Our actions and goals

Click the SDG Goals to read the initiatives

SDGs 14: Life Below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Our Goals in Action

Supporting Aquatic Ecosystems through Education

Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education encapsulates the initiative of imparting knowledge and awareness about marine and freshwater environments, fostering stewardship and sustainable practices to conserve water habitats, ensuring biodiversity, and promoting a balance between human activities and aquatic life health through informative and transformative learning experiences.

Universitas Indonesia actively contributes to supporting the achievement of SDG 14, which focuses on the preservation of freshwater ecosystems through community empowerment. One of the initiatives by students from the Faculty of Engineering at UI (FT UI) is the development of sustainable membrane technology to address clean water quality issues in Jakarta. This technology aims to improve access to clean water through environmentally friendly methods, which are essential for maintaining the balance of freshwater ecosystems in urban areas. Additionally, UI’s Vocational Education Program (Vokasi Ui) provides training on biopore technology to the residents of Panggang Island, helping to enhance groundwater absorption and prevent flooding. This program not only supports efforts to preserve freshwater resources but also empowers the community to maintain the balance of the local ecosystem.

Community Outreach FT UI

The Master’s Program in Marine Science at UI

Universitas Indonesia through the Marine Studies Center at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA UI), also conducts various training programs, such as participatory modeling for coral reef management. Although focused on marine ecosystems, these programs incorporate a comprehensive understanding of aquatic ecosystems. This activity strengthens community awareness of the importance of preserving the sustainability of both freshwater and marine ecosystems. Through these initiatives, UI demonstrates its commitment to engaging communities in sustainable freshwater ecosystem conservation.The Community Service Program of UI’s Vocational Education Program (Vokasi UI) in Panggang Island, the Thousand Islands, introduces biopore technology to support SDG 14, particularly in freshwater ecosystem preservation. This technology aims to increase rainwater absorption into the soil, reduce flooding, and mitigate environmental pollution. In this training, the community is educated on the benefits of biopore holes to maintain environmental quality and the freshwater ecosystem in coastal areas. This activity encourages the residents of Panggang Island to take an active role in sustainable water management. The program is expected to strengthen environmental awareness among the community and serve as a crucial step toward maintaining a healthy and sustainable freshwater ecosystem on the island, aligning with the achievement of SDGs in Indonesia.

Community Outreach FMIPA UI

The Biopore Technology Application Training by Vocational Program UI

Training Management by PPSML SIL UI

Universitas Indonesia actively supports the achievement of SDG 14 through various programs focused on sustainable fisheries and community empowerment. A key innovation includes the application of an oxygen nanobubble generator, developed by students from UI’s Faculty of Engineering, aimed at boosting shrimp production in Indonesia. This technology not only assists shrimp farmers in increasing their yields but also ensures water quality, contributing to sustainable fisheries. Additionally, the Marine Studies Center at FMIPA UI conducts training on coral reef ecosystem management using participatory modeling methods. This training engages coastal communities in preserving coral reef ecosystems, which are vital for marine life and the sustainability of fisheries in the region.

The Utilization of Oxygen Nanobubble Generator

Coral Reef Ecosystem Management Training by FMIPA UI

Efishery Research LD FEB UI

Vocational Education Program and the School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia contribute to raising public awareness of the importance of sustainable marine ecosystems and environmentally friendly fisheries management. One concrete initiative is the Java Bali Overland Tour 2023, organized by students of the Tourism Business Management Program at UI’s Vocational Education Program. This activity introduces participants to the concept of the blue economy, a sustainable maritime economic development strategy aimed at preserving marine resources. The program educates communities on balancing the economic benefits of the ocean with ecosystem preservation. Universitas Indonesia also participates in educational activities in Ketapang, aimed at building awareness of the importance of ecosystem-based nature tourism, which is closely related to coastal environmental conservation. These initiatives reflect UI’s efforts to engage communities in supporting sustainable fisheries and maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems.

Java Bali Overland Tour Vokasi

Blue Economy Vokasi UI

Ecosystem Services-Based Community Education Program by  SIL UI

Universitas Indonesia, through various initiatives, continues to support the achievement of SDG 14, particularly in addressing overfishing through community-based education. One initiative led by UI’s Vocational Education Program is the application of the Blue Economy concept as a sustainable maritime economic development strategy in Indonesia. This program emphasizes the importance of responsible marine resource management, including preventing overfishing, to maintain marine ecosystem balance while still providing economic benefits to coastal communities.

ALSA LC UI For Society 2023

Blue Economy Vokasi UI

Universitas Indonesia is involved in urban aquaculture activities in Mauk, Tangerang, where the community is educated on the importance of maintaining aquatic ecosystems in fishing practices. This program aims to raise awareness among residents about the negative impacts of overfishing and the importance of preserving fish populations for long-term fishery sustainability. UI students play a vital role in outreach activities for local fishers, educating coastal communities on the dangers of overfishing. Through various educational activities, UI actively contributes to building awareness about the importance of responsible fishery management to protect marine biodiversity and ensure ecosystem balance that supports community livelihoods.

Urban Aquaculture

Supporting Aquatic Ecosystems through Action

Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action refers to proactive engagement in conservation efforts to protect and restore marine and freshwater habitats. It involves direct intervention, cleanup drives, habitat restoration, policy advocacy, sustainable resource management, and community involvement to maintain and enhance the vitality of aquatic environments.

Universitas Indonesia through various activities and programs organized by its faculties and student organizations, continues to support the achievement of SDG 14 on the conservation and sustainable use of oceans. One key event held is International Coastal Cleanup Day, where the Student Executive Body of UI’s Faculty of Law (BEM FH UI) organizes the FH UI Environmental Project. This event engages students and the community in beach cleanup activities aimed at raising awareness of the importance of ocean cleanliness and reducing the impact of marine debris on coastal ecosystems. Additionally, UI’s Vocational Student Executive Body (BEM Vokasi UI) conducts outreach on the significance of mangroves in coastal areas. Mangroves play a vital role in protecting marine ecosystems, safeguarding shorelines from erosion, and supporting marine biodiversity. This program emphasizes not only the importance of conservation but also the sustainable use of coastal ecosystems for the benefit of local communities.

Border Economy Enhancement Initiative by FEB UI

Environtmental Project FH UI

Outreach on the Importance of Mangroves by  Vokasi UI

Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia (Vokasi UI) also promotes the concept of the Blue Economy as a strategy for maritime economic development in Indonesia. This program teaches coastal communities how to sustainably utilize marine resources while ensuring the balance of marine ecosystems is maintained. These initiatives reflect UI’s commitment to educating communities on the importance of sustainable ocean conservation and use, aimed at preserving marine ecosystems and enhancing the well-being of coastal communities.

Blue Economy Vokasi UI

FGD Outlook Indonesia SKSG UI

Universitas Indonesia continues to contribute to the achievement of SDG 14 through various programs that directly work to protect marine ecosystems and biodiversity. One significant program is “The Moves Proms,” conducted by UI’s Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UI), which focuses on protecting the sea turtle population in Ujung Genteng Beach, Sukabumi. This initiative aims to preserve the endangered sea turtle population and restore the coastal ecosystems that serve as their habitat. Additionally, UI students are actively involved in reforestation efforts by planting 1,000 mangrove seedlings on Tidung Island. This mangrove planting initiative aims to prevent erosion, strengthen shorelines, and provide habitat for various marine species, as part of efforts to preserve coastal biodiversity. In the Thousand Islands, UI students, alongside the local community, are engaged in environmental restoration to protect marine life, educate about the importance of maintaining marine ecosystems, and ensure that these restoration efforts benefit the sustainability of marine ecosystems.

Project The Moves Proms FEB UI

Penanaman Mangrove di Pulau Tidung olehMahasiswa UI

Restorasi Alam Mahasiswa UI di Kepulauan Seribu

Co-Management of Large-scale and Medium-Scale Fisheries

Impact of Maritime Logistics Subsidy on Food Prices

These efforts are further strengthened by other programs, such as public discussions on environmental management held by the Faculty of Law at UI, emphasizing the importance of policy and legal protection for environmental sustainability. All these initiatives demonstrate UI’s dedication to taking concrete actions to preserve marine ecosystems and biodiversity while engaging the broader community in sustainable environmental stewardship. The 2023 Student Executive Body of UI’s Vocational Education Program (BEM Vokasi UI) is actively educating coastal communities on the importance of mangroves for coastal environmental sustainability. Through outreach activities, they emphasize the benefits of mangroves in preventing erosion, preserving marine habitats, and supporting the sustainability of coastal ecosystems. Additionally, the 2023 Environmental Sustainability Report from UI’s Vocational Education Program reflects their commitment to maintaining ecosystem balance through various environmental programs, including mangrove conservation, in support of achieving the SDGs.

Public Discussion on Handling Environmental Cases in Indonesia Post-Perma

Event Review of ALSA LC UI For Society 2023

Outreach on the Importance of Mangroves by BEM Vokasi UI

Sustainability Report 2023 at Vokasi UI

Universitas Indonesia continues to innovate in supporting the achievement of SDG 14, particularly through the application of technology to prevent aquatic ecosystem damage. One study indexed in Scopus highlights UI’s contribution to developing eco-friendly technology aimed at reducing the impact of marine ecosystem degradation. This technology focuses on monitoring water quality and mitigating the effects of pollution on aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, a public discussion hosted by UI’s Faculty of Law on shrimp farms in Karimunjawa addressed the importance of good governance in pond management to prevent coastal ecosystem damage. This discussion provided insights into how technology and regulations can be applied to ensure sustainable shrimp farming without harming coastal habitats.

Journal Abundance and distribution of microplastics in seawater, Sediment, and Macroalgae Sea Grapes

Journal Durability Study of Glass/Carbon Hybrid Composites Immersed in Seawater for Marine Application

Public Discussion on the Urgency of Shrimp Farms by FH UI

Another program is an outreach initiative by the Student Executive Body of UI’s Vocational Education Program (BEM Vokasi UI) on the importance of mangroves for coastal areas. Technology for the maintenance and restoration of mangrove forests was introduced as an effective way to protect shorelines from erosion and maintain marine ecosystem balance. This effort not only educates the community but also applies technology-based solutions that can prevent further damage. Through these initiatives, UI strengthens the role of technology in preventing aquatic ecosystem degradation, ensuring that the sustainability of marine and aquatic environments is preserved through innovation and direct involvement in conservation activities.

Journal Assessment of Mangrove Ecosystem Potential in Bontang Regency-East Kalimantan to Reduce Abrasion

Outreach on the Importance of Mangroves by Vokasi UI

Water Sensitive Waste Disposal​

Water-sensitive waste disposal refers to environmentally conscientious methods of discarding waste that prevent contamination and harm to water bodies. It involves processes and systems designed to protect aquatic ecosystems by filtering pollutants, reducing runoff, and ensuring that waste by-products do not disrupt the water cycle or aquatic life.

Universitas Indonesia is committed to supporting the achievement of SDG 14, particularly in applying water quality standards and eco-friendly wastewater disposal guidelines. UI has initiatives in place to ensure that campus wastewater management meets strict environmental standards. Through the K3L UI website, various guidelines on safe and sustainable water disposal are published, ensuring that discharged water quality adheres to established standards to preserve aquatic ecosystems.

Water Quality Standards and Discharge Guidelines

Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 on Environmental Protection and Management

PUPR Regulation No. 04 of 2017 on the Implementation of Domestic Wastewater Management Systems

Tracing the Water Discharge Guidelines FT UI

SK and POB Water Conversation

Universitas Indonesia implements wastewater management across various faculties and campus areas through an integrated system designed to minimize negative environmental impact. For example, water quality documents demonstrate how UI monitors parameters such as pH levels, temperature, and heavy metal content in wastewater before it is discharged into the environment, ensuring that the discharged water does not pollute surrounding water bodies. Through these educational and monitoring programs, UI not only strives to maintain the internal campus environment but also educates its students on the importance of high standards in water management. This initiative aims to prevent water pollution that could harm aquatic ecosystems and promote sustainable practices in water disposal.

Water Discharge Guidelines and Standards FASILKOM UI

Sustainable Development Goals Initiatives FEB UI

Water Conservation Policy at UI

SDG 14 Life Below Water FIA UI

SDG 14 Vokasi UI

Universitas Indonesia actively supports the achievement of SDG 14 through the implementation of an action plan to reduce plastic waste. A significant measure has been the use of eco-friendly facilities across the campus, including waste separation systems and reducing plastic usage. UI has implemented a water refill system that allows the campus community to access clean drinking water without needing single-use plastic bottles. In celebration of World Environment Day 2023, UI emphasized the importance of collective awareness in reducing plastic pollution, a global issue that damages marine ecosystems. This campaign not only raises awareness about the dangers of plastic to marine life but also promotes concrete steps to reduce single-use plastic consumption.

Utilization of Eco-Friendly Facilities.

World Environment Day 2023

SDG Life Below Water FASILKOM UI



Total Waste Tracking at FEB UI

Total Inorganic Waste Calculation at FEB UI

Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with Plasticpay and Bank Syariah Indonesia, has developed a sustainability initiative to educate the campus community on the importance of recycling and proper plastic waste management. This program incorporates technology and waste banks to ensure that plastic waste is managed in a more sustainable way. This initiative is part of UI’s commitment to continually promote a green campus and reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste, particularly on aquatic ecosystems.

Inorganic Waste Processing at FEB UI

Waste Management Program at Vokasi UI

Paper and Plastic Reduction at Vokasi UI

Sustainability Program in the Vokasi UI

Implementation of Environmental Commitment by SIL UI 2023

Universitas Indonesia actively supports the achievement of SDG 14, particularly in efforts to reduce marine pollution through structured policies and initiatives. One key policy implemented by UI is the integration of waste and plastic waste management guidelines aimed at reducing pollution in aquatic environments. This policy promotes a sustainable waste management system on campus by emphasizing waste separation, recycling, and reducing single-use plastics.

Beyond internal policies, UI collaborates with the government to support the implementation of broader regulations, such as Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 on the Administration of Environmental Protection and Management. This regulation governs waste management and wastewater disposal that may contaminate marine ecosystems, ensuring that every activity conducted by both government and private sectors complies with strict environmental standards. Through faculty-led initiatives, such as those by the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA UI), the campus is also involved in research and community service related to reducing marine pollution. FIA UI plays a role in promoting policies that encourage environmentally friendly practices, both in coastal management and sustainable fisheries activities. With these policies, UI strengthens its commitment to protecting marine ecosystems from pollution and supporting the preservation of marine life.

UPT K3L UI Quality Policy

UI Green Campus Policy

SDG 14 Life Below Water FIA UI

Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation and Management of the Environment

Maintaining a Local Ecosystem

Maintaining a local ecosystem entails preserving the natural balance within a specific environment. This involves actions to protect native species, sustain biodiversity, manage resources, restore habitats, and educate communities, ensuring the ecosystem’s health and resilience against disturbances, thus securing its longevity and functionality.

Universitas Indonesia has a strategic plan to minimize changes in aquatic ecosystems through various integrated initiatives, in line with achieving SDG 14. One key step is the implementation of the Aquatic Environment Management and Monitoring Plan on the UI campus. This plan includes efforts to maintain water quality, manage aquatic waste through eco-friendly systems, and monitor the impact of campus activities on surrounding aquatic ecosystems. Beyond internal management, UI also focuses on community education through outreach programs. One such activity is organized by the Student Executive Body of UI’s Vocational Education Program (BEM Vokasi UI), which holds outreach sessions on the importance of mangroves for coastal ecosystems. Mangroves play a crucial role in protecting shorelines from erosion, supporting marine life, and preventing significant ecosystem changes due to human activities.

Planning for Aquatic Environmental Management and Monitoring on the UI Campus

Outreach on the Importance of Mangroves by Vokasi UI

Universitas Indonesia consistently integrates policies and tangible actions to protect aquatic ecosystems from degradation. Rigorous water management and community involvement in environmental education and restoration are key focuses in this effort. All these plans are supported by technology and research continuously developed by UI’s faculties and research institutions to sustain aquatic ecosystems. The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) has implemented a water pollution control program as part of its SDG 14 initiative. This program includes the use of a wastewater treatment system (IPAL) in the faculty canteen and Biotech technology for wastewater treatment in faculty buildings. This initiative aims to ensure the safety and health of FEB’s academic community and to prevent any environmental pollution from the water used and waste produced. These measures reflect FEB UI’s commitment to a clean and sustainable environment.

UI Campus RKL-RPL Document on Water Quality

Water Pollution Control in the FEB UI Area

Universitas Indonesia actively supports the achievement of SDG 14 through the monitoring and assessment of aquatic ecosystem health. A key initiative is the Environmental Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Program on the UI campus, which involves regular oversight of water quality, waste management, and efforts to sustain aquatic ecosystem balance within and around the campus. This monitoring is conducted with precise methods to ensure that campus activities have no adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. The External Affairs Division of ALSA LC UI Board 2023 contributes to SDG 14 with the program ALSA LC UI For Society 2023, titled “Elevating Safety and Prosperity of Traditional Fishermen.” Held on Pulau Pari in the Thousand Islands, this event included Open Donation, Legal Seminar, Beach Visit, and Mangrove Planting to support the welfare of traditional fishermen and local tourism. Beyond providing education on legal matters and the issue of Ocean Grabbing, the program highlighted the importance of mangroves in preserving coastal ecosystems, reflecting ALSA LC UI’s commitment to sustaining the aquatic environment.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Quality on the UI Campus

Event Review of ALSA LC UI For Society 2023,

Universitas Indonesia is actively involved in coastal ecosystem conservation. Through the BEM Vokasi UI program, outreach is conducted to educate the community on the importance of mangrove forests for marine ecosystems. This program aims to engage local communities in safeguarding coastal ecosystem health, which plays a vital role in preventing shoreline erosion and supporting marine biodiversity sustainability. Through continuous monitoring and community involvement in ecosystem restoration, UI is committed to ensuring the health of aquatic ecosystems. Education on the importance of conservation, along with community-based environmental management, serves as a concrete step by UI in preserving marine and other aquatic ecosystems.

Outreach on the Importance of Mangroves by Vokasi UI

Universitas Indonesia strives to support SDG 14 through various programs that promote good aquatic ecosystem management practices. One significant initiative is the financial literacy training for fishermen in the Thousand Islands, organized by the Vocational Education Program Universitas Indonesia (Vokasi UI). This program not only helps fishermen better manage their financial resources but also educates them on the importance of sustaining marine resources as part of the blue economy concept.

Blue Economy Vokasi UI

Implementation of Water Conservation Program in the Faculty

Implementation of Recycled Water Utilization Program in the Faculty

The blue economy concept, a key focus of the Vocational Education Program at Universitas Indonesia, emphasizes that coastal and maritime economic growth can be achieved without harming marine ecosystems. In this training, fishermen are taught how to utilize the ocean wisely, ensuring the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems while maximizing fishery yields. Additionally, UI’s top graduates are conducting studies to address coastal flooding in the capital city, a serious threat to coastal communities and marine ecosystems. This research provides evidence-based policy recommendations to manage the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation in coastal areas. All these programs reflect UI’s efforts to promote good and sustainable management practices and to balance economic growth with aquatic ecosystem conservation.

 Blue Economy Training Concept by Vokasi UI

Study on Coastal Flooding Solutions for the Capital City

Water Pollution Control in Faculty Areas

Universitas Indonesia, through various programs and collaborations, plays an active role in supporting SDG 14, particularly in preserving aquatic ecosystems through partnerships for shared water ecosystems. One important initiative is the planting of 1,000 mangrove seedlings by UI students on Tidung Island. This activity aims to preserve the coastline and prevent erosion while also providing an essential habitat for marine biodiversity. Additionally, Universitas Indonesia is involved in collaborations with various institutions to implement sustainable mangrove planting programs in other coastal areas. Mangroves play a crucial role in maintaining aquatic ecosystems and provide ecological benefits to coastal communities, as highlighted in outreach efforts by BEM Vokasi UI.

Mangrove Planting on Tidung Island by UI Students

Collaborative Program for Sustainable Mangrove Planting

Ecosystem Services-Based Nature Tourism Awareness Education by Vokasi UI

Fisheries’ sustainability of three lakes in Jakarta, Indonesia

Event Review of ALSA LC UI For Society 2023

On World Clean-Up Day, BEM UI organized a beach clean-up at Ancol Beach to reduce waste polluting marine ecosystems and raise public awareness of the importance of keeping the oceans clean. In addition to ecosystem-based programs, UI also educates the community about the Blue Economy concept, which emphasizes the sustainable use of marine resources without harming ecosystems. This collaboration between UI, the community, and the government strengthens the university’s role in promoting aquatic ecosystem preservation through a holistic and sustainable approach.

World Clean Up Day BEM UI

Riset eFishery LDB FEB UI

Outreach on the Importance of Mangroves by Vokasi UI

Blue Economy Vokasi UI

Sistem Water Waste

Universitas Indonesia implements a watershed management strategy aligned with the achievement of SDG 14. One of UI’s main initiatives is sustainable water management on campus, aimed at maintaining high water quality for both campus needs and the surrounding environment. This management approach includes rainwater management, flood control, and efficient groundwater use.

Through this strategy, Universitas Indonesia strives to maintain aquatic ecosystem balance by applying water conservation methods and eco-friendly drainage systems. The use of green technology in water management is also a crucial part of this plan, ensuring that wastewater generated does not pollute the surrounding aquatic environment. Universitas Indonesia encourages student and campus community involvement in preserving water quality and the environment through education and training in sustainable water management. This water management plan is not only focused on internal campus needs but also aims to create a positive impact on the surrounding environment. Through this strategy, UI plays a role in preserving aquatic ecosystems in its area and contributes to the sustainable protection of water resources

UI Water Management Plan

Award Achievement by FT UI

Our Goals in Picture

Our actions and goals

Click the SDG Goals to read the initiatives