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SDGs 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 2021

SDGs 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

A sustainable city is an agenda for change in creating a dignified life and a prerequisite for community growth and development. Universities should also offer support through the implementation of proactive urban policies and increase the capacity of actors in the urban sector to meet the unique challenges of the city.

Support of arts and heritage

Universitas Indonesia provides public access to buildings, monuments, or natural heritage landscapes that have cultural significance. UI has a building from the Dutch colonial era. One architectural heritage at UI is Faculty of Medicine (FK) building in Salemba Raya, Central Jakarta. This building can be accessed through various modes of public transportation, such as the TransJakarta Bus with direct access from Salemba UI bus stop or KRL Commuterline via Cikini Station. There are also pedestrian paths leading to this historic building. UI also collaborates with Gowes Corporation in providing sustainable, emission-free, and environmentally-friendly vehicles. There are bicycles and electric scooters that can be rented for free for a few hours on campus.

UI Providing Free Access to Buildings

Vocational Program of UI: Providing Free Access to Buildings

Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI: Providing Free Access to Buildings 

Universitas Indonesia as an educational institution has a focus on providing public access to the library and improving the sustainable quality of public access to science through books and texts in the library. The collection of books and manuscripts owned by UI Library can be accessed by all society levels without exception, with a total collection of 900,665 books, journals, magazines, scientific works, and others. The UI library has public spaces that can be accessed or used universally by members of the society of academicians of UI and the general public. These spaces can also be used individually or collectively.

  1. The UI library collection room is available on four out of five floors, accessible to members of the society of academicians of UI and the general public;
  2. Reading facilities in the UI Library open from 08.00 am to 19.00 Western Indonesian Time (WIB) on Monday to Friday and 08.00 to 16.00 WIB on Saturday (before the Covid-19 pandemic)
  3. UI is also open to public suggestions on how to improve its collections.

UI library also provides access to track information regarding library collections through the online site  and the society of academicians of UI can access the downloaded file for free. Moreover, UI library provides access to public libraries through the following links:

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences 

Faculty of Computer Science 

Faculty of Public Health

Faculty of Economics and Business 


Universitas Indonesia has provided public access to Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (iMuseum) of the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI at Salemba UI Campus, Jakarta. UI provides various modes of public transportation, such as TransJakarta Bus with direct access from the UI Salemba bus stop or the Commuterline KRL via Cikini Station and pedestrian paths to the historic building. UI also collaborates with Gowes Corporation in providing sustainable, emission-free, and environmentally-friendly vehicles. There are bicycles and electric scooters that can be rented for free for a few hours at iMuseum.

Inaugurated on September 14, 2017, IMERI FKUI is located at Salemba Raya Street No. 6, Kenari, Senen, Central Jakarta. This museum has more than 5,000 collections, most of which are historical relics of the Dutch colonial era during the time that FKUI was still called School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen (STOVIA). This museum stores specimens and artifacts in the form of medical devices, videos, and media directories. This museum has the first and only modern media machine in Southeast Asia, now can be seen live at iMuseum IMERI FKUI.

Implementing technology advances and 3D human body visualization, medical students can perform internal surgery on three-dimensional imaging of human anatomy. iMuseum IMERI FKUI is open from 09.00 to 16.00 WIB on Tuesday to Saturday. The museum is closed on Monday, Sunday, and public holidays. Visitors can purchase tickets by email ( or make a reservation by phone (021-29189160) at least two weeks before the visit.

Getting to Know Medical Education at iMuseum IMERI FKUI

Activities at iMuseum IMERI FKUI  

Faculty of Law (FH) opens a new chapter in the world of higher education in Indonesia by presenting a museum in the middle of its faculty. This museum is the first museum of faculty of law in Indonesia as well as in UI. The FHUI Museum was inaugurated on June 1, 2016, also coincided with the birthday of Pancasila. Faculty of Engineering (FT) has also built a unique Museum with a Virtual Tour model. This Virtual Tour shows the work of FT UI students.

FH UI Establishes the First Museum of Faculty of Law in Indonesia

Virtual Tour Made by FT UI Students

Related to artifacts, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) provides public access to buildings, works of art, artifacts, and natural heritage landscapes with cultural heritage on a free-access basis. FIB UI also provides free access to green open spaces in the campus environment permanently and contributes to preserving local and national arts and culture. In addition, FIB UI also has one of the latest works of Dolorosa Sinaga installed in the court area of FIB UI, namely the “Multatuli Monument” statue. This statue is the second Multatuli statue by Dolorosa Sinaga. The first one was erected and inaugurated at the Multatuli Rangkasbitung Museum in 2018. At the foundation of the statue is the quote “Karena aku tidak bermaksud untuk menulis dengan baik. Aku ingin menulis agar didengar. (Because I didn’t mean to write well. I want to write to be heard.)” taken from Max Havelaar by Multatuli. This monument can be accessed by the public for free.

Artifacts of FIB UI  

Universitas Indonesia provides free public access to green open spaces such as UI urban forest, Firdaus Park, and Lingkar Park near UI Library that are very crowded on weekends. UI has an urban forest and green areas on its campus in Depok. The total area of UI green areas is 1,452,367 m2 or 50.38% of the UI Depok area. UI also has various parks with a number of plants planted regularly, such as the relatively famous Firdaus Park and the Lingkar Park at UI Library. These parks are open to the public for free. The society of academicians of UI often use them for discussions or other activities. UI urban forest is a natural tourism accessible to the public, particularly those living in the vicinity of campus. This forest has a variety of natural vegetation, such as teak, meranti, coffee, rubber, and Pometia pinnata. The wide biodiversity of the urban forest functions as a water catchment for Depok as well as a research location for students. In addition to cycling, the urban forest can be used for other activities such as jogging, fishing, or simply taking a walk while enjoying the breeze blowing through the tall trees in the forest. All recreational activities in UI urban forest are free of charge, but visitors must keep the cleanliness and order of the environment.

In the future, UI plans to develop “science park” agrotourism in UI urban forest. In addition, green open spaces are also available in several faculties, namely Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Humanities (FIB), and Vocational Program.

UI Urban Forest, Green Tourism in the Middle of the City

How to Get to Firdaus Park, the Central Library of UI in Depok: By Bus or Train?

UI Green Open Spaces Becoming Natural Tourism for the Community

An Open Space at Faculty of Psychology

The Inauguration of the Reading Space and Cultural Stage of FIB UI 

Public Access to Green Spaces at FIB UI

Open Spaces at Faculty of Medicine 

Smart, Bright, & Clean Campus

Faculty of Nursing has one building at Depok campus. On the right, left, front, and back of the building, there are windows that allow sunlight to enter the rooms. Moreover, there are comfortable seats in the middle of the building. This building also has good air circulation due to numerous flower plants on each floor. On the back wall of the building, there are vines that can be used as traditional medicinal herbs.

FIK UI: Regulation and Infrastructure of Greenmetric

Universitas Indonesia contributes to local arts, the annual public choir, theater troupe, and orchestra of the university. UI has numerous units of student activities in arts such as Krida Budaya Dance League, Symphony Orchestra, Paragita UI Choir, UI Theater, and others. UI has cultural arts activities held every year such as UI Ethnovaganza, the largest cultural event at UI. Other art activities are Folklore Festival, UI Kulturfest, and UI Art War.

UI built Makara Art Center as a center for art activities that can be utilized by students and the general public. This building has five floors. Later, visitors can also enjoy art performances from the top floor or rooftop. The facilities available in this building include good acoustic equipment, a gallery that can accommodate no less than 100 large paintings, a practice room, and a workshop room. Furthermore, Sanghyang Dedari Giri Amertha Museum was inaugurated by the Community Service Team, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) with the main devotee is Dr. Saraswati Putri in Bali. Faculty of Medicine (FK) holds various art activities such as ‘Unjuk Rasa’ FKUI Art show, exhibitions, and photo competitions both within the campus and for the general public such as “BFM Week” and “PANKREAS”. In addition, the students of FK UI became the 1st Runner Up Miss Indonesia 2019 at the Abang None Jakarta election.

Makara Art Centre 

FIB UI: Inauguration of the Sanghyang Dedari Giri Amertha Museum by the FIB UI Community Service Team 

FK UI: FKUI Student Wins 1st Runner Up for Miss Indonesia 2019 

The Community Service Team of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the Directorate of Research and Society of Universitas Indonesia and Geriana Kauh Adat Community inaugurated “Sanghyang Dedari Giri Amertha Museum” in Geriana Kauh Adat Village, Bali. This community-based museum is expected to be a place for documentation and preservation of Sanghyang Dedari, Lontar, and other Balinese cultures. In addition to establishing the museum in Bali, FIB UI in collaboration with faculty members, employees, and students produced Kethoprak DoKar (Faculty Members and Employees) performance with a play entitled “Karmaphala Tumapel”.

Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the South Sulawesi Student Association (IMMS) of UI, Gunadarma Sulawesi Student Association, and South Sulawesi Student Association (IKAMI) of Depok branch held a cultural performance of South Sulawesi. FIB UI also officially collaborated with the Cultural Heritage Conservation Center (BPCP) of Banten for a land stripping plan to the north of Surosowan Palace, Old Banten Region. Furthermore, FIB UI in cooperation with Universiteit Leiden held a Leiden Lecture Series with the theme of “The Maritime Humanities and Indonesia”, directly bringing Dr. Elena Burgos Martinez (Assistant Professor of the Department of Asian Studies) from Leiden University, Netherlands. In addition, in order to realize the Record and Preserve Program, Vocational Program initiated a Business Study Program that can support and contribute to the recording and preservation of cultural heritage, tradition, language as well as local knowledge and custom of the community.

Promotion and preservation of culture is also carried out through the activity entitled “The Reverse Flow of Indonesian Culture Promotion in Malaysia and the Efforts to Build Regional Peace”. Faculty of Medicine (FK) building is one of the cultural heritage buildings in DKI Jakarta. This building was built in 1916-1920 with European-style architecture and initially functioned as a GHS (High School) to replace STOVIA. In FK UI building complex, there is also Indonesia Museum of Health and Medicine (iMuseum) of the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) of FK UI which has more than 5000 collections in the form of medical specimens and artifacts such as medical education devices, videos, media directories, and historic photographs spread over six areas, namely the Journey of Medical Education in Indonesia; Health Education Sector; Medical Collection Area; Lobby; Edutainment Area; and Window Displays.

UI Tourism Vocational Program Generating Travel and Event Business Experts

Cultural Arts Activities of Student Executive Board (BEM)

Student Family Association (IKM) of UI

Students of FK UI

Sustainable practices

Universitas Indonesia provides sustainable modes of transportation through emission-free bicycles and scooters, yellow buses, and electric transportation. In determining sustainable transportation targets, UI collaborates with TransJakarta Busway Limited. UI develops electric vehicles, such as buses, cars, and bicycles. The electric vehicles won an award in the global electric vehicle competition. UI plans to increase transportation users by reducing parking spaces on campus and limiting the number of vehicles entering campus. Currently, nearly 50% of students actively use UI public transportation. UI also plans to upgrade its yellow buses into lower deck buses that are friendlier to people with disabilities.

Measuring and Setting Targets for More Sustainable Commuting at Faculty of Psychology

Pedestrian Path & Boulevard 


Universitas Indonesia promotes the use of emission-free vehicles by cooperating with several parties. The collaboration with Gowes has provided bicycles, electric scooters, and electric bicycles in the campus environment. UI cooperates with TransJakarta Busway Limited to provide public transportation to reduce the number of private vehicles on campus. TransJakarta Busway Limited has also helped UI provide disabled-friendly vehicles. Promoting bicycles to campus, UI builds long bicycle trails and bicycle shelters at faculties for its society of academicians. The manufacture of electric vehicles (for example UI electric buses, UI electric cars, and UI electric bicycles) and award-winning fuel-efficient vehicles involves UI students. In addition, Faculty of Psychology seeks to promote sustainable commuting by notifying the limited car park area in the hope that students and guests will prefer to use public transportation or walk to and from faculties. We also have pedestrian paths prioritizing comfort and considering human aspects, such as circulation, nature and climate, safety, cleanliness, and beauty.

GOWES, the Embodiment of Revitalization of UI Yellow Bicycles

Sustainability in Faculty of Psychology of UI

UI and TransJakarta Cooperation: The Integration of Eco-Friendly Transportation

UI Providing Free Special Path

UI Explaining the Trials of Entry and Parking System

Secretly, UI Has a Series of Electric Cars, Here is the List

The Achievement of the Student of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI in the Energy-Efficient Car Competition

Universitas Indonesia strongly supports its teaching staff to work remotely at home or outside the office by utilizing the information system of the university. The online learning process uses platforms such as E-learning Management System (EMAS) or other applications subscribed to by UI (e.g., Microsoft Teams). In addition, UI has also developed an information system called Human Resources Information System (HRIS), whose feature is able to record attendance through HRIS system on the “greatday-HR” application.

Furthermore, work administration is carried out through the UI information system called “kelola”. For correspondence, UI has developed “Andieni”, a correspondence system allowing digital signatures. By using “Andieni”, university work units can correspond and sign documents digitally for ease of operation. UI has a system for online lectures; EMAS is a distance learning system for UI students and faculty members that can be accessed through the website EMAS has a total of almost 4,130 classes and 5,381 study programs with a number of users reaching 1,420 faculty members and 42,748 students.

HRIS UI: Human Resources Information Science UI 

ANDIENI UI : University of Indonesia Electronic Service Manuscript Application 

EMAS UI: E-learning Management Systems 

Universitas Indonesia strives to help its teaching staff and employees have a decent place to live. To support this goal, UI issues a letter of recommendation for those who plan to apply for a Home Ownership Loan (KPR) to a financial institution, allowing them to buy a proper house. Collaborating with several banks, apartment developers and cooperatives, UI aims to facilitate its employees to choose between competitive rates.

In addition, several commercial banks also facilitate home ownership loans for teaching staff. Moreover, the local governments (e.g., the government of DKI Jakarta) exempt teachers and faculty members from Land and Building Tax (PBB). Previously, UI had several housing complexes for faculty members, such as in Rawamangun and Ciputat.

BNI Homepage Sites

Universitas Indonesia provides accommodation for its students, by prioritizing new students from outside the Jakarta metropolitan area. UI dormitory has 13 buildings and 1,425 rooms that can accommodate 1,538 tenants. Each room is equipped with a bed, a wardrobe, a bookshelf, and a desk. On each floor, there are shared bathrooms and a prayer room. As a supporting facility, UI Dormitory also has a number of facilities that students can access for free: canteen, sports field, discussion table, yellow bus stop, and four drinking fountains that allow them to obtain free drinking water. UI also provides several rooms for students with special needs, including a bathroom designed to meet the needs of the students with special needs with sufficient space to move a wheelchair.

Dear New Students, Here Are 8 Reasons You Should Live in UI Student Dormitory

One of the efforts of Universitas Indonesia to provide a safe and comfortable experience for pedestrians with special needs is to provide pedestrian paths in several areas, including: 1. around buildings on campus 2. In buildings on campus 3. Along bicycle trails and 4. Inside the buildings on campus. UI also pays extra attention not only to people with disabilities but also to the elderly. The pedestrian paths on campus are equipped with the following facilities: 1. Guide blocks, devices for the blind. The devices help them know which direction to take and where to stop. 2. The ramps, sloping roads connecting two floors, are accessible for wheelchair users and people with physical limitations. 3. Braille on visitor signs, devices serving the needs of the blind. In supporting an environmentally friendly and emission-free campus, UI improves pedestrian path facilities to reduce the use of private vehicles on campus. Pedestrian access is also friendly for people with disabilities, providing comfort for the entire society of academics of UI. UI also facilitates pedestrian access to buildings with adequate lighting facilities.

Pedestrian Priority on Campus

Pedestrian Priority on Campus (2)

Faculty of Nursing is very supportive of pedestrians. It is evident from the availability of pedestrian paths around the building that meets the aspects of safety and comfort and is friendly to people with disabilities. Paths for people with special needs have started to be developed. Faculty of Nursing also supports the using stairs program, by placing posters and banners in several areas such as wall boards, elevators, and stairs.

Furthermore, Faculty of Nursing also has a policy regarding support for pedestrians. The policy is stated in the Decree of the Dean No. 5670/UN2.F12. D/HKP.02.04/2018 regarding the Go Green Policy Implementation of Faculty of Nursing of UI point j. The policy is currently socialized to the entire society of academicians.

FIK : Greenmetric Transportation of Faculty of Nursing (FIK) UI

Universitas Indonesia cooperates with local governments to solve planning and development problems in various fields, including transportation, water, and urban planning. Over the years, UI has fully supported the local governments in Jakarta and Depok for their sustainability planning and development by involving professors and teaching staff in a number of fields. In addition, UI has conducted research in Manggarai District for two years. This research is conducted in the agricultural sector and will be financed by the Ministry of Finance through a two-year production research program. When submitting the proposal to the Ministry of Finance, they proposed Manggarai District as a research location as well as UI as a party trusted by the community in Manggarai District to be involved in the development of the flagship program of the Government of Deno-Madur with the Integrated Agricultural System (SIMANTRI). The main objective of this research is to build connectivity between farmers (individuals, groups, and communities), organic food communities, and restaurant and hotel consumers.

UI Will Conduct Two-Year Research in Manggarai District

Universitas Indonesia Cooperating with the Government of Manggarai District in Research in Agricultural Sector

Jakarta Transportation Council

Universitas Indonesia applies sustainable building standards in every new building construction on campus, such as the Integrated Teaching Laboratory and Workshop Building. This building has a sustainable and environmentally friendly concept by using energy-efficient equipment such as LED lights, automatic water taps, and other electronic equipment. The building also uses smart technology and green building principles, rendering it environmentally friendly and energy efficient in terms of lighting management and air circulation. In addition, it also applies water harvesting technology.

Building a Laboratory Building, Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Receiving Donation of IDR10 Billion from Pertamina

Universitas Indonesia has new buildings on a brownfield site, namely Teaching Laboratory and Workshop Building, Purnomo Prawiro Hall, and Sport Center to support student facilities and activities at UI. In addition, the new buildings adopt sustainable building construction standards. The Teaching Laboratory and Workshop Building applies smart technology and green building principles, rendering it environmentally friendly and energy efficient in terms of lighting management and air circulation. In addition, it also applies water harvesting technology. UI Sport center is also a new building at UI applying the concept of green building with international standards.

Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Signing the Contract for the Construction of Teaching Laboratory and Workshop Building

The Ceremony of Topping Off the FT UI Integrated Teaching Laboratory and Workshop Building

UI Building International Standard Sports Center

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