Our actions and goals

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SDGs 10: Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Our Goals in Action

Measures Against Discrimination

Measures against discrimination are essential for achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10, “Reduced Inequalities.” These measures include implementing policies that promote equality across all social, economic, and political spheres. Efforts focus on eliminating barriers faced by marginalized groups, ensuring equal opportunities in education, employment, and healthcare. By actively challenging biases and fostering inclusive environments, these actions aim to reduce disparities, enhance social justice, and create a more equitable world, aligning with the objectives of SDG 10.

Universitas Indonesia applies a non-discriminatory student admission policy based on the 9 values of UI. The admission is determined based on the academic knowledge and potential skills of the prospective students. This policy is officially stated in Decree of UI Board of Trustees No. 008 of 2004 and UI Rector’s Decree No. 14 of 2016 Chapter IV concerning Admission of Undergraduate Students. The selection system is based on the results of a written test and a selection recognized based on the achievements of the prospective students instead of considerations of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation and residence status, whether they are newly settled refugee/migratory students. Universitas Indonesia also complies with the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct so as not to misuse its dominant authority against students in the admission period.

UI Rector’s Decree No. 16 of 2020

Decree No. 406 concerning The Tariff of Undergraduate Single Tuition Fee

Student Admission at Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia

Student Admission at Faculty of Humanities of Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia measures and tracks the applications & admissions of underrepresented (and potentially underrepresented) groups including ethnic minorities, low-income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, students with special needs, etc. with the integration of database and information system (web-based database management system) at 

The New Student Admission Information System can measure and see applicants and prospective new students both those with special needs and those from the Frontier, Outermost, and Disadvantaged (3T) Regions. This information system at is only accessible on a limited basis by the role of each stakeholder in the new student admission program. When prospective new students register online, the information such as place of origin, gender, underprivileged circumstances, and special needs is stored in the information system and the prospective students can view each closing period thoroughly.

New Student Admission Socialization at UI for 3T Regions in 2020

Access to the Applications of Underrepresented Groups

Cooperation Agreement between Vocational Education Program of Serang District on the Implementation of Education

UI organizes a program to recruit students/staff/faculty members from underprivileged groups to be accepted as new UI students, both from the Frontier, Outermost, and Disadvantaged (3T) Regions and from underprivileged families (holders of Smart Indonesia Card-College).

New Student Admission Socialization at UI for 3T Regions in 2020

UI Providing a Broad and Fair Access to Education

Admission Data

Universitas Indonesia has anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies to recruit civil servants based on Government Regulation No. 11/2017. The government of Indonesia does not require special criteria, allowing all to take part in the selection and be selected to become civil servants according to the criteria and examinations carried out regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, and gender. In line with the government, UI through Rector’s Regulation No. 33 of 2018 does not have criteria related to race, ethnicity, religion, and gender in the employee selection process. Thus, everyone can take part in the selection and become an employee assuming they pass a predetermined series of tests.

UI also has organizational values listed in UI Bylaws and also contained in Rector’s Decree No. 2719 of 2019 concerning Key Behavior Indicators of Cultural Values of Universitas Indonesia. This decree becomes the basis for UI in socializing and internalizing UI values to achieve its vision and mission. Justice is one of the values of UI. Justice is shown by the behaviors of providing equal opportunities and treatment for each member in carrying out their respective duties. It includes developing academic activities or others regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, marital status, age, disability, and sexual orientation as referred to in the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct in UI Rector’s Regulation No. 14 of 2019. 

UI Rector’s Regulation No. 033 of 2018 Concerning Human Resource Management at Universitas Indonesia

The Decree of UI Board of Trustees No. 005 of 2004 Concerning the Campus Life Rules of Universitas Indonesia

UI Nine Values (9 Nilai UI) Pocket Book

The Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2017 Concerning the Management of Civil Servants

UI Rector’s Regulation No. 14 of 2019 Concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

Within the faculty scope, each faculty has an anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy. These policies can be found in the Pocket Book: Do’s and Don’ts in Implementing UI Values. Currently, there are three pocket books provided by the faculty. The first is made specifically for faculty members, the second is made for students, and the third is made for education staff.

Pocket Book of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

Universitas Indonesia, through the Directorate of Human Resources and the Bureau of Transformation, Risk Management, Monitoring and Evaluation as equality and diversity officers, continues to socialize UI nine values as the organizational culture to all UI personnel. In addition, change agents are also formed for each work unit to continue to socialize and implement UI values. UI nine values as organizational culture are internalized in UI programs specifically in HR programs such as recruitment, assessment, and learning and development programs. One of the UI values is ‘justice’ that means to be fair without discrimination. Justice is one of UI values. The value of Justice is shown by the behaviors of providing equal opportunities and treatment for each member in carrying out their respective duties. It includes developing academic activities or others regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, marital status, age, disability, and sexual orientation. Moreover, UI as an Indonesian higher education institution must be committed to the Indonesian motto “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” which means unity in diversity.

UI Nine Values (9 Nilai UI) Pocket Book

To Realize Its Vision, UI Has 9 Fundamental Values

UI Nine Values of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

UI Nine Values of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI

Universitas Indonesia provides mentoring, counseling, and peer support programs to support students, staff, and faculty members from underrepresented groups. For example, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) provides counseling services for students, faculty members, and employees. The services can be accessed by coming to the Student Counseling Board (BKM) office of FIB UI on the 2nd floor of Building V and arranging counseling with counselors. FIB also provides special education regarding sign language at the Sign Language Research Laboratory. Furthermore, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) also have a Service Agency for students in maintaining mental health by providing psychological assistance to those experiencing academic, personal, and/or family problems.

Counseling of FEB UI

Instagram: Guidance and Counseling of FEB UI (Room of Hope)

Sign Language Research Laboratory

UI also held a special event called Student Forum for Adolescent Reproductive Health (Rumah Panda). The event includes activities to commemorate International Women’s Day.

Rumah Panda Activities of FKM UI on International Women’s Day

Student Executive Board (BEM) of FKM U

Universitas Indonesia provides free shuttle transportation services for staff and students using wheelchairs in their daily life. At present, there is only one car parked at the Administrative Center (PAU) of UI, Depok. This program was actually planned in early 2015 and has been started since September 2015. For now, the car is actively picking up and dropping off students with disabilities every day. This car is part of the Disability-Friendly Facilities and Infrastructure Development Program at UI. This program consists of the provision and construction of disability-friendly facilities throughout the UI area, starting from toilets, transportation, pedestrian paths, dormitories, and buildings. Gradually, UI will provide other accessible facilities in order to become an educational institution ensuring a comfortable learning environment for everyone. UI has also collaborated with TransJakarta. The buses used by TransJakarta to provide the services on UI campus are low deck buses that are friendlier to those with special needs. Thus, UI hopes that the members of the society of academicians of UI with special needs receive similar services as others.

In addition, there are several facilities that can be used by people with disabilities, such as wheelchairs, toilets, special facilities, special parking areas, and access roads to substitute stairs/trap ramps.

Support and Services for People with Disabilities at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI

Accessible Facilities at Vocational Program of UI

Accessible Facilities at Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI

Non-Public Evidence of Faculty of Psychology

Facilities for People with Disabilities at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI

Facilities for People with Disabilities at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI (2)

Facilities for People with Disabilities at Faculty of Nursing of UI

Facilities for People with Disabilities at Health Sciences Cluster (RIK) of UI

Dormitories Completing the Facilities for Students with Disabilities

UI Declaring to Facilitate Students with Disabilities

FISIP Building Toilets for People with Disabilities

Cooperation with TransJakarta

Disabled Cars

Nonpublic Evidence of Faculty of Medicine (FK) of UI

Public Evidence of Faculty of Pharmacy of UI

FISIP UI Builds Toilets for People with Disabilities

Public E/vidence of Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) of UI

In the context of assistance for people with disabilities, Vocational Program of Universitas Indonesia held community service activities by conducting Covid-19 Prevention and Mitigation Activities for Children with Autism in Barito Kuala-Banjarmasin. This event was one of the efforts as well as an alternative in the resolution and prevention of Covid-19. Collaborating with Hasnur Center Foundation (YHC), the community service activities were held in the form of socialization related to the 3M health protocols (Handwashing, Physical-Distancing, and Wearing Masks) as a precaution against the COVID-19 infection in autistic children. Taking place at the Auditorium of Nurhayati Global Islamic Boarding School (GIBS), Alalak Subdistrict, Barito Kuala District, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan on November 14, 2020, the event was attended by 50 parents with autistic children.

Mitigation Activities to Prevent Covid-19 for Children with Autism in Barito Kuala-Banjarmasin

Universitas Indonesia has accommodation strategies and policies for people with disabilities on the campus. UI provides transportation, facilities, and scholarships for students with disabilities. People with disabilities face various difficulties to access public facilities, such as sidewalks and office buildings. In fact, people with disabilities also require adequate public space to facilitate their daily life. UI provides this accessibility to create a more supportive condition and environment for people with disabilities to live life to the fullest.

Support and Services for People with Disabilities at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI

Accessible Facilities at Vocational Program of UI

Accessible Facilities at Faculty of Psychology of UI

Non-Public Evidence of Vocational Program

Our actions and goals

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