sustainable development goal 17
Every segment of society globally shares the responsibility for sustainable development. Success requires interconnected efforts among goals, institutions, governments, businesses, NGOs, and individuals.

Strategic alliances and partnerships formed between individuals, organizations, or nations that align with and actively contribute to achieving shared objectives. These synergistic connections leverage collective resources, expertise, and actions to effectively pursue and attain established ambitions or targets.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has direct involvement with NGOs and the government in the context of SDG policy development, including in identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modeling possible futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting interventions, and enabling adaptive management. It is reflected in various activities conducted by several faculties. Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI held a scientific oration with Dr. Livia D.F. Iskandar, M.Sc., a psychologist and an alumni of FSPI UI class of 1988 and the Vice Chairman of Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), as the speaker. The scientific oration is entitled “The Contribution of Psychology in Proposing Mental Health-Oriented Public Policies”. In the scientific oration, Dr. Livia discussed the importance of protecting witnesses and victims in a legal context, focusing on protecting their mental health and safety. She also highlighted the role of psychology in proposing evidence-based public policies and sharing data on persistent gender-based violence around the world and in Indonesia.
Scientific Oration of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI plays an active role in establishing relationships with the government, by providing input in the form of policy briefs. Each policy brief provided contains SDG values, such as SDG 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, etc. UI also collaborates with parties to conduct research, capacity building, advocacy, and community service. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI issued a policy brief related to SDGs, for example “Enhancing Philanthropy’s Role in SDGs Financing in Indonesia: The Importance of Achieving SDGs, the Role of Philanthropists, and Stakeholder Collaboration”.
- Policy Brief of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI
- Policy Brief of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI related to SDG 8
- Policy Brief of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI related to SDG 14 & 17
- Policy Brief of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI related to SDG 7 & 16
- Institute for Economic and Social Research (LPEM) of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI
- Policy Brief of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI
School of Environmental Studies (SIL) of UI participates in an agreement with the Indonesian Disaster Management Society (MPBI) concerning Research Collaboration, Capacity Building, Campaigns and Advocacy, and Community Service. In addition, UI also collaborated with the Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to strengthen the validation of the Regional Innovation Index to support the 2022 Innovative Government Award (IGA). The collaboration was undertaken to generate an objective assessment process in measuring the performance achievements of the local governments (Pemda) in Indonesia. BSKDN collaborates with various parties, including UI, to maintain objectivity in assessing local government performance and encourage improvement in local government performance in community service.
- Cooperation Agreement of School of Environmental Studies (SIL) of UI
- Collaborating with UI, BSKDN of Ministry of Home Affairs Strengthens the Validation of the 2022 Regional Innovation Index
The representation of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI in the Legal Development Index (IPH) Calculation Team has significant relevance in monitoring, evaluating, and developing the legal sector within the UI campus environment. This team functions to measure and analyze the extent to which the legal development of UI has reached an optimal level as well as provide necessary recommendations and improvements.
The involvement of Parul Paidi Aritonang, SH, LLM, MPP and Dr. Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo, SH. M.Si from FH UI in the IPH Team allows FH UI to play an active role in ensuring that the legal development of UI is in compliance with the established standards. The team will perform calculations and analyses of various indicators relevant to legal development, such as legislation, law enforcement, access to justice, and others. The results of the IPH calculation can serve as a basis for UI to take the necessary measures to improve the quality of education and research in the legal sector as well as increase the contribution of UI to the development of the legal system in Indonesia.
UI plays an active role in initiating various cross-sectoral dialogues concerning Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These dialogues are an important forum for facilitating discussions between various sectors, including the government, civil society, academics, and the private sector, to achieve the sustainable development goals determined by the United Nations (UN).
In these dialogues, UI acts as the main driver to build a better understanding of the SDGs among stakeholders. UI experts, academics, and researchers share their knowledge and insights about the key aspects related to SDGs, such as economic empowerment, education, health, environment, gender equality, and poverty alleviation. UI also provides a platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas, experiences, and innovations in achieving SDGs targets. Through these dialogues, new ideas and innovative solutions can emerge to facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration in achieving sustainable development goals.
Public Discussion of Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI on Research and Development of Antiviral Drugs: FF held a public discussion on research and development of antiviral drugs as a curative strategy for Covid-19. This discussion involves students, lecturers, and researchers to share the latest knowledge in antiviral drug research.
Webinar Series entitled “Green Pharmacy: Prospects and Challenges in Drug Discovery” by the National Metabolomics Research Collaboration Center Team: UI in collaboration with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Martha Tilaar Innovation Center held a series of webinars with the theme “Green Pharmacy: Prospects and Challenges in Drug Discovery .” This webinar discussed the potential and challenges in discovering drugs from natural sources as well as eco-friendly strategies in drug research.
The International Teleconference on Technology and Policy in Supporting the Implementation of COVID-19 (ITTP-COVID19): UI participated in an international conference involving 27 universities in the Southeast Asia region, including Universitas Teknologi Malaysia. This conference aimed to discuss technology and policies that support the implementation of Covid-19 mitigation measures.
The Conference of “Psychological Perspectives of Sustainable Lives Post Covid-19 Pandemic” by Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI: FPsi UI held a conference discussing psychological perspectives regarding sustainable living after the Covid-19 pandemic. This discussion involved psychology experts to identify the impact of the pandemic and psychological solutions to create a sustainable life.
Psychological Perspectives of Sustainable Lives Post Covid-19 Pandemic
The 5th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST) 2022: UI hosted an international conference discussing vocational education, applied science, and technology. This conference covered a variety of topics including innovations in vocational education that support sustainable development.
The 5th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST) 2022
A Collaborative Program of Increasing the Role of Women towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family (P2WKSS) with the City Government and Residents of Cinangka Depok: UI through School of Environmental Studies – School of Global and Strategic Studies (SIL-SKSG) collaborated with the local government and local residents to increase the role of women in building a healthy and prosperous family.
A webinar entitled “Increasing the Role of Stakeholders in Sustainable Development and Global Climate Change” by Postgraduate Student Association of School of Environmental Studies (Himpasiling) of UI and the Office of Environment (DLH) of North Maluku Province: A collaboration between Himpasiling UI and DLH of North Maluku Province produced a webinar regarding increasing the role of stakeholders in sustainable development and facing global climate change in the region.
The implementation of the 2022 UI SDGs Summit: UI students organized the 2022 UI SDGs Summit, an event that aims to help achieve the SDGs. This event included various discussion sessions, workshops, and presentations of innovative projects that support sustainable development goals.
The 2022 UI SDGs Summit 2022 as a step for students to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Universitas Indonesia (UI) plays an active role in initiating various cross-sectoral dialogues concerning Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These dialogues are an important forum for facilitating discussions between various sectors, including the government, civil society, academics, and the private sector, to achieve the sustainable development goals determined by the United Nations (UN). The participation of UI in international collaboration to collect and measure SDGs-related data is reflected in various activities initiated by UI faculties. One concrete example is joint research with universities and international research institutions. UI is involved in global research projects covering an extensive range of fields, from the environment and health to education and economics. In this collaboration, UI actively contributes to data collection, analysis, and reporting as the basis for sustainable development policies not only at the national level, but also at the international level. The success of this collaboration provides an opportunity for UI to gain in-depth insights into the global challenges faced by the global community and assist in developing more effective strategies towards achieving the targets of SDGs.
In addition, UI also presents an international dialogue platform through conferences, seminars, and webinars involving experts, researchers, and stakeholders from various countries. Through these events, UI creates a space for the exchange of knowledge and experience, facilitates discussions concerning the latest innovations, and formulates data-based solutions to achieve the SDGs. In this regard, UI plays an important role as an agent of global change, establishing a strong collaborative network with universities and other international institutions. UI is committed to providing the required in-depth understanding to collaboratively achieve sustainable development goals.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of UI participates in a collaboration agreement with the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) and Osnabrück University to conduct joint research as well as student and staff exchanges. Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI, and Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI also collaborate in research with various international universities.
- A Collaboration Agreement between RIKEN and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of UI
- A Collaboration Agreement between Osnabrück University and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of UI
- International Research Data 2022 of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
- International Research of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI
- International Research of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI
Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI was trusted as the implementing agency together with the Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) Japan in the ASEAN-Japan Risk Management Plan (RMP) Symposium and Seminar 2022. This activity aimed to increase the harmonization of drug regulations among ASEAN Member States (AMS) and convey the importance of global harmonization in drug approval for the efficiency of safety information exchange and review process. Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI held the 5th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST) 2022 in Lampung as an effort to support global economic recovery. In addition to these two activities, UI also participated and fully supported the G20 Presidency of Indonesia 2022 by handing over the Collection Book of UI Policy Briefs, which was followed by the “Riding the Red and White Electric Bus of Universitas Indonesia” event on Monday. This event is a concrete form of support from UI for the implementation of a series of events for the G20 Presidency of Indonesia 2022.
- ASEAN-Japan Risk Management Plan of Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI
- The 5th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST) 2022
- The Submission of Policy Brief for the G20 Presidency of Indonesia 2022
Collaboration between Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI and the International Labor Organization (ILO) generates an important platform through a webinar entitled “Digital Wages for Decent Work in Indonesia”. This event was a forum for experts, researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders to discuss and understand the latest issues surrounding digital wages for decent work in Indonesia. In this webinar, FEB UI and ILO presented the latest findings from the rapid assessment conducted, providing an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of digital wages in Indonesia. In-depth discussions were held to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to digital wages, which is an increasingly relevant phenomena in the era of digitalization. Furthermore, this webinar served as a platform to introduce innovative solutions and policies to ensure that digital wages in Indonesia create decent work and provide a positive contribution to the national economy.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) continues to strengthen its position as a leader in research and development that focuses on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by adopting a comparative approach and developing international best practices. Collaboration with various international parties helps UI gain in-depth insights into various strategies and approaches that have been successfully implemented at the global level in achieving the SDGs. For example, through a grant obtained from the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, UI and Monash University conducted in-depth research to overcome complex problems related to Ciliwung River. This collaboration results in important innovations that can be adopted and adapted to local conditions, creating effective evidence-based solutions in natural resource and environment management.
- International Research Collaboration of UI
- Policy Brief Enhancing Local Capacity to Accelerate Revitalization of Citarum River, Indonesia
Moreover, UI conducted collaborative research involving Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). The research entitled “Effect of Surfactant in Modification of Graphite into Graphene Nanosheets and its Applications as Rhodamine B Adsorbent” is a concrete example of cross-border collaboration that produces innovation in the fields of science and technology. Scientific publications resulting from this collaboration not only help enrich global research literature, but also strengthen the reputation of UI as a research center that produces important contributions in addressing sustainable development challenges at the international level. By exploring potential and knowledge with international partners, UI continues to strive to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and provide a significant positive impact on the community and the environment.
- Effect of Surfactant in Modification of Graphite into Graphene Nanosheets and its Applications as Rhodamine B Adsorbent
- International Research Collaboration of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
Active collaboration manifested through the ASEAN-Japan Risk Management Plan (RMP) Symposium and Seminar 2022 by UI, the Food and Drug Authority (BPOM), and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) of Japan, is an important initiative to increase the harmonization of drug regulations among ASEAN Member States (AMS). Supported by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC), this activity reflects the high awareness of the importance of safe and effective drugs in maintaining public health. The Symposium and Seminar became a platform for experts, regulators, and relevant stakeholders to exchange knowledge, experience, and best practices in managing risks associated with drug use.
Meanwhile, Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI also offered a valuable contribution through the webinar entitled “Future of Telepharmacy and Its Opportunities”, which involved three prominent speakers in the pharmaceutical field. This webinar provided in-depth insights into the latest developments in the pharmaceutical world as well as an opportunity for participants to understand the potential of telepharmacy in the future.
- The ASEAN-Japan Risk Management Plan (RMP) Symposium and Seminar 2022
- “Future of Telepharmacy and Its Opportunities” Webinar
In addition, the Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI plays a key role by organizing the international conference entitled “The 5th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST)” in a hybrid format. By combining live and virtual participation, this conference reflected the commitment of UI to supporting global economic recovery through collaboration between stakeholders in the fields of education, health, and regulations. Through these activities, UI continues to play an active role in supporting issues related to health, drug regulations, and economic recovery, serving as a driving force for progress and collaboration at regional and global levels.
The 5th International Conference on Vocational Education Applied Science and Technology (ICVEAST)
Universitas Indonesia (UI) shows its commitment to overcoming problems related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various collaborations and activities involving various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and UI students. One initiative that reflects this commitment is the literacy program organized by the Makara Literacy Team in Malabar Village, Lebak, Banten.
This literacy program has a pivotal goal, namely increasing the reading interest of the community of Malabar Village. Increasing reading interest can have a significant positive impact, including increasing education, understanding, and access to information. Furthermore, literacy also plays an important role in achieving several SDG goals, such as quality education (SDG 4) and gender equality (SDG 5). By providing access and increasing the reading interest of the community of Malabar Village, UI also supports global efforts to achieve the SDGs. In this program, UI collaborated with NGOs and involved students as volunteers, creating strong partnerships between universities, NGOs, and the community.
Increasing the Reading Interest of the Community through Makara Literacy Park
Collaboration between UI and various NGOs and relevant agencies proves the commitment of UI to providing positive contributions to the community. One form of significant collaboration is the mass circumcision and medical check-up for the elderly by Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI and Indonesian Red Crescent (BSMI), an NGO in Bogor City.
This mass circumcision and medical check-up is a real example of the efforts of UI to provide health and social services to the community. It also reflects the social responsibility of UI to support the welfare of the surrounding community. Furthermore, Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) also provided health examination and education as well as training on the cultivation of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) to the citizens of Bogor. This activity aimed to improve the economy of the community and provide a better understanding of health.
- The Mass Circumcision and Medical Check-Up for the Elderly Organized by Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI and BSMI of Bogor City
- Health Examination and Education for the Residents of Sasak Panjang, Bogor by Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI
- Health Examination and Education for the Residents of Tajurhalang, Bogor by Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI
- Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI Teaches TOGA Cultivation in Sasak Panjang Village, Bogor
Collaboration between Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI, the Semai Jiwa Amini Foundation (SEJIWA Foundation), the Wahana Inklusif Indonesia Foundation, and the SMERU Research Institute is a significantly positive measure in supporting and understanding mental health issues in the community.
FPsi UI as an educational and research institution in the field of psychology plays an important role in providing scientific knowledge and insights into mental health. By collaborating with SEJIWA Foundation, the Wahana Inklusif Indonesia Foundation, and the SMERU Research Institute, this faculty can more effectively conduct research on mental health issues in the community. This collaboration can help identify challenges, needs, and better solutions in maintaining individual mental health, particularly in facing increasingly complex problems in the community nowadays.
Collaboration between Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI and Relevant NGOs Regarding Mental Health
The Science Field Shop of UI is a considerably valuable initiative in supporting local farmers and agriculture. This program provides farmers with access to vital knowledge and resources to increase their agricultural productivity and resilience.
An important component of this program is education. Farmers received training and education related to various aspects of agriculture, including climate knowledge, analytical skills to understand weather changes and their impacts, and better decision-making skills. It is essential considering that agriculture is greatly influenced by climatic conditions, thus a better understanding of these factors can help farmers in the planning and management of their agricultural business.
In addition, climate services such as rainfall measurements and agroecosystem observations are immensely useful in helping farmers monitor and understand current conditions. Accurate information enables them to more effectively plan their crops and farming activities. The evaluation of yields provides valuable insights into the success of their farming business and allows for future improvements.
It is also important to note that providing seasonal scenarios assists farmers in future planning and anticipating possible climate changes. By having alternative solutions when facing crop failure or other challenges, farmers have a better chance of maintaining the productivity and sustainability of their farming business.
The Science Field Shop: Facing Climate Changes with Agrometeorology
Another program organized by UI is Rumbaia or A Study Home of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI, which is a voluntary community service program initiated by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of FIA UI for disadvantaged children in Citayam. The activities at RUMBAIA carry the theme “Building Character-Based Contextual Education” and will promote a new approach in which the entire teaching process will focus on creating contextual education, namely (1) Puberty education and bodily authority, (2) Creative education, and (3) Social ethics education in everyday life and social media.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 1: No Poverty can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 2: Zero Hunger can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 4: Quality Education can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 5: Gender Equality can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Product can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 13: Climate Action can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 14: Life Below Water can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 15: Life on Land can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institution can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
UI has released a comprehensive report detailing its contributions to underscore its dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report outlines the university’s initiatives aligned with each SDG and provides a holistic overview of its efforts. Specifically, the progress report addressing SDG 17: Partnerships for The Goals can be found in the ‘Implementation Report of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at Universitas Indonesia 2022.’ This document is made available for public access via the provided link.
Systematic dissemination of documents that meticulously outline progress, setbacks, and insights regarding the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These reports serve as accountability tools, fostering transparency, informing stakeholders, and guiding policy for advancing global sustainable development.
The dedicated integration of Sustainable Development Goals into educational curricula, offering specialized and impactful learning experiences that emphasize the importance of sustainability, and preparing students to contribute to global sustainability efforts through informed knowledge and action.
The commitment of Universitas Indonesia (UI) to education oriented towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is reflected through the UI Massive Open Online Courses (UI MOOCs) initiative. In facing the challenges of education in the digital era, UI understands the importance of expanding access to quality education to the global community. UI MOOCs provide an online learning platform that is open to everyone, allowing participants from various backgrounds and geographies to access high-quality materials related to the SDGs.
Through UI MOOCs, UI presents various courses on SDGs-related topics. Participants have the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of global issues such as poverty alleviation, quality education, health, food security, gender equality, access to clean water, and environmental protection. By utilizing advanced technology, UI MOOCs enable active interaction between participants, instructors, and learning content. The approach to transparency and accessibility creates an inclusive learning environment, enabling collaborative learning between participants from different countries and cultures. By organizing UI MOOCs, UI acts as not only a provider of quality higher education for local students, but also a pioneer in providing access to quality education to the global community.
The approach implemented by UI to maintain a commitment to meaningful education towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) includes the integration of the values of SDGs into the curriculum structure through various courses in each faculty. The faculties at UI continue to strive to ensure that every course, if possible, includes learning about the values of SDGs. It reflects the deep awareness of UI of the importance of educating students to have a strong understanding of the global challenges faced by the global community nowadays.
This approach allows UI to achieve the noble goal of empowering students to become future leaders conscious of global issues such as poverty alleviation, health, education, gender equality, the environment, and food security. By including the values of SDGs in the curriculum, UI students can understand the complexity of global issues and discover sustainable solutions.
UI provides concrete evidence of this commitment through a list of courses involved in learning the values of SDGs. Further information about these courses is accessible via the evidence links provided by each faculty. Through this approach, UI fosters a generation of students who develop a deep understanding of global challenges as well as the skills and knowledge to create positive changes in the community and achieve SDGs.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken progressive measures to support meaningful education for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the UI Massive Open Online Courses (UI MOOCs) initiative. This commitment reflects the concern of UI for relevant and inclusive education for all students as well as the recognition of the importance of transparency in bringing education closer to all levels of society.
UI MOOCs provide access to a variety of courses associated with the SDGs, covering essential topics such as Gender Equality (SDG 5) with courses such as “Psychosexual Health Study” as well as Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9) through courses such as “Water Infrastructure Planning 1”. Diverse learning methods, from lectures to group discussions inside and outside the classroom, provide a holistic and interactive learning experience for participants.
Through UI MOOCs, UI provides opportunities for participants from various backgrounds to access knowledge and skills related to SDGs. By combining modern technology and diverse learning methods, UI MOOCs enable the engagement of a large number of participants, creating an inclusive learning platform that allows participants to develop a deep understanding of the global issues represented by the SDGs. Thus, UI plays an important role in disseminating knowledge and building public awareness about global challenges and sustainable solutions through relevant and affordable education.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has demonstrated a strong commitment to education oriented towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by introducing the UI Massive Open Online Courses (UI MOOCs). This initiative shows the dedication of UI in providing relevant and meaningful education accessible by all students by utilizing advanced technology and the principle of transparency.
UI MOOCs are an important platform for students and participants from various backgrounds to access various courses related to the SDGs. For example, courses related to Gender Equality (SDG 5), such as “Psychosexual Health Study”, provide an in-depth understanding of health and gender equality issues. In addition, courses related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), such as “Water Infrastructure Planning 1”, provide insights into the importance of sustainable infrastructure planning. The diverse learning methods offered by UI MOOCs, from lectures to group discussions inside and outside the classroom, provide a holistic learning experience. Participants can take advantage of individual/group practice questions, written quizzes/exams, as well as presentations and large group assignment papers to develop their in-depth understanding.
UI continues to strengthen its role as an educational institution that not only prioritizes on-campus learning, but also actively provides education and insights to the wider community. Various webinars and educational activities with alumni allow UI to open opportunities for the local community to access the latest knowledge on various relevant and useful topics. For example, a webinar entitled “Update on Breast Cancer Treatment” organized by Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI. In this webinar, participants gained an in-depth understanding of the latest developments in breast cancer treatment, providing invaluable information for those involved in the public health and welfare sector.
Webinar entitled “Update on Breast Cancer Treatment” by Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI
UI also provides support to groups and communities through the Peer Counselor program which aims to empower individuals to provide emotional and social support to others. “The Self Care Revolution for Teachers” program guides educators in managing stress and improving mental well-being, helping to create a better learning environment.
- Alumni to Alumni Mentoring Talkshow by Faculty of Psychology (FPsi)
- Peer Counselor by Faculty of Psychology (FPsi)
- The Self Care Revolution for Teachers by Faculty of Psychology (FPsi)
The Science Field Shop of UI is a considerably valuable initiative in supporting local farmers and agriculture. This program provides farmers with access to vital knowledge and resources to increase their agricultural productivity and resilience.
An important component of this program is education. Farmers received training and education related to various aspects of agriculture, including climate knowledge, analytical skills to understand weather changes and their impacts, and better decision-making skills. In addition, climate services such as rainfall measurements and agroecosystem observations are immensely useful in helping farmers monitor and understand current conditions. Accurate information enables them to more effectively plan their crops and farming activities. The evaluation of yields provides valuable insights into the success of their farming business and allows for future improvements.
It is also important to note that providing seasonal scenarios assists farmers in future planning and anticipating possible climate changes. By having alternative solutions when facing crop failure or other challenges, farmers have a better chance of maintaining the productivity and sustainability of their farming business.
The Science Field Shop: Facing Climate Changes with Agrometeorology
Legal counseling activities by UI are an important measure in providing understanding to the general community about their legal rights and obligations. In this context, UI acts as an education and information agent committed to building legal awareness among the community.
Legal counseling enables the general community to understand legal regulations as well as their rights and obligations. Legal counseling from UI can also cover legal issues relevant to everyday life, such as contracts, property rights, consumer protection, human rights, and more. By providing an understanding of these legal issues, UI helps the community live within the applicable legal boundaries and take appropriate action when they encounter legal problems.
Community Service by Faculty of Law (FH) UI
Branding education for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) initiated by the Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI is an initiative with a positive impact in strengthening and developing the MSME sector in the local and national economy. This initiative provides training to MSME business players with the aim of helping them understand, design, and build their business brand as well as increase product visibility in the market.
- Community Engagement by Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI
- Branding Education for MSMEs by the Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
Through the village development program, UI supports the development of the local economy and village infrastructure, creating a more sustainable environment. In addition, education to develop the potential of tourism villages provides guidance to village communities to utilize their unique culture and nature as tourist attractions, thus creating new economic opportunities and supporting community-based development.
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