sustainable development goal 14
Aquatic ecosystems, encompassing marine and freshwater habitats, are vital for diverse species. Universities and communities should advocate for sustainable actions, like curbing overfishing. Moreover, educational policies can focus on reducing plastic waste and monitoring ecosystem well-being.

Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education encapsulates the initiative of imparting knowledge and awareness about marine and freshwater environments, fostering stewardship and sustainable practices to conserve water habitats, ensuring biodiversity, and promoting a balance between human activities and aquatic life health through informative and transformative learning experiences.
Universitas Indonesia, one of Indonesia’s leading higher education institutions, demonstrates a solid commitment to environmental issues, including freshwater ecosystem concerns. One approach the university employs to manifest this commitment is organizing various programs to enhance public awareness regarding the significance of freshwater ecosystem conservation and addressing water pollution issues.
The Social, Community, and Environmental Department of the Faculty of Psychology UI’s Executive Board of Students (BEM) has initiated the Environmental Care Program (PELITA). In commemoration of World Environment Day, the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Indonesia hosted an event titled “PELITA Eco Day: Make Solution, Not Pollution.” This event primarily focuses on raising awareness of water pollution hazards and the importance of a zero-waste lifestyle. Several competitions were organized, including essay writing, photography, and poster design, all centering around the theme “Zero Waste Lifestyle Action for Water Pollution Mitigation.” Through these competitions, it is anticipated that the public will gain a deeper understanding and be motivated to adopt a more eco-friendly way of life.
Furthermore, the Faculty of Psychology organized a talk show titled “PELITA Talk Show (PETAK) 2022,” emphasizing eco-conscious behavior issues in safeguarding water resources. PETAK 2022’s primary objective is to heighten public awareness concerning the significance of eco-friendly behavior in their daily lives. The focus on preserving water resources underscores the concern for one of the crucial environmental aspects. PETAK 2022 delved into eco-conscious behavior, encompassing comprehension of reducing personal environmental footprints, prudent water usage, waste avoidance, and contributing to overall water resource preservation.
World Toilet Day is a global observance that centers around the importance of proper sanitation. In 2022,, an organization dedicated to clean water and sanitation issues, commemorated this day by meeting with its partners. This gathering aimed to raise awareness about the significance of transitioning from adequate water and sanitation facilities to secure ones. During this meeting, Dr. Paksi C. K. Walandouw from the Demography Institute at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UI, presented research findings on the impact of water and sanitation financing in 2021. These research findings are vital for reflecting on past financing programs and exploring ways to enhance financing in the future of water and sanitation.
Initiatives undertaken by Universitas Indonesia and underscore the importance of collaboration among educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, and governments in addressing environmental issues. Increasing public awareness and providing tangible solutions are hoped to address water pollution and sanitation deficiencies more effectively.
Universitas Indonesia (UI), through its diverse research initiatives and community outreach programs, underscores the importance of sustainable management in the fisheries, aquaculture, and tourism sectors. These initiatives not only bolster the economic landscape of Indonesia but also ensure that these sectors grow sustainably, benefiting the environment and local communities.
In 2022, UI published a book entitled “Studi Kelayakan Bisnis: Studi Kasus Usaha Budidaya Ikan Kakap Putih di Indonesia Timur,” which discusses the feasibility analysis of fisheries cultivation businesses in Eastern Indonesia, especially sea bass cultivation in Yapen Regency, Papua. Based on the analysis of various aspects, it was concluded that industrial-scale sea bass cultivation is feasible in Eastern Indonesia, especially in the Yapen Islands Regency, Papua. It is hoped that this book will help parties interested in developing a business, especially an aquaculture business so that they can utilize the potential of Indonesia’s abundant marine resources and improve the welfare of the surrounding community.
- Business Feasibility Study: Case Study of White Snapper Farming Business in Eastern Indonesia
- Business Feasibility Study Book: Case Study of White Snapper Farming Business in Eastern Indonesia
A lecturer from the Vocational Education Program at Universitas Indonesia has undertaken a noteworthy community service initiative titled “Increasing Community Capacity Through the Digital Literacy Program in the Creative Economy Sector as an Effort to Develop a Digital-Based Marine Tourism Village in Komodo Village-Labuan Bajo.” This project underscores the university’s commitment to community engagement and sustainable development. Its primary objective is to empower the local community in Komodo Village-Labuan Bajo by imparting digital literacy skills and fostering creativity in the creative economy sector. This project aims to harness digital technology and human capital to create a sustainable, innovative, and competitive marine tourism village by equipping the villagers with digital knowledge. Through this endeavor, the lecturer aims to stimulate economic growth and development within the archipelagic region, recognizing the significance of the community’s role in achieving these goals.
The project’s significance lies in its multi-faceted approach to community development. It focuses on digital literacy, a critical skill in the modern era, and on nurturing the creative economy. This approach aligns with the region’s potential as a marine tourism destination. The project aspires to create an environment where innovation thrives by combining these elements and promoting digital-based strategies. The goal is to establish a competitive village that can adapt to changing dynamics in the tourism industry, ultimately contributing to economic growth and development in the archipelagic region.
The research conducted by the Vocational Education Program at Universitas Indonesia on the blue ocean business model in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, reflects the university’s commitment to addressing critical issues related to sustainable development and the environment. This study goes beyond simply exploring the economic aspects of coastal areas but also delves into the broader concept of the blue economy, which encompasses a sustainable and circular approach to managing marine resources. The findings highlight that the blue economy is not limited to exploiting marine resources for short-term economic gains but emphasizes the need for a holistic approach that considers the entire value chain, from upstream to downstream processes. This approach ensures that marine products are managed to promote long-term environmental sustainability while supporting economic growth and prosperity in coastal communities.
The concept of a circular economy, as identified in the research, underscores the importance of minimizing waste and maximizing the use of resources in marine-related activities. It encourages the efficient utilization of marine products, reducing the negative environmental impacts associated with traditional linear production and consumption models. By embracing a circular economy within the blue economy framework, it becomes possible to create a more harmonious balance between economic development and environmental conservation, ultimately contributing to achieving sustainable development goals and benefiting local communities and the broader ecosystem. This research contributes to sustainable coastal management and exemplifies Universitas Indonesia’s dedication to addressing complex challenges to pursue a more sustainable future.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has demonstrated a profound commitment to the conservation and sustainable utilization of aquatic ecosystems through various programs and initiatives. This commitment is reflected in UI’s efforts to promote environmental preservation, particularly of aquatic ecosystems, and its understanding of the importance of maintaining the sustainability of these ecosystems.
Seaweed cultivation is one of the ways to support local economic growth and the sustainable utilization of marine resources. In the villages of Munte and Bulutui, seaweed cultivation initiatives have been initiated, but local farmers face challenges in improving their harvest yields. One of the reasons is the lack of knowledge about proper cultivation techniques. Through the Community Engagement and Empowerment Team, UI collaborates with the All-Indonesian Fishermen Association (HNSI) to educate farmers. This education includes good cultivation techniques, pest control methods, and ways to enhance harvest quality.
As part of a long-term commitment, the local community has initiated the development of their village into a “Center Village for Seaweed Seedlings of Tissue Culture.” With the formation of two pioneer groups, this step is expected to increase seaweed production, strengthen the seaweed farming community, and ultimately enhance the community’s economic well-being.
UI Community Engagement Team Inaugurates Center Village for Seaweed Tissue Culture Seedlings
In commemoration of World Oceans Day, the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Indonesia promotes public awareness of the importance of ocean conservation. The educational posts published provide insights into the role and benefits of the oceans for life on Earth, the environmental issues currently threatening marine ecosystems, and what individuals can do to contribute to conservation efforts.
The initiative undertaken by the Department of Social, Community, and Environmental Affairs of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, known as “Our Environmental Concern” (PELITA), is a commendable effort in promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices among the university community and the wider society. Their program, the PELITA Talk Show (PETAK), which focuses on ecological awareness, highlights the importance of fostering responsibility toward the environment and the reciprocal relationship between human behavior and the well-being of aquatic ecosystems.
The theme “Achieving Eco-conscious Behavior to Protect Water” chosen for the PETAK event is highly relevant, considering water is a critical resource, and the health of aquatic ecosystems directly impacts the overall ecological balance. By educating the public on how their daily behaviors can directly and indirectly affect the quality and well-being of aquatic ecosystems, this event aims to inspire individuals to make wiser and more sustainable choices. The event emphasizes the crucial role of every individual in preserving the environment, underscoring society’s collective responsibility to protect and conserve natural resources.
- PELITA World Oceans Day #1
- PELITA World Oceans Day #2
- PELITA Talk Show (PETAK): Achieving Eco-conscious Behavior to Protect The Water
With various initiatives undertaken, Universitas Indonesia has played a significant role in promoting the conservation and sustainable utilization of aquatic ecosystems in Indonesia. Through collaborations with local communities, governmental agencies, and other organizations, UI continues to educate and empower the public to preserve and utilize marine resources wisely and sustainably.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has displayed a multi-faceted approach toward preserving biodiversity and sustainable development within its campus and in various regions across Indonesia.
UI’s Unit Pelaksana Teknis Kesehatan, Keselamatan, Keamanan, dan Lingkungan (UPT K3L) is planting rare trees and is heavily involved in nurturing and managing these green spaces. Their active involvement ensures that the campus’s biodiversity remains rich and continuously revitalized through planting new trees, especially endangered ones.
UPT K3L’s Fauna Monitoring activity reflects the university’s commitment to biodiversity. By documenting the various species within the UI campus, they aim to understand the diverse animal life comprehensively. This continuous monitoring and data collection ensure that UI can make informed decisions about managing and conserving fauna within its campus, making the university a living laboratory.
- Monitoring and Conservation of Endangered Trees by the Environmental Health and Safety Committee (K3L)
- Maintaining And Enhancing Biodiversity In Ecosystems
In 2022, UI published a book entitled “Studi Kelayakan Bisnis: Studi Kasus Usaha Budidaya Ikan Kakap Putih di Indonesia Timur,” which discusses the feasibility analysis of fisheries cultivation businesses in Eastern Indonesia, especially sea bass cultivation in Yapen Regency, Papua. t is hoped that this book will help parties interested in developing a business, especially an aquaculture business so that they can utilize the potential of Indonesia’s abundant marine resources and improve the welfare of the surrounding community.
- Business Feasibility Study: Case Study of White Snapper Farming Business in Eastern Indonesia
- Business Feasibility Study Book: Case Study of White Snapper Farming Business in Eastern Indonesia
Meanwhile, to support marine and coastal ecosystems conservation, students, the Student Executive Board (BEM), and the lecturers of the Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia have held a community service program entitled GERTAKAU (Mangrove Planting Movement) for the last three years. In 2022, this program was implemented on the beach in Eretan Kulon Village, Kandanghaur District, Indramayu Regency, West Java. Vokasi UI planted around 3,000 mangrove seedlings along the coastline. This program allows mangrove plants to grow and become mangrove forests, maintaining a good ecosystem and biodiversity on the coast.
GERTAKAU (Mangrove Planting Movement) by BEM Vokasi UI
UI’s endeavors, from on-campus conservation to coastal preservation activities, embody its holistic approach to environmental sustainability. By integrating research, conservation, and community engagement, Universitas Indonesia is paving the way for institutions nationally and globally to take proactive steps in preserving our planet’s precious ecosystems.
Universitas Indonesia is actively involved in research and industry collaboration to develop technologies and practices that enable the maritime industry to minimize or prevent damage to aquatic ecosystems. This multidisciplinary cooperation involves experts from various fields, such as marine biology, environmental science, and engineering, collaborating to study and create innovative solutions.
Technologies Towards Aquatic Ecosystem Damage Prevention by Universitas Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia has researched “Microplastic Abundance and Distribution in Surface Water and Sediment Collected from the Coastal Area.” This is a response to the increasing amounts of microplastics contaminating the marine environment, especially in the coastal waters of Jakarta Bay, which is an important part of Indonesia’s maritime ecosystem. This is concerning because microplastics can harm marine life and potentially enter the food chain, ultimately affecting the health of humans who consume seafood.
For the research, the team from Universitas Indonesia collected water and sediment samples from 12 locations spread across the areas of Ancol, Muara Baru, and Muara Angke – Muara Karang. This was done to obtain a broad picture of microplastic distribution in the area. After sample collection, extraction was performed to separate microplastics from the water and sediment samples. The microplastics found were then analyzed based on their shapes and counted to determine their abundance at each sampling point. This study identified the presence of microplastics at each location, providing scientific evidence of the spread of microplastic pollution in the coastal waters of Jakarta Bay.
The results of this research are essential as a basis for developing more effective plastic waste management strategies and for encouraging policies that can reduce the entry of microplastics into the marine ecosystem. Furthermore, this raises public awareness about the importance of managing plastic waste and the consequences of microplastic pollution on the environment and health.
Universitas Indonesia has also researched “Formulating an Excise Duty on Plastic: A Strategy to Manage Marine Plastic Waste in Indonesia,” which highlights the importance of implementing a plastic excise duty as a strategy for managing plastic waste that ends up in the sea, a severe environmental issue in Indonesia. This research aims to develop a regulatory framework that would enable the practical application of a plastic excise duty. The study explores the critical issues in policy debates and how various stakeholders interact and influence policy formation, especially from the four central ministries related to fiscal, industry, and environmental matters.
By interviewing key informants involved in the inter-ministerial committee, this study attempts to understand the diverse perspectives of various stakeholders. The researchers identified five core issues that became focal points during negotiations: the urgent need to impose an excise duty, the objectives behind the imposition, the scope of goods to be taxed, the magnitude of the rates to be set, and how the allocation of excise revenue would be managed.
The study reveals that although there is a strong tendency to prioritize environmental considerations in discussions, there is also caution from the government due to concerns over the economic impact of imposing a plastic excise duty. This reflects the debates and considerations in balancing environmental protection with economic impacts on related industries and consumers.
The outcomes of this research are expected to provide insights for policy-making that effectively reduce plastic waste contaminating the seas and are acceptable to the various impacted parties with vested interests. This is an important step towards reducing plastic pollution in Indonesia and protecting marine life and the ecosystems dependent on it.
Formulating an Excise Duty on Plastic: A Strategy to Manage Marine Plastic Waste in Indonesia
The Demographic Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Indonesia (UI) is participating in developing a sustainable aquaculture sector through research in collaboration with eFishery. eFishery, a company active in Aquaculture Technology, has the ambitious goal of making aquaculture a leading provider of animal protein on a global scale.
eFishery has committed to reducing disparities and impacting the food and technology industry significantly. The company is rapidly growing, offering products and services prioritizing efficiency and inclusivity. One of their renowned innovations is an Internet of Things (IoT)-based fish feed management solution that enables automation and more efficient feed management.
Furthermore, eFishery also aims to bridge the access gap to markets for fish farmers by providing a platform that directly connects producers and consumers. This initiative improves distribution efficiency and helps farmers get better prices for their catch.
The technology developed by eFishery encompasses various essential aspects of the aquaculture industry, including providing quality feed, access to broader markets, and adopting advanced technology accessible to small-scale farmers. With this approach, eFishery contributes to economic growth and strives to support environmental sustainability and the well-being of aquaculture farmers.
Through this research collaboration, the Demographic Institute of UI and eFishery strive to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the aquaculture sector and how technology can be leveraged to bring about positive change in this sector, especially in the socio-economic context of Indonesia.
The Contribution of the eFishery Ecosystem to the National Economy
Supporting aquatic ecosystems through action refers to proactive engagement in conservation efforts to protect and restore marine and freshwater habitats. It involves direct intervention, cleanup drives, habitat restoration, policy advocacy, sustainable resource management, and community involvement to maintain and enhance the vitality of aquatic environments.
Water-sensitive waste disposal refers to environmentally conscientious methods of discarding waste that prevent contamination and harm to water bodies. It involves processes and systems designed to protect aquatic ecosystems by filtering pollutants, reducing runoff, and ensuring that waste by-products do not disrupt the water cycle or aquatic life.
Water quality is a crucial factor directly contributing to human health and environmental sustainability. Water pollution can adversely affect public health, freshwater ecosystems, fauna, and flora. Recognizing the significance of this aspect, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken proactive measures to ensure good water quality in its environment.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) upholds water quality standards and wastewater discharge guidelines as part of its commitment to maintaining environmental quality. These measures protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and well-being. In this context, UI adheres to the provisions outlined in Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, particularly in Chapter III related to Water Quality Management. This regulation establishes national water quality standards as the primary reference for maintaining water quality.
Moreover, UI also complies with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation on Water Pollution Control regulations, as specified in Regulation 68 of 2016. This regulation delineates the standards for wastewater quality that must be adhered to, serving as an essential guide in preserving water quality. Additionally, UI follows the guidelines outlined in the Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing Regulation No. 04/PRT/M/2017 of 2017 concerning Domestic Wastewater Management Systems. These guidelines ensure that domestic wastewater disposal is conducted by regulations, resulting in responsible and sustainable practices in water resource management. By adhering to these regulations and guidelines, UI contributes to environmental preservation and demonstrates its dedication to aligning its actions with national environmental standards, which are vital in safeguarding water quality and protecting the well-being of all stakeholders involved.
- Water Quality Standards And Wastewater Discharge Guidelines
- Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 on the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management
- Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing Regulation No. 04/PRT/M/2017 of 2017 on the Implementation of Domestic Wastewater Management Systems
The faculties at UI also implement water disposal management, including the Faculty of Computer Science, which issued Circular Letter No. 8 of 2023 on the Clean Water Conservation Program in the Environment of the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. Referring to the Rector’s Decree of Universitas Indonesia No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2011 on the Policy of Clean Water Conservation at Universitas Indonesia Campus, the Faculty of Computer Science strives to comply with and implement the water quality standards and wastewater disposal guidelines established by the university. This is a positive step because effective water management is crucial to maintaining environmental quality and human well-being.
- Circular Letter No. 8 of 2023 on the Clean Water Conservation Program in the Environment of the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia
- Rector’s Decree of Universitas Indonesia No. 1309/SK/R/UI/2011 on the Policy of Clean Water Conservation at Universitas Indonesia Campus
Another action taken is the disposal of liquid waste at the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) before it is discharged into septic tanks/water infiltration, which is handled technically using a grease trap to separate oils/fats before disposal elsewhere. The grease trap is a control tank that is cleaned daily. Additionally, laboratory waste is safely controlled at FKM UI; hazardous and toxic waste is collected and handled separately from other waste. Laboratory waste is categorized based on its type and characteristics, collected and handled separately with appropriate symbols and labels, and then handed over to a third party (PT Jalan Hijau) specializing in hazardous waste management.
Waste Management at the Cafeteria of the Faculty of Public Health
At the Faculty of Psychology, actions in managing AC condensate water reflect a commitment to sustainable practices and efficient resource utilization. AC condensate water, which is typically unused, is managed beneficially. One of the most prominent uses is irrigating plants that do not tolerate mineral water. Additionally, utilizing AC condensate water as a radiator coolant is an intelligent resource management practice. This water, while possibly not suitable for human consumption, can still be used to maintain the radiator’s temperature. Consequently, it helps keep the engine cool, reduces the potential for damage, and optimizes vehicle performance.
Lastly, using AC condensate water for toilet cleaning is beneficial in minimizing potable water consumption. Water no longer used for AC can serve cleaning purposes, which is a wise alternative to using fresh water for the same tasks. By doing so, the Faculty of Psychology practices a sustainable approach to water resource management and creates efficient water use within the campus environment.
- Water Discharge Guidelines and Standards at the Faculty of Psychology
- Water Resource Management at the Faculty of Psychology
Managing water resources and waste at Universitas Indonesia reflects a high awareness and commitment to environmental sustainability. Through various initiatives and policies at the faculty level, UI demonstrates that higher education institutions can play a vital role in conservation and environmental preservation efforts. Consequently, UI actively participates in environmental conservation and the sustainability of natural resources.
Universitas Indonesia’s (UI) action plan to reduce plastic usage and waste within the UI campus environment reflects a solid commitment to sustainability principles and environmental conservation. Concrete steps in the form of the UI Rector Regulation No. 4 of 2019 on the Zero Plastic Program demonstrate UI’s earnest efforts to address the issue of single-use plastics.
This regulation encompasses measures designed to minimize plastic usage on the UI campus, such as reducing plastic bags, promoting reusable water bottles, and developing environmentally friendly alternatives. Furthermore, the Zero Plastic program also intensifies awareness campaigns among students, staff, and faculty to reduce plastic consumption.
UI Rector Regulation Number 4 of 2019 on the Zero Plastic Program
In response to this policy, the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) issued Circular Letter SE-002/UN2.F11.D/RTK.00/2019 on the Appeal for Reducing Plastic Waste, Saving Paper Usage, and Promoting the Use of Environmentally Friendly Food Materials. This policy applies to the entire academic community, including Fasilkom partners and vendors in the Fasilkom UI canteen. The Faculty of Public Administration (FIA) also issued the Dean’s Decision No. SK-25/UN2.F16.D/HKP.02.04/2022 on the Policy for Reducing Paper and Plastic Usage within the FIA UI environment. The School of Environmental Science (SIL) also issued Circular Letter SE-05/UN2.F13.D1/HKP.04/2023 regarding implementing Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle Commitment for the SIL Academic Community.
- Appeal for Reducing Plastic Waste, Saving Paper Usage, and Promoting the Use of Environmentally Friendly Food Materials at Fasilkom
- Policy for Reducing Paper and Plastic Usage within the Faculty of Public Administration
- Implementation of Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle Commitment for SIL Academic Community
The actions of various Universitas Indonesia (UI) faculties to implement plastic reduction policies reflect UI’s commitment to holistically addressing environmental issues. It is about reducing single-use plastics, creating awareness, and inspiring more sustainable behavioral changes among students, staff, and faculty.
One of the measures prohibits plastic straw usage in canteens, a primary source of single-use plastic waste. Encouraging the use of personal tumblers or reusable water bottles and providing refillable drinking water helps reduce the consumption of plastic bottles. These positive steps educate and empower the campus community to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors.
- Action Plan to Reduce Plastic Waste at the Faculty of Nursing
- Action Plan to Reduce Plastic Waste at the Faculty of Psychology
Furthermore, the “Waste for Scholarship” program implemented by the Faculty of Psychology is a tangible example of how a university can transform waste into educational opportunities. By converting electronic and paper waste into scholarship funds, this faculty cleans the environment and incentivizes students to participate in environmental conservation efforts. These initiatives create a sustainable campus environment, promote social responsibility, and positively impact environmental preservation and educational support.
Waste for Scholarship at the Faculty of Psychology
The Faculty of Public Health at UI has begun developing various applications to reduce paper and plastic usage, including the Student Letter Request Application (PERMISA). The PERMISA application is used in Academic and Student Affairs services for the letter request process. In addition to student letters, outgoing letter services signed by the leadership have been conducted online through the General Administration subunit. The General Administration services have also developed another application for distributing leadership dispositions through the Faculty of Public Health website.
One significant role of educational institutions such as Universitas Indonesia (UI) is raising awareness about environmental issues. UI organizes seminars, workshops, and other educational programs that focus on the impact of marine pollution and the importance of environmental management and protection in accordance with government regulations.
To reduce marine pollution, Universitas Indonesia adheres to Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning Environmental Management and Protection. This government regulation aims to establish the fundamental principles, tools, and mechanisms for implementing environmental management and protection in Indonesia in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Some aspects covered by this regulation include conducting environmental impact assessments, implementing pollution prevention and control principles, developing and implementing environmental rescue and recovery action plans, and involving the community in environmental management.
Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 provides a framework for Indonesia to protect and manage its environment. As one of the leading educational institutions in Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia plays a vital role in supporting and advancing the goals of this regulation, particularly in efforts to reduce marine pollution. UI can significantly promote sustainable environmental management by leveraging its resources, knowledge, and expertise.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has recognized the importance of environmental preservation and has made it one of the critical aspects of its mission and vision. This commitment reflects a profound awareness of educational institutions’ social responsibility and ethics toward the environment and the wider community.
UI is committed to managing the environmental impacts generated by its campus activities by minimizing adverse effects and maximizing positive ones while ensuring sustainability. This management effort aims to prevent the deterioration of environmental quality, particularly the physical, chemical, and biological changes in aquatic ecosystems. Universitas Indonesia has an Environmental Management Plan that includes efforts to minimize the impacts of aquatic ecosystem changes, and this is an integral part of the university’s environmental assessment.
This evaluation ensures that UI continuously monitors and assesses the impacts of campus activities on the environment. It includes periodic assessments of the quality of water, air, soil, flora, and fauna on campus. The results of these evaluations are then used to improve existing practices and develop new initiatives.
- Environmental Management and Aquatic Environmental Monitoring Plan within the UI Campus Area
- Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Plan Document for UI Campus Life
The construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) by the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Indonesia (UI) is a concrete example of the university’s efforts to mitigate the negative impacts of campus activities on the environment. By biologically treating wastewater, the university ensures that the discharged effluent has undergone adequate filtration and treatment processes, thereby reducing pollution and maintaining the quality of aquatic ecosystems.
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) at the Faculty of Economics and Business UI
Universitas Indonesia consistently monitors and evaluates the environmental quality within the UI campus environment. In carrying out these activities, UI establishes environmental management and monitoring documents to ensure the UI campus’s sustainable and environmentally conscious operation. These documents outline the strategic approach by which UI intends to address potential environmental issues that the campus may encounter. They include action plans, objectives, and indicators that can be utilized to measure progress. These documents serve as guidelines for each unit or faculty within UI to execute their environmental programs and initiatives.
The environmental management efforts undertaken and planned by Universitas Indonesia prioritize preventive functions to mitigate the degradation of environmental quality, encompassing terrestrial, atmospheric, and aquatic ecosystems in the vicinity of campus activities. In addition to prevention-oriented environmental management, measures for addressing emerging environmental issues will also be implemented, ensuring the prompt mitigation of environmental concerns.
The monitoring and evaluation of the environmental quality in Universitas Indonesia campus area aim to assess changes in the environmental landscape, encompassing physical, chemical, and biological aspects, while also evaluating the implementation of environmental management practices following the Environmental Management Plan.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Quality in the UI Campus Area
Universitas Indonesia (UI) is steadfast in its commitment to fostering and supporting initiatives and incentives that advocate for and uphold responsible water management practices. This dedication underscores UI’s resolve to address water-related challenges and ensure water resources’ conscientious and sustainable utilization. Through various programs and policies, UI actively contributes to environmental sustainability, preserves ecosystems, safeguards biodiversity, and enhances the welfare of natural habitats and the human populace.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has been awarded a grant of IDR 1.8 billion from Australia to address pollution in the Citarum River in West Java. The Citarum program represents a significant stride toward combating environmental pollution, especially in one of the world’s most polluted rivers. This initiative exemplifies UI’s commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation.
The primary objective of the Citarum program is to pioneer an innovative and quantifiable approach to transform wastewater and solid waste into valuable resources. This transformative endeavor leverages cutting-edge technology, inventive business models, establishing new institutions, and promoting sustainable behaviors. In doing so, the program aspires to address river pollution comprehensively.
UI Receives IDR 1.8 Billion Grant from Australia to Address Pollution in Citarum River
The collaboration between the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Indonesia and researchers from Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat (LPEM) UI represents a pivotal initiative to tackle the critical significance of water resources in Indonesia. The importance of water for human existence, ecological equilibrium, and socio-economic development cannot be overstated. Inadequate management of water resources poses a significant threat to various aspects of progress, necessitating the pursuit of innovative and sustainable solutions.
By partnering with LPEM UI researchers, AWS Indonesia is committed to finding pragmatic and practical avenues to promote responsible water management practices nationwide. This partnership acknowledges that safeguarding water resources is a multifaceted challenge requiring comprehensive strategies. Through the research conducted by LPEM UI, the collaboration aims to explore and develop potential financial incentives and funding mechanisms.
These incentives and mechanisms are designed to incentivize and support adopting sound water management practices in Indonesia. By offering financial support through grants, subsidies, or other assistance, this collaborative effort seeks to motivate stakeholders across various sectors, including industry, agriculture, and local communities, to implement sustainable water stewardship practices.
Mechanism and Incentives to Increase Good-water Stewardship Performance
The School of Environmental Science (SIL) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) has demonstrated a significant commitment to addressing water resource challenges by pioneering innovative Rainwater Harvesting System (Sistem Pemanenan Air Hujan/SPAH) technology. This technology is engineered to efficiently capture rainwater from various surfaces, including building rooftops, ground areas, roads, and rocky terrain. The collected rainwater is then utilized as a clean water source, offering a sustainable solution to water scarcity issues.
Through community engagement programs, SIL UI has taken practical steps to implement SPAH installations in various regions, including Jakarta, Cikarang, and East Nusa Tenggara. This action underscores a robust commitment to providing access to clean water in areas grappling with water scarcity challenges. By actively establishing SPAH installations, SIL UI enhances water supply reliability, particularly in regions with limited access to clean water.
UI’s Dedication to the Nation: Harnessing Rainwater Blessings into Drinking Water
The Faculty of Psychology has embarked on initiatives to implement effective aquatic stewardship practices by enhancing its waste management procedures within the cafeteria. The adoption of grease trap technology is a significant innovation in waste management. This technology not only filters out fats and contaminants from cafeteria waste but also does so in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. What sets this approach apart is grease trap technology crafted from repurposed leaf waste. This innovative application repurposes organic materials to purify the waste stream effectively.
(Grease Trap Technology at the Faculty of Psychology)
The Faculty of Engineering (FT UI) has instituted an environmental management plan to minimize physical, chemical, and biological alterations to related aquatic ecosystems. FT UI endeavors to manage any environmental changes resulting from campus activities. One such environmental management practice is applied to the i-CELL building, which features a water treatment flow for rainwater and chemical waste.
Meanwhile, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UI) has established a Waste Water Treatment Plant (IPAL) to treat cafeteria wastewater using membrane technology aerobically. This processing method is known as a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR).
Universitas Indonesia (UI) has proactively enhanced its environmental conservation efforts and preserved aquatic ecosystems by building solid partnerships. UI has forged close collaborations with local communities, government agencies, and related industries through these initiatives. These efforts reflect UI’s commitment to addressing environmental challenges with a holistic approach that involves various stakeholders. This collaboration enables increased understanding, knowledge exchange, and the implementation of sustainable programs that support the preservation of aquatic ecosystems and the environment. UI, through the Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Technical Implementation Unit for Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental (UPT K3L), has taken tangible steps in conservation activities in the areas surrounding the campus.
The “A Day for Ciliwung” activity is a concrete example of UI’s commitment to maintaining the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. In this initiative, BEM UI collaborates with the Community Care for Ciliwung, the Clean Ciliwung Community Movement (KPC Gema Bersuci), to plant 200 tree seedlings and sow 2,000 tilapia fish seeds in the Pejaten Timur Village, South Jakarta. This effort aims to rehabilitate the river basin area and improve the quality of the aquatic ecosystem in the region. Furthermore, BEM UI also participates in cleaning activities at Situ Rawa Besar, located in the Depok Village, Pancoran Mas District, Depok City. This is part of the efforts to clean and preserve the environment around the UI campus.
- UI’s Collaboration with the Community in Preserving Aquatic Ecosystems
- BEM UI Cleans the Ciliwung River
- BEM UI Organizes Clean-Up at Situ Rawa Besar
UI has established strong partnerships with various industry partners, such as Perum Jasa Tirta I (PJT I) and PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum), as part of its efforts to make a real contribution to the surrounding community and the environment. In this context, the university provides education and training to the Tanjung Bunga Village community in Samosir, North Sumatra, through the UI Vocation program. The primary focus of this program is the development of sustainable tourism villages and environmental conservation, with a specific emphasis on improving human resource quality. By strengthening the skills and understanding of the local community, it is hoped that they can manage natural resources in their surroundings more wisely and sustainably, making them agents of positive change in environmental conservation and sustainable village development. This reflects UI’s commitment to collaborating with various sectors in supporting sustainable development and environmental preservation, in line with the principles of sustainable development and community well-being.
UI demonstrates its commitment to preserving the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems and the surrounding environment through various initiatives and collaborations. The university strives to integrate its resources and expertise with the needs of the community and the environment, thereby creating harmony and balance between development and nature conservation.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Depok has a clear vision for managing and utilizing water resources on its campus. The Watershed Management strategy implemented by UI is not just a conventional approach but an integrated one that considers the uniqueness of each location on the campus.
One of the distinctive features of the UI Depok campus is the presence of six lakes. These lakes serve not only as aesthetic elements but also have strategic functions in the water resource development scheme supported by the Ciliwung-Cisadane Master Plan and the Jakarta Provincial Government through the Rector’s Decision numbered 2446/SK/R/UI/2016, a master plan for water resource development in the UI Depok Campus until 2026 was established. In this document, UI emphasizes the importance of integrating the campus water management system with the broader watershed management system, namely the Ciliwung-Cisadane Watershed.
The functions of the lakes on the UI Depok Campus are diverse. Besides serving as natural reservoirs that collect rainwater and reduce the risk of flooding, these lakes also establish ecological connections with the campus river systems. Thus, they play a role in maintaining water quality and sustaining aquatic ecosystems around the campus. Moreover, these lakes are essential for the UI academic community to conduct scientific research in various environmental, ecological, hydrological, and related fields.
One example of water resource utilization on campus is found in the Faculty of Psychology, where water from the lake, connected to the river system, is utilized as a water source for plant irrigation. This not only aids in conserving water resources but also promotes sustainable water use.
With this comprehensive approach, UI demonstrates its active role in water resource conservation and management. Through initiatives like these, the university contributes to environmental sustainability and sets standards for other educational institutions in Indonesia to follow in its footsteps.
Maintaining a local ecosystem entails preserving the natural balance within a specific environment. This involves actions to protect native species, sustain biodiversity, manage resources, restore habitats, and educate communities, ensuring the ecosystem’s health and resilience against disturbances, thus securing its longevity and functionality.
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