Our actions and goals

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SDG 2: No Poverty

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Providing Meals to Food-Insecure Communities Across the Country

At Universitas Indonesia, we actively combat national hunger by partnering with local farmers for sustainable agriculture and ensuring food security for vulnerable communities. Through our initiatives, we provide thousands of meals annually to those in need across the country.

Our Goals in Action

Campus Food Waste

Campus food waste reduction initiatives directly contribute to SDG 2, aiming for Zero Hunger. By optimizing meal planning, improving food storage, and channeling surplus to those in need, educational institutions can significantly cut waste, support community food banks, and move towards a hunger-free, sustainable campus environment.

Each faculty canteen of Universitas Indonesia has its own unique name and characteristics. Each faculty also ensures that food vendors in the canteen are able to provide healthy food to students through training. UI also pays attention to the food waste generated from the consumption activities of campus residents. Thus, UI provides relevant measurements for food waste.

In 2021, UI produced 33,979 kg of food waste into compost or organic fertilizer through the Waste Management Unit. UI also worked closely with the local government of Depok on waste management and recycling process. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) also managed its food waste that reached approximately 300 kg.

Waste in Faculty of Nursing (FoN UI) is sorted according to materials; whether it is organic or inorganic. Organic waste is sent to UI waste disposal site for recycling. Averagely, FON UI transports 27 kg of food waste per month to be recycled. The compost produced is then used to fertilize soil in the faculty garden. Waste recycling program policy is declared in the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing of Universitas Indonesia No.: 5670/UN2.F12.D/HKP.02.04/2018 concerning The Implementation of Go Green FoN UI Policy point c, d, and k. This policy is socialized to all campus community members of FoN UI.

PAU: Total Waste of UI in 2021

FKM UI: Food Waste Management of FKM UI

FIK UI: Food Waste Management of FIK UI

Student Hunger

Campus food waste reduction initiatives directly contribute to SDG 2, aiming for Zero Hunger. By optimizing meal planning, improving food storage, and channeling surplus to those in need, educational institutions can significantly cut waste, support community food banks, and move towards a hunger-free, sustainable campus environment.

Universitas Indonesia is aware of the food insecurity and hunger that is frequently experienced by students. Therefore, UI provides canteens in each faculty that sell food at affordable prices. The canteen of Vocational Program provides a special menu for vegetarians and vegans with guaranteed food hygiene and health. In addition, the dormitories have also provided free meal coupons for residents since 2021. The coupons give students access to a portion of healthy and nutritious food of IDR20,000 worth. A total of 90 residents took advantage of this coupon in June 2021.

Vocational Program: Canteens at Vocational Program of UI

Faculty of Psychology: The Implementation of SDG 2 by Faculty of Psychology of UI

PAU: Food Scholarship Coupons

Hunger experienced by students and staff at the university is an inevitable issue. Universitas Indonesia seeks to overcome this issue through intervention. Every staff at the university is entitled to a meal allowance paid cumulatively in each subsequent month on the grounds that a complete attendance is recorded, as specified in Rector’s Decree No. 19 of 2021. Faculty of Psychology also provides two canteens for staff and students that sell a variety of food at affordable prices. Alumni of Faculty of Social Science and Political Science (FISIP UI) participated in distributing food to 80 students who were still around campus during the distance learning period (PJJ).

PAU: The Rules of Providing Food for Staff at UI

Faculty of Psychology: The Implementation of SDG 2 by Faculty of Psychology of UI

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science: Student Logistic Assistance During Pandemic:

Universitas Indonesia acknowledges that sustainable food choices on campus are imperative to provide considering the large number of people who have now become vegetarian or vegan. UI strives to meet these needs by providing them with food that they can consume. Canteens at Health Sciences Cluster (RIK), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and Vocational Group provide sustainable food choices at affordable prices. The mainstay of sustainable food choices from these canteens is gado-gado, a traditional Indonesian dish of chopped fresh vegetables with peanut sauce. In addition, salads are a mainstay for vegetarians and vegans, prompting the canteens to provide delicious salads on their menu.

RIK UI: The Canteen of RIK UI

FMIPA UI: The Canteen of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of UI

FEB UI: Food Choices for Vegetarians and Vegans Available at the Canteen of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI

Vocational Program: The Canteen of Vocational Program of UI Providing Food Choices for Vegetarian

Free time between classes is a good time for students to fill their stomachs in the canteens. The canteens are an option for students to eat due to their close distance to the classes. Thus, canteens at Universitas Indonesia are determined to provide healthy and affordable food choices to fulfill the nutrition of their diners. UI also ensures the cleanliness of the food to be in compliance with the standards specified in Rector’s Regulation No. 57 of 2017 on the Implementation of the Occupational Safety, Health & Environment (K3L) Aspects at UI Canteens, which is still valid up to this day.

Since 2015, the food sold in the canteen of Faculty of Engineering (FT) has had to go through an inspection conducted by the Environmental Health Laboratory of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) to ensure that it is free from bacteria and borax. This inspection is still carried out randomly in this canteen. The canteen, also known as Kantek, only accepts cashless payments to reduce contamination and spread of bacteria through banknotes. In addition, there is prohibition of processing raw materials in the canteen and an obligation to put production and expiration dates on food wrappers. It is a testament to the commitment and seriousness of UI in providing healthy food for canteen visitors.

PAU: UI Rector’s Regulation on the Implementation of the Occupational Safety, Health & Environment (K3L) Aspects at UI Canteens

FT UI: Socialization on the Management of the Canteen of FT UI

FMIPA UI: The Great Cleanliness of the Canteen oFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of UI

Vocational Program: Healthy and Affordable Food at Vocational Program of UI

National Hunger

Tackling national hunger is central to fulfilling SDG 2, Zero Hunger. Through comprehensive policies, national food programs, support for agriculture, and community engagement, countries aim to guarantee food security, improve nutrition, and ensure that every citizen has sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to lead a healthy life.

Food security is increasingly important for the wider community to realize. Through research and discussion by experts, Universitas Indonesia is committed to disseminating this knowledge to the local community, particularly farmers and food producers. UI considers that it is essential for them to be able to face the challenges ahead. By providing training and sharing the knowledge obtained from research, UI expects to contribute to resilient local farmers and food producers.

In 2021, the Department of Nutrition from Faculty of Public Health (FKM) held an event entitled Community Empowerment in the Management of Settlement Environment and Community Education in Increasing the Consumption of Nutritious Food during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Bogor District. Science Field Shop of Universitas Indonesia also held an online discussion with the Indramayu and Sumedang Climate Response Farmer Association on the resilience of farmers to respond to climate change. In fact, this event was also attended by Professor Sue Walker, an agrometeorologist from the University of the Free State. It is a form of genuine contribution of UI in building resilient food security of Indonesia. The Faculty of Economics and Business also releases various publications on food security to help create sustainable agriculture.


FISIP UI: Science Field Shop Assisting Farmers in Responding to Climate Change

Vocational Program: The Effort of Vocational Program in Disseminating Knowledge about Food Security

FEB UI Publication on Food Security:

As an agricultural country, the economy of Indonesia remains depending on the agricultural sector. However, it is undeniable that the number of exporting farmers in Indonesia is quite high. Therefore, Universitas Indonesia feels responsible for assisting farmers and local food producers in creating efficient, sufficient, and profitable agricultural activities to achieve prosperous farmers capable of producing quality food for consumption.

In 2021, UI was heavily involved in knowledge transfer programs to local farmers and producers, either through training, seminars, or online discussions. In December 2021, Faculty of Law (FH) collaborated with coffee farmers in Bogor District to promote halal certification to help increase their sales. Faculty members of Faculty of Engineering (FT) also offered innovations in stingless bee cultivation to encourage the creation of economic independence with financial assistance from Bank Indonesia. Furthermore, Faculty of Pharmacy held three events with local farmers and producers, one of which was themed on the use of herbal medicinal raw materials in Indonesia.

FH UI: FH UI Coordinating Socialization on Halal Certification

FT UI: UI Researchers Offering Stingless Bee Cultivation Technology for Economic Independence

Faculty of Pharmacy: An Event for Local Farmers and Producers by Faculty of Pharmacy of UI

FKM UI: Urban Farming, A Hobby with Business Potential

The Universitas Indonesia participates in developing the knowledge and skills of local farmers and food producers. As an agricultural country, Indonesia is aware of the abundance of farming professions that require access to sustainable agricultural technologies and practices. The UI’s Field Scientific Stall held a discussion with the Indramayu and Sumedang Climate Responsive Farmers’ Associations in the Food Talk: “Sovereign Farmers Responding to Climate Change.” The theme is very appropriate for food sovereignty, so farmers must be able to respond to climate change and anticipate what will happen such as floods, landslides, storms and so on that will occur in the future.

One of the other efforts is through the operation of a container farm at the Faculty of Engineering (FT UI). The development of the container farm design and technology adoption to a smaller scale (for traditional farmers). An online socialization event on smart farming technology was also held in the hope of increasing understanding of how a container farm works, which includes smart tools, such as special LED lights for agriculture, sensors for nutrient detection, and software to automate farming actions. FEB UI provides access to university facilities (e.g., labs, technology, plant stocks) to local farmers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices. Realized by the authorship of articles with title “Leaders’ support of sustainable innovation and business sustainability in developing countries: Evidence from small and medium food processing enterprises”

UI’s commitment in developing sustainable agricultural practices

FISIP: Field Scientific Stalls Help Farmers Respond to Climate Change

FEB: Leaders’ Support of Sustainable Innovation and Business Sustainability in Developing Countries: Evidence from Small and Medium Food Processing Enterprises

During the pandemic, Universitas Indonesia has carried out various forms of promotion on social media to purchase food from local sources, namely food stalls in the campus canteens. Via an Instagram account @kantin.sastra, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) carries out promotions with certain discounts and connects them with food delivery services that can be accessed through the application. In October 2021 in NTT, Vocational Program expressed support for the suppression of stunting through food education of Moringa leaves, one of the abundant agricultural products in Labuan Bajo. It shows the aspiration of UI to empower local sellers through education that relies on certain special local products. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA UI) lecturers also participated in encouraging the development of processed mushroom products because of the high protein content and hoped that the mushroom product business could be sustainable in the future.

FIB UI: The Promotion of Food Purchase at the Canteen of FIB UI

FMIPA: Mushroom Product Processed Development is Very Easy to Make

Vocational Program: The Support of Vocational Program of UI on Sustainable Food Purchase

Our actions and goals

Click the SDG Goals to read the initiatives