling Unit (UKM) of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI in 2020 

The aforementioned programs are examples of the commitment of UI and faculties to supporting the mental health of their students and staff. They provide a variety of resources and services from counselling services to training for lecturers as well as events to raise awareness. All aims to create a safer and more supportive environment for the entire society of academicians of UI. Through collaboration and mutual understanding between students, lecturers, staff, and authorities, UI strives to create a supportive environment, eliminate stigma, and provide the support needed for those experiencing mental health problems.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has committed to creating a healthy and smoke-free environment throughout its campus. It is reflected in UI Rector’s Decree No. 1805 of 2011 on Smoke-Free Areas (KTR) at UI. This decree establishes Smoke-Free Areas within the UI environment, involving a ban on production, sales, advertising, promotion, and use of cigarettes in the campus rooms and areas.

UI KTR is an important measure in maintaining healthy and clean air quality in the campus environment. This decision is based on the consideration that cigarettes contain dangerous addictive substances for individual and public health. Therefore, protection against the dangers of smoking for health in a comprehensive, integrated, and sustainable manner is extremely required. Everyone has the right to healthy and clean air. Thus, this policy aims to create an environment that supports optimal public health.

One of the main objectives of implementing this UI Rector’s Decree is to increase work productivity and public services at UI, maintain healthy air quality, and reduce the number of smokers as well as prevent new smokers among UI society. Moreover, this policy also aims to generate a healthy and intelligent young generation of UI students

UI Rector’s Decree No 1805/SK/R/UI/2011 on Smoke-Free Areas at UI (UI KTR)

To support the implementation of UI KTR, a number of supporting activities have been conducted, one of which is the regular commemoration of World No Tobacco Day (HTTS). In 2022, the HTTS commemoration was conducted with the theme of “Tobacco: Threat to Our Environment” through webinars and campaigns on social media. This commemoration aimed to increase the awareness of the negative impact of smoking on the environment.

2022 UI World No Tobacco Day (HTTS) Commemoration Carries the Theme of “Tobacco: Threat to Our Environment”

In addition, UI KTR signs and banners are installed in various strategic places such as canteens, bus stops, and at major events such as Graduation at UI Hall. It aims to provide visual information to all campus society about the smoking restrictions.

Evidence of UI Smoke-Free Area (KTR) by the Technical Management Unit of Occupational Safety and Health (UPT K3L)

The absence of smoking area facilities at UI Hospital (RSUI) is in accordance with Depok City Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2020 on the Amendments to Depok City Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2014 on Smoke-Free Areas. It confirms that RSUI implements a Smoke-Free Area in compliance with these regulations.

RSUI also takes concrete measures to support the Smoke-Free Area Policy, including installing signs and banners informing that RSUI is a Smoke-Free area. Thus, all patients, visitors, and medical staff at RSUI are reminded not to smoke in the hospital.

Smoke-Free Policy of UI Hospital (RSUI)

The Smoke-Free Area Policy is also implemented at Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI. This is based on the understanding that air pollution in the environment of FT UI originates from various factors, including cigarette smoke. The impact of air pollution has the potential to be detrimental to human health and the environment as a whole. Therefore, FT UI has issued the Decree of the Dean of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI No 1604/D/SK/FTUI/2013 on Smoke-Free Area Policy at FT UI.

This policy includes the measures to create a Smoke-Free Area (KTR) within the FT UI environment, including prohibitions on smoking cigarettes in not specifically provided places as well as provisions regarding sponsors and scholarships related to cigarettes. In addition, Security Unit officers at FT UI are also prohibited from smoking while carrying out their duties and given the authority to reprimand the society of FT UI violating this policy. Sanctions are also imposed on violators, including fines and displaying photos in the FT UI environment. 

Furthermore, Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) also implements Policy on Smoke-Free Areas as well as Water and Electrical Energy Saving in the campus environment. It is specified in Circular No SE-001/UN2.F11.D/RTK.00/2019. This circular regulates measures to create a smoke-free environment and to save water and electrical energy at Fasilkom UI.

The implementation of the Smoke-Free Area also receives support from various work units at UI, including Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI. The Decree of the Director of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI No. 09/SK/DV/UI/2017 also regulates Smoke-Free Areas in Vokasi UI.

  1. Circular No. 1881 on Smoking Prohibition in the Environment of Administrative Center (PAU) of UI 
  2. Faculty Deans regarding Smoke-free Areas
  3. The Dean of Faculty of Nursing (FIK) regarding Smoke-free Areas
  4. Policy on Smoke-free Areas in the Environment of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
  5. Circular No. SE-001/UN2.F11.D/RTK.00/2019 on the Implementation of Smoke-Free Areas as well as Water and Electrical Energy Saving in the Environment of Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) of UI 
  6. UI Smoke-Free Areas Booklet and Technical Instructions
  7. Circular No. se-3308 /un2.f7.d/otl.09/2022 on Smoke Free Areas at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI 
  8. The Decree of the Director of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI No. 09/SK/DV/UI/2017 on the Policy on Smoke-Free Areas at Vokasi UI 

Overall, UI has taken numerous initiatives to create a healthy and smoke-free campus environment. UI KTR, with various supporting policies and activities, is a concrete manifestation of the commitment of UI to supporting the health of students and the entire society of academicians. By eliminating cigarette smoke from the academic environment, UI seeks to create an environment that promotes optimal public health and reduces the negative impact of smoking on the environment.

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