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SDGs 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 2021

SDGs 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Institutions including universities are institutions that give birth to various collaborations both internally and externally. The principles applied by the university, such as governance including the election of a board of trustees and student executive bodies as well as academic freedom at various levels, are a form of the university’s commitment to support its internal activities. Then, to support external activities, universities can collaborate and discuss with stakeholders, such as local, regional and national governments. In addition, in terms of outreach and education, it can also be done by increasing skills and capacity building for policy makers by making a relevant topic regarding regulations at the university and outside the university.

University governance measures

Universitas Indonesia has selected representatives of the highest governance of the university from students, faculties, and staff. One of them is the Board of Trustees (MWA), the highest body at the university with a normative function in the non-academic field to represent the government, community, and university to establish general policies and management of UI. MWA membership consists of several elements, namely Minister (Education Sector), Higher Education Academic Senate, Rector, Community, Employees and Students, all of whom are appointed/dismissed by the Minister for a 5-year term. Meanwhile, the office term for students is only limited to a year, to be later replaced by representatives from junior students. General policies established include budget and financial approval, ratification of the Long-Term Development Plan (RPJP), Strategic Plan (Renstra), Work Plan and Budget (RKA), and the evaluation of each implementation. In addition, MWA is required to provide input to the Rector regarding the UI management and the implementation of laws and regulations, assess the performance of the Rector once a year with the Academic Senate (SA) and the Professor Council (DPGBP), appoint and dismiss the UI Rector, as well as overcome UI problems that cannot be solved by other university organizations after coordination meeting with them. 

The Board of Trustees of Universitas Indonesia 

MWA is also available at the faculty level because each faculty is responsible for assessing and coordinating with MWA at the university level. For instance, MWA of Faculty of Pharmacy and MWA of Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom). 

The Board of Trustees of Faculty of Pharmacy of UI

The Board of Trustees of Fasilkom UI  

Based on UI Rector’s Decree No. 1465/SK/R/UI/2008 issued on December 1, 2008 regarding the Organization and Management of Student Affairs at Universitas Indonesia, UI recognizes the existence of student unions at the university and faculty levels. Student unions facilitate a forum for students to actualize their intellectual abilities, voice their aspirations, and develop their talents and hobbies through activities with a positive impact on campus and community, such as providing social activities. For example, Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Association, and other organizations in their respective faculties. 

BEM of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Welcoming New Students in 2021

Accountability Report on the Grand Launching of the Institution of Faculty of Pharmacy of UI in 2021 “Carnival: How Individuals Getting Acquainted”

2021 Interactive Dialogue of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

Accountability Report on the Activities of the Department of Community Social Affairs of BEM IM FKM UI in 2021

BEM of Faculty of Psychology of UI

Evidence of Lembakom Activities of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UI in 2021

Student Organizations of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI

BEM of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI

Student Organizations of Vocational Program of UI

Universitas Indonesia identifies local stakeholders outside the university and involves them through various activities. For example, at the faculty level, School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) as a Special Work Unit for Community Service signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mayor of Tidore Islands, North Maluku Province. The manuscript offered cooperation in the field of creative economy and tourism research in Tidore Islands, North Maluku Province, research in the field of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Cooperatives, as well as scholarships for Masters and Doctoral Programs at SKSG of UI through Distance Learning (PJJ) classes.

The Signing of MoU of Head between Head of Center for Strategic and Global Studies (CSGS) of UI and the Mayor of Tidore Islands  

There are several activities conducted with local stakeholders at the university level: First, the Student Activity Unit (UKM) Center of UI together with PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk has had thousands of fostered MSMEs, opening opportunities for collaboration with banks to provide assistance to achieve more resilient small micro entrepreneurs in terms of capacity and capability to face various situations and conditions, including during pandemic. Second, the Vice President, Maruf Amin, inaugurated UI Halal Center at the building of Science, Technology and Humanity Development Institute on UI Campus as a form of plans and programs in advancing Islamic economy and finance in Indonesia and developing a halal ecosystem including food and beverages, fashion, cosmetics, and medicine. Finally, UI launched an online learning platform, Makara UI (MUI) Academy, that can help realize access to inclusive education and can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and by anyone. MUI Academy is a commercial product packaged in the form of web-based learning platforms and videos. This product is the result of a collaboration between PT Daya Makara of UI, Institute for Professional Certification (LSP) of UI, and PT Iam Edu Networks.

MSMEs Surviving in the Midst of Pandemic through Digitalization, Is It Effective? 

Vice President Maruf Amin Inaugurating UI Halal Center:  

UI Launching An Online Learning Platform, Makara UI (MUI) Academy 

Universitas Indonesia has participatory bodies to identify and engage local communities and stakeholders including local residents, local government and private sectors, as well as representatives of civil society. It is because a university is an important pillar for executing the state administration and for achieving the ideals of a democratic society. One of the participatory bodies owned by the university is the Special Work Unit for Community Service (UKK PPM). The arrangement of UKK PPM at UI is regulated in Rector’s Regulation No. 032 of 2016, Rector’s Regulation No. 046 of 2017, and Rector’s Regulation No. 034 concerning the Special Work Unit for Community Service (UKK PPM). In addition to UKK PPM, Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Board of Trustees (MWA) at both university and faculty levels can also play a participatory role with numerous representatives, such as faculty member representatives, community representatives, and student representatives. 

The Special Work Unit for Community Service (UKK PPM)

The Special Work Unit of Indonesian Medical Development Center (Pusbangki)

The Institute of Economic and Community Research of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI

Community Involvement in Tax Aid of Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI

Research Center for Police Science and Terrorism Studies

Research Center for Development Institutions 

The principles and commitments of Universitas Indonesia against organized crime, corruption, and bribery are established based on Rector’s Decree No. 14 of 2019 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. Furthermore, Rector’s Decree Number 2719/SK/R/UI/2018 concerning the Determination of Key Behavioral Indicators of Cultural Values of Universitas Indonesia is also issued in relation to the key behaviors of cultural values, namely honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, dignity, responsibility, togetherness, openness, academic freedom, and adherence to rules. These policies are the key for UI to implement proper behavior in accordance with the predetermined values. 

Rector’s Decree No. 14 of 2019 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

Rector’s Decree Number 2719/SK/R/UI/2018 concerning the Determination of Key Behavioral Indicators of Cultural Values of Universitas Indonesia 

Through these policies, UI is appointed by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture as one of the institutions for the Development of the Integrity Zone of State Universities as an effort of the government to carry out better and cleaner management of higher education towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM). In providing services in accordance with service standards in realizing the Integrity Zone, several faculties have conducted socialization. Faculty of Nursing supports this commitment through the Dean’s Integrity Pact and Dean’s Circular Letter No. SE-12/UN2.F12.D/HKP.04/2021 on Gratification Control within Faculty of Nursing of UI while Faculty of Public Health (FKM) establishes a policy on Gratification Control and Reporting on Whistleblowing System (WBS) Violations through the Dean’s Decree. 

Service Notice of Faculty of Nursing of UI

Service Notice of Faculty of Nursing of UI

Policy on the Integrity Zone of FKM UI

By the issuance of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards for Higher Education, the policy of Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus (MBKM) was established in 2020 whose main purpose is to improve the quality and relevance of undergraduate program graduates. According to this regulation, UI also stipulated UI Rector’s Decree No. 572/SK/R/UI/2021 concerning Technical Instructions for Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus (MBKM) at Universitas Indonesia Edition-1 regulating the implementation of MBKM at UI and Standard Operating Procedures (POB) for the implementation of the Forms of Learning Activity (BKP) of Freedom to Learn at UI as well as quality assurance standards for the learning activities of Freedom to Learn at UI. To support these activities, UI also provided guidelines on Technical Instructions for Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus (MBKM) at Universitas Indonesia Edition-1.  

UI Policies on Academic Freedom

Technical Instructions for Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus (MBKM) at Universitas Indonesia Edition-1

Universitas Indonesia also has policies based on its vision and mission in accordance with the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 68 of 2013 concerning the Statute of Universitas Indonesia and UI Nine Values. It is because UI supports the freedom to express responsible thoughts and opinions within the UI environment, show curiosity and provide creative ideas to encourage innovation and/or make continuous improvements. Several faculties supporting these policies are Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Public Health (FKM).

Rector’s Decree Regarding UI Nine Basic Values at Faculty of Psychology of UI

To Realize its Vision, UI Developing Nine (9) Basic Values

Rector’s Decree Regarding UI Nine Basic Values at FKM UI

At the faculty level, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) also stipulates the Dean’s Decree No: SK-703/UN2.F6.D/HKP.02.04/2020 concerning the Establishment of Research Clusters including activities to encourage innovation and development of knowledge relevant to the scientific field in the cluster. Moreover, at the school level, the School of Environmental Studies (SIL) and the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) have also established research clusters to increase the productivity of quality and internationally recognized research and publications. 

The Decree of the Dean of FEB UI No:  SK-703/UN2.F6.D/HKP.02.04/2020 Concerning the Establishment of Research Clusters

Research Cluster of SIL UI

Research Cluster of SKSG UI 

Universitas Indonesia publishes financial information that can be accessed by the public through the following link.

Financial Statements of Universitas Indonesia – December 2021

Financial Statements of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI – December 2021

Working with government

Universitas Indonesia provides specialized expert advice to local, regional, and national governments. At the regional level, UI participates in realizing the regional development goals and objectives as outlined in the Medium Term Development Plan of Depok City (RPJMD 2016-2021) based on the Decree of the Mayor of Depok No: 821.27/3/Kpts/Bapp/Huk/2020 concerning the Formation of Expert Team for the Synergy Activity Evaluation of the 2020 Depok City Government Development Program.


The Decree of the Mayor of Depok No: 821.27/3/Kpts/Bapp/Huk/2020 concerning the Formation of Expert Team for the Synergy Activity Evaluation of the 2020 Depok City Government Development Program

At the university and faculty levels, UI regularly participates in the committee, including consultations and collaborations with other institutions. Based on Government Regulation No. 93 of 1995, Faculty of Medicine (FK) has collaborated with various hospitals considered appropriate for the implementation of academic activities for students for all levels of education programs on a local, regional, national, and international scales. FK has also received a mandate to become a supervisor in the newly established Medical Education Study Program (PSPD). 

Educational Hospital of FK UI

The Support of FK UI

The Cooperation (University, Institution, and Government) of  FK UI 

One of the doctors teaching at Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom), Yudho Giri Sucahyo, is elected as chairman of the board of directors of the Indonesian Domain Name Association (PANDI) for the 2019-2023 period, replacing Andi Budimansyah, who had ended his term of service. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) also monitors the national economic recovery as a valuable input for the government. In addition, Faculty of Law (FH) also held a “Public Consultation on the Draft Law regarding the State Capital City at FH UI” emphasizing that the draft law on the relocation of the State Capital City must have a clear vision and be prepared based on a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder understanding and has the ability to adapt to rapid changes, hence the need for synchronization and harmonization of the legislation. 

Yudho Giri Sucahyo Elected to Lead PANDI, “Returning” to UI

Media monitoring: Nine UI Recommendations for the Government

Public Consultation on the Draft Law Regarding the State Capital City at FH UI 

The commitment of Universitas Indonesia in terms of socialization and education to policy makers and lawmakers is realized through several activities, such as socialization, scholarship provision, curriculum, and cooperation agreements. In terms of conducting socialization, faculty members from Faculty of Public Health (FKM) provide their expert advice through a number of activities at local and national levels, such as being a source person in the Inspirational Morning Briefing discussing a material on Epidemiology of Health Communication organized by the Ministry of Health (Dr. dr. Tri Yunis Miko W, M.Sc); being a source person in the socialization and education of the COVID-19 Vaccine “To Meet the Healthy Bogor District” organized by the Health Office of Bogor District (Dr. dr. Tri Yunis Miko W, M.Sc); participating in increasing the capacity of National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) in Indonesia in terms of synthesis of evidence using systematic reviews to inform policies and programs on abortion prevention and post-abortion management (Prof. Asri Adisasmita and Trisari Anggondowati, PhD); and participating in capacity building of district and provincial health offices in surveillance strengthening and maternal mortality prevention (Prof. Asri Adisasmita and Trisari Anggondowati, PhD).


Faculty Members of FKM UI Providing Counseling, General Education, Skills Development, and Capacity Building at Both Local and National Levels  

In terms of providing scholarships, Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) provides a Master Program in Information Technology (MTI) of e-Government which is a Kominfo Domestic Scholarship Program aiming at realizing excellent human resources for government officials in the development of e-Government within Central and Regional government agencies in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 concerning the National Policy and Strategy for the Development of e-Government.

Master Program in Information Technology (E-government)  

The school program also provides education through a curriculum, such as School of Environmental Studies (SIL) providing a master’s education curriculum based on UI Rector’s Decree No. 1768/SK/R/UI/2018 concerning the Curriculum of the Environmental Science Study Program, Master Program, and Postgraduate Program at Universitas Indonesia. In addition, the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) provides a curriculum on the study of police studies and the study of national security. 

Master’s education curriculum of SIL UI

Police Study Program of SKSG UI

National Resilience Study Program of SKSG UI

Faculty of Law (FH) signs an agreement with the Expertise Board of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI). The agreement is contained in a Memorandum of Understanding to realize the tagline ‘Bridging the research to the role and functions of parliament as the basis of evidence based on policy making’. Thus, it serves as a bridge between the political decision-making process in DPR RI and the academic world.

Evidence: FH UI and the Expertise Board of the Secretariat General of DPR RI Signing MOU

FH UI and the Expertise Board of the Secretariat General of DPR RI Signing MOU

Universitas Indonesia has collaborated with numerous institutions to provide full access to research activities in order to achieve sustainable development goals. UI collaborated with the National Development Planning Agency/Bappenas through a study report on “Food Loss and Waste in Indonesia” to support the implementation of a circular economy and low-carbon development. It was done because Indonesia is committed to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following the 2030 Paris Agreement.

A Study Report on “Food Loss and Waste in Indonesia

Faculty of Nursing conducted an innovative research collaboration with Indonesian Research Alliance and University of Melbourne in the Partnership in Research Indonesia and Melbourne (PRIME) 2021-2024. This program gave significant advantages in achieving basic adolescent health data in primary care, including the study of adolescent primary care utilization as well as health challenges and expectations. The results are expected to be beneficial for ministries, primary care leaders, and universities to further improve health care to meet the needs of this group.

In addition, Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI also conducted the Randomized Evaluation of Covid-19 Therapy or also called RECOVERY study, the largest clinical trial for Covid-19 treatments in the world, which will soon be implemented in Indonesia. Dr. dr. Erni Juwita Nelwan, PhD, SpPD-KPTI, FACP, FINASIM from FK UI as the main researcher and the head of RECOVERY study in Indonesia also stated that the previous RECOVERY study conducted in UK had helped Indonesia to plan its resources more effectively. For example, chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine is no longer recommended for treating Covid-19 and dexamethasone has been included in the recommendations for treating Covid-19 in hospitals in Indonesia.


An Innovative Research Collaboration with Indonesia Research Alliance and University of Melbourne in Partnership In Research Indonesia and Melbourne (PRIME), Faculty of Nursing of UIE), Faculty of Nursing of UI

FK UI Participating in the Largest Clinical Trial for Covid-19 Treatments in the World

Similarly, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) establish several research centers and often work closely with government departments. Through the Center for Education and Community Service, FKM collaborates with the Social Security Administrative Body of Health (BPJS Kesehatan) to review the Outsourcing Employee Employment Planning at BPJS Kesehatan. 

The Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) also cooperates with RSUD dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara to develop their business strategy plan for 2021 to 2025. Meanwhile, Fasilkom conducted research entitled “Designing Knowledge Sharing System for Statistical Activities in BPS-Statistics Indonesia” revealing the need for more quality and integrated business processes, prompting BPS to optimize the knowledge sharing process (KSP) among government employees in the field of statistics. In addition, Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) actively conducts research on policies for the government and other institutions.

The Center for Education and Community Service, FKM UI Collaborating with BPJS Kesehatan

The Center for Education and Community Service, FKM UI Collaborating with BPJS Kesehatan

Research Entitled “Designing Knowledge Sharing System for Statistical Activities in BPS-Statistics Indonesia” by Fasilkom UI

Policy Brief of FIA UI 

Universitas Indonesia provides a neutral platform and a “safe” space for various public stakeholders to gather and discuss challenges, such as through YouTube or live broadcasts via Zoom meetings.

One of the faculties carrying out this activity is Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom), presenting LEGAL TECH RESEARCH TALK: Downstreaming and Dissemination of Legal Technology Research Results through live broadcasts via Zoom meetings. Meanwhile, one of the schools carrying out this activity is the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG), presenting Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the context of the 38th Anniversary of the National Resilience Study Program discussing the Socio-Cultural Resilience & Development of Papua in the Perspective of National Resilience through a YouTube channel of SIL and SKSG Public Relations as well as live broadcasts via Zoom meetings. 

Similarly, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) establish several research centers and often work closely with government departments. Through the Center for Education and Community Service, FKM collaborates with the Social Security Administrative Body of Health (BPJS Kesehatan) to review the Outsourcing Employee Employment Planning at BPJS Kesehatan. 

The Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) also cooperates with RSUD dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara to develop their business strategy plan for 2021 to 2025. Meanwhile, Fasilkom conducted research entitled “Designing Knowledge Sharing System for Statistical Activities in BPS-Statistics Indonesia” revealing the need for more quality and integrated business processes, prompting BPS to optimize the knowledge sharing process (KSP) among government employees in the field of statistics. In addition, Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) actively conducts research on policies for the government and other institutions.

LEGAL TECH RESEARCH TALK: Downstreaming and Dissemination of Legal Technology Research Results  of Fasilkom UI

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the Context of the 38th Anniversary of the National Resilience Study Program of SKSG UI

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