Our actions and goals

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SDGs 10: Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Our Goals in Action

Measures Against Discrimination

Measures against discrimination are essential for achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10, “Reduced Inequalities.” These measures include implementing policies that promote equality across all social, economic, and political spheres. Efforts focus on eliminating barriers faced by marginalized groups, ensuring equal opportunities in education, employment, and healthcare. By actively challenging biases and fostering inclusive environments, these actions aim to reduce disparities, enhance social justice, and create a more equitable world, aligning with the objectives of SDG 10.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is one of the prominent universities in the country. Sustaining its mission to improve the quality of education, research, and community service, UI always strives to realize its vision, namely inclusive and egalitarian education. As a manifestation of this vision, UI implements a non-discriminatory admissions policy. It means that every employee and prospective student has the same opportunity to join the academic community of UI regardless of ethnicity, religion, disabilities, gender, or socio-economic background. This policy is not merely a rule, but is a concrete manifestation of the commitment of UI to creating a diverse learning environment and accepting differences.

  1. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 9 of 2022 on New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs
  2. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 14 of 2019 on the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of Universitas Indonesia
  3. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 033 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at Universitas Indonesia
  4. The Decree of UI Board of Trustees No. 008 of 2004 on the Campus Life Rules of Universitas Indonesia

In addition to these regulations, UI has UI 9 (Nine) Values which serve as important shared principles. The basic values upheld by UI form a strong foundation for creating an academic environment that is inclusive, fair, and free from discrimination. Honesty is the main principle that every individual should adhere to, creating an academic atmosphere full of integrity and authenticity. Involvement in academic and non-academic activities should be based on the principles of truth and justice, not contaminated by corrupt or fraudulent practices. Justice and non-discrimination are important pillars in building a healthy academic community. UI encourages each of its members to provide equal opportunities and treatment to anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or other social status. It creates an environment conducive to learning and growth, in which each individual can thrive without fear of unfair treatment. Trustworthiness is another important value, manifested in the integrity and reliability of each individual in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. This value is significantly relevant to anti-discrimination, as it creates a strong foundation of trust between community members, encouraging everyone to be open and honest with each other. Respecting the dignity and human rights of every individual is the commitment of UI to creating an environment free of discrimination. Everyone is regarded and treated with respect, acknowledging and respecting differences. Accountability, both in carrying out office duties and functional duties, should be applied with full dedication and integrity, avoiding any conflicts of interest that may harm the community or other individuals. Togetherness and tolerance are key values in fostering harmonious relationships among community members. UI encourages a spirit of togetherness and mutual support, creating a conducive environment for all. Transparency is a vital value in enriching discussions and exchange of ideas, encouraging each individual to be open and accept differences in opinion. Academic freedom and scientific autonomy are the main pillars in the development of science at UI. Each member is given the freedom to express their thoughts and opinions, provided that it is carried out responsibly with respect for the rights of others. Lastly, compliance to laws is a non-negotiable value, ensuring that every activity within UI transpires in accordance with applicable legal norms, supporting the creation of an academic environment that is fair and free of discrimination.

UI Nine Values (9 Nilai UI) Pocket Book

For instance, Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI, known for its reputation in the engineering field, continues to improve the quality of its education, one of which by recruiting Education Development Staff through the Education Modernization and Internationalization unit. Staff recruitment is carried out without any elements of requirements that discriminate against any group. This unit has an important role in implementing and ensuring fair and equitable admission policies.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has played an active role in creating an academic environment that embraces all levels of society, particularly underrepresented groups. The commitment of UI to supporting accessibility for underrepresented groups is reflected in its initiative to facilitate people with disabilities in implementing the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) – Test-Based National Selection (SNBT). Accommodating as many participants with disabilities as possible, UI shows that higher education is not exclusive to a few people. UI even provides special facilities for visually impaired participants in the form of the Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) application which allows them to listen to exam questions, proving that strong determination and the right technology can overcome various obstacles.

  1. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 9 of 2022 on New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs
  2. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 14 of 2019 on the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of Universitas Indonesia

However, support for underrepresented groups is not merely limited to providing facilities. UI ensures that financial support is available through various government and non-government scholarships. Programs such as the Educational Tuition for High-Achieving Low-Income Students (Bidikmisi) and the affirmation pathway are designed to ensure that every talented individual, regardless of economic background, can pursue their academic dreams at UI. These programs are designed to allow more people to access higher education in order to break the cycle of poverty. Information related to these scholarships can be easily accessed by prospective students via UI official website.

UI Scholarships

Furthermore, UI understands that the cost of education is frequently a major barrier for many prospective students. Therefore, with a Fair Education Operational Costs (BOP) system, UI provides flexibility for prospective students to determine the cost of education according to their financial abilities. In addition, policies have been issued to reduce education operational costs for underprivileged students, ensuring they have equal opportunities to study at UI. 

UI Student Affairs

Obviously, the support for students does not only focus on financial and academic aspects. The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI 2022 through the Department of Advocacy and Student Welfare (Adkesma) has played an active role in ensuring student welfare in various aspects, both physical and mental. After all, health has great importance and influences student learning.

  1. 2022 Mental Health Webinar
  2. 2022 Peer Counseling Pharmates 

The Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI has also shown extraordinary initiatives in helping high-achieving students facing financial constraints through collaboration with the Local Government. For example, collaboration with the Serang District Government shows how collaboration between academic institutions and local governments can help high-achieving students from low-income families.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has always been committed to creating an inclusive academic environment, in which every individual, regardless of their background, is given equal opportunities to develop and contribute optimally. Occupying the top position as one of the prominent universities in Indonesia, UI understands its responsibility to show the wider community how educational institutions can be an example in promoting equality and diversity.

  1. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 9 of 2022 on New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs
  2. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 14 of 2019 on the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of Universitas Indonesia

One of the concrete measures taken by UI to ensure access for underrepresented groups is through the Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship program. Through this program, those who are less fortunate in the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) – Test-Based National Selection (SNBT) are still given the opportunity to continue their studies at UI through the Independent Selection route for State Universities (PTN) or Private Universities (PTS). It is a form of positive affirmation from UI to ensure that every individual has the right to obtain quality education.

  1. Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) – College
  2. The Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship Program 

In addition, through various programs such as the Educational Tuition for High-Achieving Low-Income Students (Bidikmisi), the affirmation pathway, and support from the UI Alumni Association (ILUNI), UI ensures that students receive adequate financial support to complete their studies. These programs are designed to enable more people to access higher education in order to break the cycle of poverty. This initiative is applied to overcome economic obstacles that may be faced by students from low economic backgrounds.

UI Scholarships

UI also provides flexibility in education financing through the Fair Education Operational Costs (BOP) system, where cost of education is determined based on the ability to pay. Utilizing this policy, UI attempts to ensure that every prospective student has the same opportunity to study at UI, without letting cost become a barrier.

UI Student Affair

Moreover, UI does not only focus on student admission, as employees are also an important part of the society of academicians of UI. For example, Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI shows how a commitment to diversity can be applied in staff and faculty recruitment. By providing open-to-all job vacancies, FPsi UI emphasizes the importance of competence above all else.

  1. Open Recruitment of Human Resources Information Data Manager of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI 
  2. Open Recruitment of Academic Data Manager of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI

In its continuous efforts to promote equality and diversity, UI has become an example for other educational institutions in Indonesia. The obvious commitment, strong policies, and consistent actions of UI prove that higher education can and should be a forum for every individual, regardless of their background, to develop and provide their best contribution to the community and the nation.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) positions itself at the forefront in creating an educational environment that is inclusive, egalitarian, and free from all forms of discrimination and harassment. This commitment is not a mere statement, but a principle embedded in every operational aspect of the university, from the employee recruitment process to the organization of academic activities.

Based on the Government Regulation No. 11/2017, the Indonesian government ensures that there is no discrimination based on gender in the recruitment of civil servants. In line with this principle, through UI Rector’s Regulation No. 033 of 2018, UI affirms that there are no criteria related to race, ethnicity, religion, and gender in the employee selection process. It opens opportunities for all individuals who meet the predetermined competency standards to join the UI society.

  1. Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 on the Management of Civil Servants
  2. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 033 of 2018 on Human Resources Management at UI
  3. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 9 of 2022 on New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs

Furthermore, the organizational values of UI are not merely written, but also serve as guidelines for the entire society of academicians of UI. UI Rector’s Decree No. 2719 of 2019 confirms this commitment by detailing the Key Behavioral Indicators of Cultural Values of UI. In this decree, one of the highly emphasized UI value is “Justice”. It not only means equality of opportunity, but also just and fair treatment for every individual, regardless of their background. 

  1. UI Rector’s Decree Number 2719 of 2019 on the Determination of Key Behavioral Indicators of Cultural Values of UI
  2. UI Nine Values (9 Nilai UI) Pocket Book

As a concrete example, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI has a pocket book that specifically outlines UI values, including anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. Every faculty member, i.e. lecturers, students, or education staff, is given detailed guidelines on these values. The main focus is to ensure that each individual feels accepted, valued, and respected.

  1. UI Values Pocket Book for Lecturers
  2. UI Values Pocket Book for Students
  3. UI Values Pocket Book for Education Staff

It is important to admit that generating an inclusive environment that is free of discrimination is not an easy task. However, through a series of policies, initiatives, and strong dedication from all components of the university, UI strives to create a supportive atmosphere for each of its members. Therefore, UI becomes not only a place for knowledge to grow and develop, but also a real example for other educational institutions in realizing the values of justice, equality, and inclusiveness in this modern era.

As one of the prominent educational institutions in Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken concrete measures to achieve the vision of equality and inclusiveness on its campus. In internalizing the nine established organizational cultural values, UI ensures that equality and diversity become a core part of every activity and policy at the university. 

Through the Directorate of Human Resources and the Bureau of Transformation, Risk Management and Evaluation Monitoring (TREM), UI has appointed equality and diversity officials to ensure the implementation of nine cultural values throughout campus. The agents of change play an important role in every work unit to ensure that these values are not only understood, but also implemented in every campus activity. The value of “Justice” is one of the nine UI cultural values that is highly emphasized. This value encourages all campus members to provide fair opportunities and treatment for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, marital status, age, disability, and sexual orientation.

  1. UI Nine Values (9 Nilai UI) Pocket Book
  2. UI Rector’s Decree Number 2719 of 2019 on the Determination of Key Behavioral Indicators of Cultural Values of UI

Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI has established a special committee named “Agents of Change”. This committee is a concrete manifestation of the commitment of the faculty to implementing UI values. The members of this committee are selected based on stringent criteria, including integrity and competence, as reflected in UI nine values such as Honesty, Accountability, and Trustworthiness.

  1. UI Values Pocket Book for Lecturers
  2. UI Values Pocket Book for Students
  3. UI Values Pocket Book for Education Staff
  4. Dean’s Decree No 162 of 2021 on the Appointment of the Agents of Change of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

Furthermore, the Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI has appointed “Implementing Officers of the 9 Cultural Values of Universitas Indonesia”. This team, with its mandate, ensures that diversity, equality, inclusion, and human rights are priorities in academic and non-academic activities at the faculty.


These various policies and initiatives clearly illustrate the strong commitment of UI to implementing the predetermined nine cultural values, specifically in the aspects of equality and diversity. Every individual at UI is empowered to grow and develop in an environment that is conducive and supportive based on the values upheld by the university.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is one of the prominent universities in Indonesia which focuses on developing not only the academic aspects, but also the mental and psychological well-being of all society of academicians of UI, particularly underrepresented groups. In facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of UI in providing mental health support has become increasingly important and urgent.

UI has a number of initiatives and programs to support the mental well-being of its students. Under the coordination of the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park (DISTP) and The Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI, the Covid-19 Response Mahadata Synergy Team has initiated various policy recommendations for the government to address mental health issues that arise due to the pandemic. This initiative shows the importance of psychological well-being in supporting the productivity and socio-economic conditions of Indonesia. 

  1. Student Support Socialization and Peer Counseling Training
  2. UI Recommends Four Mental Health Policies During and Post the COVID-19 Pandemic 

For example, at the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI, students have access to convey all problems, both academic and non-academic, through various channels provided. Such a support system helps students obtain the right solution to the problems they face, from academic recommendations to professional counseling services. UI Satellite Clinic and the Integrated Clinic of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI also offer free counseling services for students, including those from underrepresented groups. 

  1. Counseling Services at UI Satellite Clinic
  2. Peer Counseling at Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
  3. The Integrated Clinic of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
  4. UI Satellite Clinic Is Ready to Provide Health Services   

In addition to free counseling services, there is also free peer counseling that students can benefit from. The Department of Student Welfare Advocacy (Adkesma) of the 2022 UI Student Executive Board (BEM) has proceeded with the training of prospective “peer counselors”. This training aims to improve the quality of mental health in the UI environment. With existing resources and facilities, UI aspires to provide optimal support for all its society, specifically amidst the challenges of the pandemic with its wide impact. Furthermore, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI also offers similar counseling services. Vokasi UI also contributes by forming a team of peer counselors in collaboration with BEM of Vokasi UI. This initiative allows students to talk and share their feelings with trained colleagues, helping ease the psychological burden during the pandemic.

  1. Department of Student Welfare Advocacy (Adkesma) of the 2022 UI Student Executive Board (BEM) – Training of Prospective Counselors
  2. Peer Counseling at Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI


Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI,  in addition to having an equality and diversity committee, also provides academic and non-academic guidance and counseling services for its students through the Student Guidance and Counseling Unit (BKM). This unit aims to help other units under the Vice Dean of Education to resolve academic and non-academic problems that hinder the student learning process. The main objective is for students to complete their studies within the time limit determined by faculty regulations.

Guidance and Counseling at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI 

In conclusion, UI has demonstrated its high commitment to supporting the psychological well-being of its society. Through various support programs, counseling services and other initiatives, UI strives to provide an inclusive, supportive and conducive learning environment for all its members.

Universitas Indonesia (UI), as one of the prominent universities in Indonesia, shows a strong commitment to realizing inclusive and equitable education for all students. Not only in words, but also through real actions manifested in various facilities and services that support people with disabilities. One of the first measures taken by UI is to ensure that every prospective student has the same access during the entrance exam. This is a form of the dedication of UI in providing equal opportunities for every individual to obtain quality education, regardless of their physical conditions or limitations.

UI Rector’s Regulation No. 9 of 2022 on New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs

Disability-friendly infrastructure continues to be developed throughout the campus area, starting from Faculty of Engineering (FT) which provides special facilities for pedestrians and people with disabilities to Faculty of Medicine (FK) which provides infrastructure support by creating access paths in each building. In addition to infrastructure, the educational curriculum has also been developed to be inclusive, one of which is by providing Sign Language courses.

  1. Universitas Indonesia Provides Campus Facilities for People with Disabilities
  2. Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities  
  3. Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  4. Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  5. Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  6. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  7. Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities 
  8. Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  9. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities (1) 
  10. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities (2)
  11. Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities 

In addition, support for students with disabilities is also provided through mentoring or special disability services. It shows that UI focuses not only on physical aspects, but also on psychological and mental aspects as well as other special needs of students with special needs. UI provides various free consultation and counseling services accessible by every student.

  1. Counseling Services at UI Satellite Clinic
  2. Peer Counseling at Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
  3. The Integrated Clinic of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI
  4. UI Satellite Clinic Is Ready to Provide Health Services

Regulations that emphasize the principles of professionalism, justice, and equality are also the basic foundation for UI in managing human resources. It implies that UI promotes equality not only for its students, but also for all its society, including faculty members and staff. Considering the various efforts and initiatives that have been carried out, UI continues to strive to realize its vision as an inclusive campus, which is able to provide equal opportunities for all its society without exception. Equality, justice, and inclusiveness are not merely slogans, but are basic principles applied in all aspects of UI campus life.

UI Rector’s Regulation No. 033 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at UI

Universitas Indonesia (UI) upholds the principle of equality in education. As one of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia, UI has a moral responsibility to ensure that all students, including those with special needs, have equal access to learning facilities and resources. Diversity is wealth, and UI understands this well.

One of the innovations that UI offers to students with special needs is evident in Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Frieda Mangunsong, M.Ed., Psi., this faculty has provided mentoring services for hundreds of students who need them. The mentoring does not only provide physical assistance, but also supports the academic and psychosocial growth of the students. FPsi UI does not only provide internal support, but also expands its scope by collaborating with other institutions such as the Jakarta State Polytechnic. It reflects the dedication and concern of UI for disability issues.

  1. UI Provides Mentoring Services for Students with Disabilities
  2. UI Provides Campus Facilities for People with Disabilities

Furthermore, all faculties at UI have also made infrastructure adjustments to support students with special needs. The design of the buildings, toilets, and parking areas are all adjusted to be friendly for people with disabilities. It reflects the commitment and concern of UI for equality and human rights. In addition to repairing and adjusting faculty facilities, UI also establishes UI Satellite Clinic which is located strategically near Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI. Offering more complete health services than the previous Student Health Center (PKM), UI confirms that student welfare is a top priority.

  1. Universitas Indonesia Provides Campus Facilities for People with Disabilities
  2. Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities  
  3. Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  4. Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  5. Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  6. Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  7. Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities 
  8. Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities
  9. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities (1) 
  10. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities (2)
  11. Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) of UI Provides Facilities for People with Disabilities 

With all the efforts and innovations made, UI continues to demonstrate its strong commitment to ensuring educational equality. For UI, every student, without exception, has the right to receive quality education. Through various inclusive facilities and services that continue to be developed, UI ensures that students with special needs can pursue their dreams and aspirations without obstacles. It is a concrete manifestation of the vision of UI which views education as a human right that must be received by everyone without exception.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has long been known as one of the pioneers of higher education in Indonesia which continues to strive to provide the best service for the entire society of academicians, including students with disabilities. As a university with a global vision, UI understands the importance of providing adequate access for every individual to achieve their full potential.

Through the existence of a service unit for students with disabilities, UI ensures that every student has the same rights and opportunities to learn and develop. This unit acts as a bridge between students with disabilities and various facilities and services available on campus. Starting from the process of admitting new students, orientation, to providing inclusive teaching materials, this unit ensures that students obtain the necessary support.

  1. UI Service Unit for Students with Disabilities  
  2. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 9 of 2022 on New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs
  3. UI Rector’s Decree No. 1860 of 2018 on Services for Students with Disabilities
  4. UI Rector’s Decree No. 2816 of 2017 on the Determination of Technical Guidelines for Facilities and Accessibility for People with Disabilities in UI

As an example of the implementation of the aforementioned policies, the Vocational Education program (Vokasi) of UI through the Student Executive Board (BEM) demonstrates the importance of peer-to-peer support in improving the quality of student learning. The mentoring scheme help students with disabilities obtain not only academic assistance, but also emotional and social support from fellow students. It is definitely essential considering that the challenges faced by students with disabilities are frequently not merely academic, but also emotional and social. 

Peer Counseling at Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI

In addition, an initiative from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI through the Student Guidance and Counseling unit (BKM) shows that a holistic approach is needed to help students overcome various obstacles. BKM helps students overcome not only academic obstacles, but also personal or emotional problems that may affect their academic performance.

Guidance and Counseling at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI 

Other support such as UI Satellite Clinic shows how UI is committed to providing the best health services for the entire society of academicians of UI. Planning to provide special services in the future, this clinic will further improve the quality of its services for all UI society.

  1. Counseling Services at UI Satellite Clinic
  2. UI Satellite Clinic Is Ready to Provide Health Services

In conclusion, UI has demonstrated its commitment to creating an inclusive learning environment for all students. Through various initiatives and programs that have been implemented, UI ensures that every individual, without exception, obtains equal opportunities to learn and develop. It is concrete evidence that UI is not only committed to academic excellence, but also to equality and inclusion for the entire society of academicians.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has acted as a beacon of education in the country, illuminating the path of those seeking knowledge, including those with physical limitations or special needs. UI shows the world that diversity and differences are not obstacles, but rather wealth that needs to be cared for and developed. One of the concrete efforts of UI to support inclusivity is through the “Disability Accommodation Policy”. Through this policy, UI is committed to providing appropriate and strategic accommodation for people with disabilities, starting from physical facilities such as ramps, lifts, special toilets, to psychological support and assistance in the teaching and learning process. Obviously, this policy is supported by adequate funding to ensure the smooth implementation.

  1. UI Service Unit for Students with Disabilities 
  2. Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 on the Management of Civil Servants
  3. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 033 of 2018 on Human Resource Management at UI
  4. UI Rector’s Regulation No. 9 of 2022 on New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs
  5. UI Rector’s Decree No. 1860 of 2018 on Services for Students with Disabilities
  6. UI Rector’s Decree No. 2816 of 2017 on the Determination of Technical Guidelines for Facilities and Accessibility for People with Disabilities in UI

The implementation of these policies is not without challenges. However, upholding the vision of becoming a world-class research university, UI understands that the quality of education is not only determined by research and publications, but also how the university responds to the needs of all members of its society. This accommodation policy is a concrete manifestation of the commitment of UI to ensuring that every individual, without exception, obtains the same opportunity to pursue higher education and achieve their best potential. Therefore, every faculty and vocational program have their own student services and facility infrastructure to accommodate policies for people with disabilities. Each faculty and vocational program has its own role and contribution in creating equality on this campus.

  1. Peer Counseling at Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI
  2. Research Day of Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) 5th Series: Diversity in the Learning Process 
  3. Brief Notes (BN) of the Demographic Institute (LD) of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI 
  4. UI Provides Mentoring Services for Students with Disabilities
  5. UI Provides Campus Facilities for People with Disabilities

Through a series of initiatives and commitments, UI emphasizes its position not only as an educational institution, but also as an agent of social change. UI aspires to prove that the quality of education is not only measured by academic achievement, but also by how an institution educates its students to appreciate, understand, and support diversity. UI, with all its efforts, serves as a model for other universities in encouraging inclusive education and embracing all existing potential.

Our actions and goals

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