sustainable development goal 1
Economic disparities contribute to poverty, exacerbated by global trade structures. This leads to issues like hunger and limited education. Global efforts prioritize equal access to basic needs, aiming for sustainable poverty solutions.

University anti-poverty initiatives contribute to SDG 1 by developing educational frameworks and community partnerships that address root causes of poverty. Through targeted scholarships, financial literacy education, and inclusive support systems, universities empower individuals with knowledge and skills necessary for long-term economic stability and prosperity.
In Universitas Indonesia (UI), the principle of inclusivity and accessibility of higher education for all prospective students, regardless of economic background, is the main focus. To achieve this goal, UI has developed a bottom financial quintile admission target system. It shows the commitment of UI to accepting a number of prospective students coming from families in the lowest 20% income bracket of the country. Moreover, UI has taken concrete measures to achieve this inclusivity goal through UI Rector’s Decree No. 406 on “Single Tuition Fees for Regular Undergraduate Program Students Batch 2021-2022.” This decree becomes an important basis for determining more affordable and sustainable tuition fees for students. This decree ensures that all UI students, specifically those coming from the lowest 20% income group, can pay tuition fees according to their economic capabilities.
Each UI faculty has implemented various programs and initiatives to realize this inclusivity mission. For example, Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI has introduced the “Plenary Scholarship for the Nation (BPuB)” program providing financial assistance to high-achieving prospective students probably facing economic obstacles in pursuing their education. This program not only helps them enter the world of higher education but also provides financial support during their studies at this faculty.
Bottom financial quintile admission target of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI
Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI also participates in this effort with several scholarship programs and tuition payment schemes adjusted to the economic conditions of students, aiming to make education in the health sector more accessible to all prospective students, regardless of their financial background. The Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI also provides similar payment schemes and several scholarships to reach financially disadvantaged students.
- List of 2022 Scholarship Recipients of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI
- Pariaman City Scholarship for Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
- Nusantara Regas Scholarship of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI offers the “Pelangi Akademos” scholarship program as a solution for students facing economic difficulties. It is one way to assure that students with potential in psychology can access their education without significant financial barriers.
- Data of 2022 Scholarship Recipients of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
- Bottom Financial Quintile University Target of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
Faculty of Law (FH) of UI also participates in the “Single Tuition Fee (UKT)” program, allowing students to pay tuition fees according to their economic capabilities. Thus, underprivileged students have equal access to pursue legal studies at UI as well.
List of 2022 Scholarship Recipients of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI
In addition to individual efforts made by each faculty, UI as a whole also has a scholarship admission target system applying to all faculties. It is part of the commitment of UI to creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment, ascertaining that all prospective students have the same opportunity to achieve academic success, regardless of their economic conditions.
The success of students from the bottom financial quintile is the main focus in efforts to improve educational access and achievement at Universitas Indonesia (UI). In 2022, UI recorded encouraging achievements in terms of graduation of students coming from families with the lowest income, namely the bottom 20%, in the country.
Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI is one of the faculties having successfully recorded great accomplishments. Of the total 233 students coming from low-income families, 46 of them succeeded in completing their studies. Even more impressive, of the 46 students, 43 of them were able to complete their studies on time within eight semesters. It is concrete evidence of the commitment of UI to supporting students from the lowest financial groups in achieving academic achievements.
List of 2022 Scholarship Recipients of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI
Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI also actively contributes to supporting the success of students with financial constraints. They organize an exclusive financial assistance program for their students, namely Pelangi Akademos. A total of 92.8% of students receiving the scholarship successfully graduated within 8 semesters.
Data of 2022 Scholarship Recipients of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
Faculty of Law (FH) of UI in collaboration with the Indonesian government also participates in this effort through the Educational Tuition for High-Achieving Low-Income Students (Bidikmisi) program. This program provides financial assistance to high school graduates or equivalent coming from economically limited families and having good academic potential. In 2022, 30 students received Bidikmisi scholarships, showing the commitment of the government to supporting education for students from the lowest financial groups.
List of 2022 Scholarship Recipients of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI
Furthermore, Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI has collaborated with the District and City Governments to distribute financial assistance to low-income students. UI also provides various types of scholarships, such as Bidikmisi, Smart Indonesia Card – College (KIP-K) and KSDI, to support students with low financial resources. A total of 28 students whose cost of education is covered by these scholarships successfully graduated in 2022.
Graduation News of 2022 Students of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
Through these numerous efforts, UI has shown a strong commitment to ensuring that students from the lowest financial groups have equal opportunities to achieve quality higher education. The successful graduation achieved by these students is concrete proof of the positive impact of financial aid programs and support provided by the university, faculties, and the government.
To support students from low-income families, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has launched a number of assistance programs. These programs cover substantial aspects including food, housing, transportation, and legal services, and are designed to ensure that students have equitable access and supportive services.
UI offers numerous scholarship programs aimed at helping students from low-income families. Scholarships including the Educational Tuition for High-Achieving Low-Income Students (Bidikmisi), Smart Indonesia Card – College (KIP-K), Jakarta High-Achieving Student Card (KIMU), and Affirmation are provided to cover tuition fees and living expenses of students. UI also has dormitories accessible by all students, including students vulnerable due to their economic circumstances. The dormitories provide affordable accommodation, ensuring that students have a comfortable place to stay during their studies. In addition, UI serves the transportation needs of students on campus through Yellow Bus (Bikun) services. This Bikun routinely serves routes on campus free of charge from morning to evening.
UI Rector’s Decree No. 2497/SK/R/UI/2022 on the Determination of Fair Education Operational Costs (BOPB) and Selected BOP for Regular Undergraduate Program Students in 2022 as well as UI Rector’s Decree No. 125/SK/R/Ul/2022 on Regular Non-Undergraduate Education Cost of the 2022/2023 Academic Year play an essential role in supporting low-income students. These decrees ensure that all faculties at UI participate in the BOPB program in providing tuition fee adjustments for students meeting certain criteria to reduce financial burdens and ensure the creation of an inclusive environment in the university area.
Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI is an example of faculties actively supporting students from low-income families through the Blue Springs Scholarship (MAB) program. This program is managed by the alumni of FT UI and includes various programs, such as Regular Scholarships, Scholarships for the Children of FT UI Employees, Thesis Scholarships, and Achievement Scholarships. A total of 30 students of FT UI received benefits from these scholarship programs in 2022.
- Instagram of Blue Springs Scholarship Foundation of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI
- Mata Air Biru Scholarship
Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI is also committed to providing comprehensive support to clinical students, especially those involved in night shifts at hospitals. For example, FK UI has implemented a food and accommodation assistance program for students working on night duty at the hospital. This program is also extended to students assigned to affiliated hospitals, such as Tangerang Regional General Hospital (RSUD), UI Hospital (RSUI), Harapan Kita Women and Children Hospital (RSAB), and Persahabatan Central General Hospital (RSUP). FK UI even provides affordable dormitories for clinical students with low socio-economic backgrounds, located in Kalipasir, Cikini. All these efforts aim to address the challenges faced by students with financial constraints, ensuring that they can pursue their medical education without a heavy economic burden.
2022 Low-income Student Support of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI
Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI also collaborates with their alumni to provide scholarships for undergraduate students experiencing financial difficulties through Pelangi Akademos Scholarship of FPsi UI. This program provides assistance for education costs and daily expenses for eligible students.
Pelangi Akademos Scholarship of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
All of these programs and initiatives indicate the commitment of UI to ensuring that students from low-income families have an equal opportunity to successfully complete their higher education. With this support, UI strives to create an inclusive and fair environment for all students, ascertaining the accessibility of quality higher education to all levels of society.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken significant initiatives to support students from low-income families in completing their higher education. These programs are designed to help students coming from families in the lowest 20% income bracket of the country successfully complete their studies.
UI provides various scholarship programs and financial support. One of the main programs is the Indonesian Smart Card – College (KIP-K) helping 247 students in 2022 in accordance with UI Rector’s Decree No. 1225/SK/R/UI/2022 on Students Receiving Higher Education Affirmation Scholarships in 2022. The KIP-K program is a form of financial assistance given to students from low-income families. This program helps them cover tuition fees and living expenses during their studies at UI.
In addition, the Educational Tuition for High-Achieving Low-Income Students (Bidikmisi), now known as KIP-K, is also an essential program provided by the Indonesian government. This program provides financial support to economically-disadvantaged students, enabling them to receive quality higher education until they graduate in a timely manner. In addition to tuition fees, KIP-K recipients also receive funds for their living expenses.
Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADiK) program aimed at high school graduates from the Frontier, Outermost, and Disadvantaged (3T) Regions is also available. This program also applies to indigenous Papuans and children of migrant workers. It manifests the effort to support students possibly facing economic problems in pursuing higher education.
A number of faculties at UI have specifically-designed programs to support low-income students. For example, Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI has established various programs and initiatives supporting students coming from families with the lowest 20% income, including providing scholarships in several fields, particularly in finance. A total of 142 students in 2022 received benefits from numerous sources, including individuals, alumni, and companies.
2022 Bottom Financial Quintile Student Support of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI
Similarly, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI provides financial support to their students, focusing on tuition fees and daily living expenses. This scholarship program aims to help students complete their studies despite facing financial difficulties.
- Adkesma Information regarding Scholarships of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
- Data of 2022 Scholarship Recipients of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
Moreover, both Faculty of Law (FH) of UI and Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI have various programs accommodating underprivileged students. FH UI provides a Fair Education Operational Costs (BOPB) program for new regular students. They also facilitate BOPB updates every semester for students experiencing economic condition changes. In addition, they have scholarship programs from the Indonesian government such as the Educational Tuition for High-Achieving Low-Income Students (Bidikmisi), Smart Indonesia Card – College (KIP-K), and Smart Indonesia Card – Affirmation (KIP-Affirmation).
Furthermore, Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI also has similar support programs, including BOPB and other scholarship programs collaborating with various institutions and companies, aiming to help students from economically vulnerable backgrounds pursue higher education. In this regard, Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI offers an identical installment program for which 596 people registered in 2022.
- 2022 Bottom Financial Quintile of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI
- List of Names for Even BOP Instalment Applications of 2022 Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
- List of Names for Odd BOP Instalment Applications of 2022 Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
All of these initiatives reflect the commitment of UI to supporting students from low-income families, ensuring that they have equal access to quality higher education. By offering financial support, scholarships, and other programs, UI strives to create an inclusive and fair environment for all students.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken concrete action to support students from various backgrounds, including students from low or lower-middle income countries, through an excellent scholarship program. One of UI flagship programs is the UI GREAT Scholarship offered to prospective foreign students in master programs in various UI faculties.
- Website of Indonesia Smart Card- College (KIP-K)
- 2022 Low or Lower-Middle Income Countries Student Support of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI
- Website of Higher Education Affirmation (ADiK)
UI GREAT Scholarship offers fully funded educational opportunities in Indonesia, a country with cultural wealth and one of leading economies in Asia. This scholarship is available to eligible prospective foreign students in master programs. In addition to tuition fee exemption, this scholarship also covers visa allowance, plane tickets, health insurance, settlement allowance, monthly allowance, dormitory accommodation, research funds, and quarantine costs if necessary.
UI GREAT Scholarship does not only cover one faculty but also apply to various faculties at UI, providing opportunities for prospective students to pursue master’s degrees in various fields of science. This program aims to provide foreign students with the opportunity to experience the diverse and high-quality academic environment of UI.
For example, Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) and School of Environmental Studies (SIL) of UI utilize the scholarship to connect students from abroad with an inclusive learning environment at UI.
- Website of 2022 UI GREAT
- 2022 UI GREAT Data of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI
- 2022 UI GREAT Data of School of Environmental Studies (SIL) of UI
In addition to the UI GREAT scholarship, UI also actively participates in the Developing Countries Partnership Scholarship program, known as KNB Scholarship. It is a prestigious scholarship program offered by the government of the Republic of Indonesia to prospective scholarship recipients from developing countries. KNB Scholarship has been implemented and managed by the Directorate General of Higher Education since 2006.
This program has provided scholarships to thousands of recipients from 97 different countries, covering various faculties at UI. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UI is one of the faculties playing an important role in supporting underprivileged students. For example, FISIP UI connects its students with the KNB Scholarship. The KNB Scholarship is a real measure to support students from low or lower-middle income countries. This scholarship provides prospective students from developing countries with the opportunity to access quality higher education at UI.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has long been a role model in its efforts to support and facilitate entrepreneurship among students, lecturers, alumni, and the general community. One of the main initiatives undertaken by UI is the UI Incubate program, a start-up incubation program offering training, mentorship, and funding to young entrepreneurs aspiring to build sustainable businesses. The UI Incubate program has become an important milestone in the journey towards successful entrepreneurship, both at the university and the local community levels.
The UI Incubate program is organized by the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park (DISTP) of UI. This program is committed to providing assistance to local communities in supporting start-ups with sustainable businesses, both financially and socially. The approach of the program includes education and relevant resources, namely mentorship programs, training, and access to university facilities.
In addition to training, UI Incubate also provides funding to start-ups meeting the requirements and considerably needing funds to achieve their program targets. This funding is a key aspect in helping start-ups begin their business journey. As proof of the commitment of UI in supporting entrepreneurship, UI Rector’s Decree No. 1464 has been issued, determining the recipients of technology-based start-up companies (UI Incubate) in the 2022 fiscal year.
- UI Rector’s Decree No. 1464 on the Determination of Recipients for Batch 1 Technology-Based Start-up Companies (UI Incubate) of the 2022 Fiscal Year
- 2022 UI Incubate Data
Efforts to support entrepreneurship are taken resolutely not only at university level but also at faculty level. For example, Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI has launched the Entrepreneurship Camp program entitled “Innovation into Invention” (i3 FT UI). This program is one of the strategic efforts to promote start-ups supported by FT UI. Registration for prospective start-ups to assist has been implemented, and subsequent to a strict selection, 10 selected business groups were successfully registered in the i3 FT UI program.
The i3 program is the largest business incubator at FT UI, managed by the Entrepreneurship and Innovation (WiN) unit and the Career Development Center (CDC) of FT UI. It is a concrete proof of how UI faculty is involved in providing training, mentoring, and financial support to start-ups in various business fields, from street lighting to website-based technology agriculture.
- 2022 Onboarding Day Entrepreneurship Camp “Innovation into Invention” of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI
- Students of Department of Chemical Engineering of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Provide Training in Bar Soap Making and Marketing Techniques
Furthermore, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI takes part in supporting entrepreneurship by organizing Entrepreneur Week, an event aiming to provide insights and teaching about entrepreneurship to students. In this event, successful business owners including Andi Aprillah, Irma Agustiana, and Edho Zell were invited as speakers. They shared their experiences and knowledge about the initial steps in building a start-up, tips and tricks for managing a business, as well as motivation for running a business. The Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI also plays a role in developing existing start-ups, specifically among students, including webinars, bazaars, promotional activities, and funding.
- Instagram of UI Entrepreneur Week
- Instagram of UI Entrepreneur Week – Webinar of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
- Instagram of UI Entrepreneur Week – Bazaar of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
- Vokasi Startup Assistance
- Vokhum Fest of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
Meanwhile, several other faculties, including Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI, are also active in supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). They provide training and knowledge to MSME actors in the fisheries sector, and coastal communities. It is a real measure in helping MSMEs grow and develop in the digitalization era.
- Information on MSME Review of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI – “The Importance of Collaboration to Increase Sales”
- Information on MSME Review of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI – “Training for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Fisheries Sector and Coastal Communities”
- Information on MSME Review of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI – “Develop Your Business with Digital Platforms”
UI plays a role in supporting communities both inside and outside the campus. UI provides training in the environment and ecotourism concepts for the marine tourism business community on Pahawang Island. This initiative includes education about sustainability and the role of ecotourism in the local environment. The community-supporting activities also include training in cultivating trigona bees and processing trigona bee honey at several Islamic boarding schools in East Lombok. It is an example of how UI collaborates with various parties, including Islamic boarding schools and local communities, to increase their knowledge and income through cultivating trigona bees.
- Economic Utilization of Trigona Bee Biopharming in Masbagik, East Lombok
- Homestay Development in Pulikan Likupang Village by Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI
- Marine Ecotourism on Pahawang Island, Faculty of Law (FH) of UI
- The Community Service Team of School of Environmental Studies (SIL) of UI Accompanies Wanagiri Villagers to Manage Eco-Friendly Coffee
UI has managed to create various programs and initiatives supporting entrepreneurship at the university, faculty and local community levels. Starting from incubation programs to training, UI continues to play an important role in facilitating sustainable business growth in Indonesia. The strong entrepreneurial spirit of UI is a role model for other universities and the wider community in supporting sustainable local businesses.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has long been a role model in its efforts to support and facilitate entrepreneurship among students, lecturers, alumni, and the general community. One of the main initiatives undertaken by UI is the UI Incubate program, a start-up incubation program offering training, mentorship and funding to young entrepreneurs aspiring to build sustainable businesses. The UI Incubate program has become an important milestone in the journey towards successful entrepreneurship, both at the university and the local community levels.
At the university level, UI has taken great measures to support entrepreneurship through the UI Incubate program organized by the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park (DISTP) of UI. This program is committed to providing assistance to local communities in supporting start-ups with sustainable businesses, both financially and socially. The approach of the program includes education, training, and access to university facilities supporting business development. DISTP of UI launched a technology-based startup funding program (UI Incubate) consisting of three business incubation programs, i.e. Problem/Solution Fit Module, Product/Market Fit Module, and Scale Up Module. This program provides assistance to start-ups in various stages of their business development.
In addition to training, UI Incubate also provides funding to start-ups meeting the requirements and considerably needing funds to achieve their program targets. This funding is a key aspect in helping start-ups begin their business journey. As proof of the commitment of UI in supporting entrepreneurship, UI Rector’s Decree No. 1464 has been issued, determining the recipients of technology-based start-up companies (UI Incubate) in the 2022 fiscal year.
- UI Rector’s Decree No. 1464 on the Determination of Recipients for Batch 1 Technology-Based Start-up Companies (UI Incubate) of the 2022 Fiscal Year
- 2022 UI Incubate Data
The Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment (DPPM) of UI also plays an important role in providing funding/grants for community service and assistance with product output and popular news. This program supports community servants in producing beneficial outcomes for the community and UI institutions.
- Proposal Guide of UI 2022 Community Service and Empowerment Program Grant
- 2022 UI Research and Innovation Grants
In addition, UI also provides a Prototype Design and Development Funding Program (P5) for UI lecturers, researchers, and students. This program aims to produce prototypes with a high level of technological readiness and intellectual property rights ready for commercialization.
UI also has a policy-based research grant program known as G20 Policy Brief to support research with relevant social and policy impacts. This program encourages research contributing to sustainable development.
Several faculties at UI are also active in supporting entrepreneurship. For example, Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI made achievements by presenting innovations with a significant impact on the community. FT UI innovators and start-ups won awards in several categories in the 2022 UI Innovation Award. FT UI lecturers and students have succeeded in creating innovative solutions, such as baby incubators, eco-friendly electric buses, and ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic. This award indicates the contribution of FT UI in supporting sustainable entrepreneurship at the university level.
Similarly, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI is actively involved in supporting entrepreneurship at the university level. FIB UI provided financial support to local communities through organizing Komodo Cultural Festival. Moreover, FIB UI also provided pocket books and a website to promote the festival and tourism village. The action is part of the efforts made by FIB UI to support sustainable business at the university level.
The hard work and commitment of UI, both at the university and faculty levels, enable Indonesia to strengthen the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem. It is a positive measure towards building financially and socially sustainable businesses in various sectors and fields. UI continues to inspire other universities and the wider community to support sustainable entrepreneurship in Indonesia. The strong entrepreneurial spirit of UI becomes a role model for other universities and the wider community in supporting sustainable local businesses.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken proactive measures in organizing training and programs aimed at increasing access to basic services, at both university and faculty levels.
At the university level, UI regularly holds training sessions for employees approaching retirement age. This training program covers a variety of important topics, including psychology, health, and financial management. The goal is to equip UI employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain their well-being and productivity after retiring from the university. These programs contribute to the overall well-being of the employees and ensure a smooth transition to their post-retirement life.
Seminar on Financial Planning in New Normal Era by UI Department of Human Resources for Employees
Meanwhile, at the faculty level, UI community empowerment program is active in various faculties, for instance Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of UI. FMIPA UI was involved in a community development project in Sukawangi Village, focusing on optimizing the water supply system through the construction of water storage tanks. This project aimed to increase community access to clean water.
In addition, UI Pharmacy Care program, running since 2021, continues its efforts to empower the community in Panunggulan, Babakan Village, Tenjo Subdistrict, Bogor District. This program focuses on education and health with the aim of supporting the third and fourth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This program includes a variety of educational activities including creative, health, inspiration, and art classes to improve access to education for children in the area.
Health interventions are also part of the Pharmacy Care program, aiming to increase public awareness regarding the importance of health care and drug availability. Due to the far distance of health facilities and pharmacies in the area, this program provides health education, promotes the cultivation of family medicinal plants, and contributes to preventing stunting in Panunggulan Village. Faculty of Nursing (FIK) and Faculty of Public Health (FKM) also contributed to optimizing the role of Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) through developing cadre capacity for preventing and controlling stunting in West Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara, expected to educate mothers in the surrounding area regarding stunting in toddlers.
- 2022 Pharmacy Care Activity Accountability Report
- Community Service List of Faculty of Nursing (FIK) of UI Related to Basic Service Access
- Assistance for Family with Stunting Toddlers
- List of Grant Proposals for Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI
- The Efforts of UI Students to Overcome Stunting
- Nutrition Literacy Assistance for Posyandu
- Increasing Awareness of Education and Marriage Age Development for Fishing Families in Klaces Village, Kampung Laut Subdistrict, Cilacap District, Central Java
Furthermore, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI also contributes to increasing access to basic services by establishing a community reading room and library. This program aims to improve community literacy and literacy competency in Sembalun, East Lombok.
- The Reading Park of Community Service Increases Literacy, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI
- The Establishment of a Reading Park in the East Lombok by Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI
Moreover, Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI launched a series of programs to empower Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Sidatapa Village, Buleleng District. These programs include creative digital marketing strategies aimed at improving the economic well-being of the community.
- Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI Provides Education related to Digital Marketing
- Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI Encourages the Optimization of Bamboo Crafts
Through various programs at the university and faculty levels, Universitas Indonesia shows its commitment to improving access to basic services and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, promoting the welfare and quality of life of the communities served.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has committed to playing an active role in overcoming poverty problems in all of its dimensions. The participation of UI in policy making is evident in the following actions.
Karin Amelia Safitri, Head of Community Service of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI, stated that UI strives to change the paradigm of the community of Marinsow Village regarding saving. She realizes that many residents still consider that saving means setting aside the remaining money of their income. Thus, UI provides training to help them properly record all sources of their income, both main income and additional income.
In addition, they also educate the community on extensive financial service products, including insurance, pension funds, and the basic concept of capital markets. This effort aims to change the perspective of the community on their financial management.
Financial Education by Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI also plays a role in policy making by conducting research and training. FIB UI focuses on developing Culture Depository (Lumbung Budaya) in Linggasana Village, Cirebon. This program aims to help villages discover their potential and identify their identity to be developed to bring prosperity to the villagers.
The Team of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI Hand over Their Research Results to Linggasana village
On December 13, 2022, the Demography Institute of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI, in collaboration with the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Economic Development (PROSPERA), presented the initial results of a study on employment policies for people with disabilities. It attempted to discover solutions and provide recommendations for inclusive programs such as Pre-Employment Card and Inclusive Work Training Center (BLK), as well as special programs such as Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) and the Disability Employment Services Unit (ULD). All is the real evidence of how UI and its faculties collaborate in an effort to address relevant social issues.
- List Policy Brief Addressing Poverty of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI
- Disability Employment Policy Review by the Demography Institute of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI
These efforts are part of the commitment of UI to playing an active role in policy making at local, regional, national and even global levels, with the aim of ending poverty in all of its dimensions. By collaborating with various faculties and units, UI aspires to generate positive changes to the community and overcome existing social challenges in Indonesia.
Community-based anti-poverty programs play a pivotal role in achieving SDG 1, focusing on local empowerment and resource allocation to alleviate hardship. These initiatives bolster self-sufficiency through skills training, microfinance, and access to basic services, fostering a sustainable foundation for eradicating poverty within communities.
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