sustainable development goal 13


Universities can combat climate change by partnering with local entities and offering community warnings. They should provide climate education and adopt carbon-neutral policies, tracking their annual carbon usage to reduce their footprint.


Low carbon energy use is integral to SDG 13, “Climate Action,” focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable energy sources. This involves transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energies like solar, wind, and hydro power. Such a shift mitigates climate change impacts, lowers carbon footprints, and promotes environmental sustainability. Emphasizing low carbon energy is essential for meeting global climate targets, fostering eco-friendly growth, and ensuring a sustainable, resilient future for all.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken significant measures in measuring and monitoring low-carbon energy use on campus. A clear example of this commitment is evident at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of UI. By considering electricity consumption and the number of motorized vehicles entering its campus, FMIPA UI has succeeded in calculating its carbon footprint. Carbon footprint of FMIPA UI reached 622.59 metric tons in 2022. This figure reflects the big challenges faced by UI in reducing its impact on global climate change.

  1. 2022 Data on UI Solar Power Plants
  2. Tracking the Carbon Footprint of Faculty of Computer Science (Falsikom) of UI in 2022 

However, UI does not only measure its carbon footprint. It has also taken concrete action to reduce it. One of the most notable examples to reduce carbon footprint is conducted by Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) by promoting sustainable energy practices. They actively measure the amount of low-carbon energy used in their facilities by harnessing solar energy. Exploiting solar panels installed throughout the campus, they utilize clean and renewable energy sources. Through this initiative, FPsi UI not only reduces carbon-based energy consumption, but also provides a real example of how renewable energy technology can be used to achieve sustainability.

Carbon Footprint Tracking at Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) of UI in 2022 

Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI has also carried out a comprehensive analysis of its carbon production. By calculating carbon production from electricity, cars, and motorbikes, FIB UI understands the carbon impact produced by its campus activities. Total carbon production from FIB UI reached 927.97 metric tons in 2022. However, this faculty also provides a positive contribution by producing renewable energy through Solar Power Plants (PLTS). PLTS is a form of eco-friendly and sustainable renewable energy utilization. By utilizing sunlight energy, PLTS produces electrical energy without greenhouse gas emissions that are detrimental to the environment.

Carbon Footprint Tracking at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI in 2022

In this context, UI plays an important role in introducing the concept of low-carbon energy into higher education. The Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI has PLTS which contributes to reducing carbon footprint and assists in introducing renewable energy technology to students. By involving students in renewable energy projects, UI provides the younger generation with the knowledge and skills needed to face future environmental challenges.

Carbon Footprint Tracking at Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI in 2022

Overall, these concrete measures prove that UI not only supports the concept of low-carbon energy, but also turns it into an integral part of its daily operations. Through this initiative, UI provides a concrete example of how universities can play a role in protecting the environment and achieving sustainability goals by efficiently and effectively utilizing low-carbon energy. These measures confirm the position of UI as a responsible and committed educational institution in creating a greener and more sustainable future for the entire society of academicians of UI and future generations.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has played a vital role in educating and guiding local communities regarding the climate change issue. One of the important initiatives of UI is implementing various local education programs or campaigns for risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning related to climate change. Various faculties at UI have also contributed in organizing these activities, inviting students to participate directly in providing education to the community.

Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI responds to the urgency of the climate change issue through various initiatives. One of them is the 13th Online Seminar Series entitled “Climate Change: How We Survive, Adapt, and Mitigate”. This seminar raised the increasingly worrying climate change issue as well as discussed the importance of preparation to face climate change and the need for data, information, and action from individuals to governments. FKM UI also organized an Envihsa program or ENVICARE 2 which facilitated students to go directly to the field through intervention activities, such as making ecobricks. This program aimed at providing education on environmental issues to the community. Through these activities, UI actively educates and increases public awareness about the importance of real actions in addressing climate change. 

  1. Climate Change in Front of Us, Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI Holds an Online Seminar Discussing How to Deal with It
  2. 2022 Environmental Health Study Association (Envihsa) by Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI 

School of Global and Strategic Studies (SKSG) of UI also active campaigns for a green lifestyle through the Smart Green Campaign Program. SKSG UI lecturer, Dr. Lin Yola, conveyed the importance of understanding and awareness of green lifestyles in the community. They not only implement green movements within the campus environment, but also involve communities outside the campus through community service activities. SKSG UI also collaborates with the West Kalimantan Provincial Government in holding international seminars on climate change and sustainable development, serving as clear evidence of the involvement of UI in building global awareness about the climate change issue.

  1. UI Campaigns for 2022 Smart Green Program in the School Environment
  2. School of Global and Strategic Studies (SKSG) of UI and West Kalimantan Provincial Government Will Hold an International Seminar on Climate Change 

Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI has taken concrete measures through the Kompas 100 CEO Forum: CEO on Stage which discussed bold measures in facing the climate crisis. The Dean of FT UI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, emphasized the importance of sustainable collaboration and research in overcoming the climate crisis. This initiative provides a platform for policy makers, experts, and academics to collaborate to find solutions to overcome the challenges of climate change.

Raising the Issue of Energy Transition in Reducing the Climate Crisis, Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Collaborates with Kompas Daily to Hold Kompas 100 CEO Forum: CEO on Stage 

In addition, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI participates in environmental conservation through a movement of planting 1,000 trees. By involving students and local communities, UI aims to create awareness about the importance of protecting terrestrial ecosystems and environmental sustainability.

Supporting the 15th Sustainable Development Goals, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI Collaborating with Heritage City Community to Plant 1,000 Trees on Campus 

Community Service of UI has also involved Islamic boarding schools in socializing wudhu water saving movement, covering various levels of society and involving local culture understanding to support environmental sustainability. As revealed by Head of Community Service of UI, Dr. Apipudin, this community service emanates from the clean water crisis which has become a global concern and needs to be addressed collectively. The United Nation (UN) agreement emphasizes that the issue of access to clean water and sanitation is one of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Ibad Ar Rahman Pandeglang Islamic Boarding School Becomes Location for Community Service of UI Regarding Wudhu Water Saving Campaign 

UI is also involved in international discussions such as Task Force 7 International Finance and Economic Recovery of T20 Indonesia, which discussed the challenges of climate transition on financial stability, socio-economic development, and global coordination. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI hosted this international discussion, reflecting the commitment of UI to creating shared understanding and concrete action in overcoming the climate crisis. The series of international discussions of Task Force 7 International Finance and Economic Recovery of T20 Indonesia is expected to increase the economic income of Indonesia while still prioritizing environmental sustainability.

  1. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI: Managing Elevated Risks of Climate Transition
  2. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI: Realizing a Just Transition in Coal-Based Regions in Indonesia
  3. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI: Achieving Just Energy Transition, How Can We Collaborate? 

The Center for Environmental Law and Climate Justice (CELCJ) of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL) also held a climate change legal workshop. The workshop held at FH UI was attended by 25 selected participants from various faculties of law in Indonesia. The Dean of FH UI, Dr. Parulian Paidi Aritonang, highlighted the important role of tri dharma of higher education in responding to climate change. The discussion involved crucial issues such as the development of climate change science, international climate change law and its application in Indonesia, environmental instruments through a command and control approach, as well as climate change litigation. The participants also visited Pari Island to understand the real impacts of climate change. This workshop provided an in-depth understanding of climate change law and motivated participants to be actively involved in handling environmental issues. Through this initiative, CELCJ FH UI and ICEL contributed to supporting the efforts of Indonesia to achieve environmental sustainability and social justice.

Climate Change Law Workshop 

Furthermore, Mahawan Karuniasa, General Chair of the Alumni Association (ILUNI) of School of Environmental Studies (SIL) of UI, emphasized the urgency of action regarding climate change. Based on ILUNI SIL UI research findings, various indicators of climate change have been observed by researchers from all over the world, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issuing a series of reports highlighting an increase in average temperatures on land and the open sea, an increase in the acidity of seawater, and changes in ecosystems and natural behavior. The impacts pose threats to water resources, food, health, welfare, and infrastructure. UI and their alumni at ILUNI SIL UI are taking proactive measures in distributing the findings of this research, particularly in terms of adaptation to climate change. Now, it is time to act more quickly and collectively to face this challenge, considering that the 1.5°C temperature limit, which should not be exceeded, may soon be reached. It shows the commitment of UI and its community in educating and informing the community about the risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, and early warning related to climate change. 

The Alumni Association (ILUNI) of School of Environmental Studies (SIL) of UI Urges All Parties to Resolutely Address the Climate Change 

With these various initiatives and collaboration, UI has become an agent of change that mobilizes local communities towards awareness and action in facing the challenges of climate change. Sustainability of this approach is key to creating a more sustainable, just, and eco-friendly future for all.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has carried out a series of proactive and committed initiatives in dealing with climate change through various programs and collaboration with local governments and community groups.

One of the concrete efforts of UI to overcome the impacts of climate change is holding a series of educational activities about the phenomenon of sea level rise and tidal floods for students at 01 Untung Jawa Island State Elementary School (SDN), Thousand Islands. In order to support mitigation and adaptation efforts, UI involved a team from the Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment (DPPM) in an activity entitled ‘Utilizing Open Green Space as an Educational Space for Disaster Response 4.0’. This activity not only includes direct education for students, but also involves group viewing, quizzes, and games designed to increase awareness of the importance of understanding sea level rise and tidal floods. This activity was carried out in July-August 2022 with the main focus was to increase public awareness, particularly those living on small islands such as Untung Jawa Island, regarding the phenomenon of sea level rise and tidal floods.

UI Team Holds Education on the Phenomenon of Sea Level Rise and Tidal Floods for Elementary School Students on the Coastal Area 

UI is also involved in a series of activities that support the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Indonesia, which is a non-binding action plan required to address climate change. In collaboration with the Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC) of UI, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), and Curtin University as well as with financial support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia, UI held a hybrid workshop entitled “Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Indonesia: Updates, Issues, and Options.” This workshop combined online meetings via the Zoom platform and face-to-face meetings in the floating room of UI. This workshop discussed the importance of NDCs in climate change and aimed to identify current gaps as well as future needs in implementing climate change action at the national level.

  1. Indonesia Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Workshop Report 
  2. The Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Indonesia: Updates, Issues and Options 

Moreover, UI is active in community service activities that focus on analyzing climate impacts and determining adaptation priorities. In collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (UTS-ISF) and Muhammadiyah University of Banjarmasin (UMB), UI organized a Workshop on Climate Impact Analysis and Methods for Determining Adaptation Priorities in Banjarmasin in July 2022. This workshop involved decision makers in the regional government, such as the Office of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the Office of Environment, and local Regional Public Company for Waste Water Management (Perumda PAL). This workshop aimed to identify risks due to sea level rise and plan effective adaptation in the sanitation sector. This activity shows the commitment of UI to providing concrete solutions to climate change by focusing on the affected sectors, such as sanitation.

Lecturers of Faculty of Engineering (FT) of UI Research Urban Sanitation Resilient to Climate Change 

In addition to the field of education and research, UI also encourages active student participation in real action related to climate change. One example is an activity initiated by the Department of Social and Community Affairs of the Student Executive Board (BEM). They held a tree planting activity at the Mangrove Ecotourism Center Pantai Indah Kapuk to commemorate National Health Day. This activity involved volunteers from UI and started with a peak event at Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI, followed by a trip to the planting location by bus. This activity aimed to support the conservation of coastal ecosystems and mangrove forests as well as provide education to local communities about the importance of mangroves in mitigating the risks of climate change. 

A Tree Planting Activity in Mangrove Ecotourism Center Pantai Indah Kapuk by Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI in 2022

Furthermore, UI is involved in developing a sustainable data platform through the Institute for Economic and Social Research of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI. They created the Business Economic Sustainability Tracker (BEST) Dashboard, a data center that provides information on economic, social, and environmental indicators. This dashboard is designed to provide the visualization of temporal and spatial data as well as time series data over an extensive period of time. The BEST Dashboard is expected to be a useful tool for academics and researchers in Indonesia to generate research on sustainable development and serve as guidelines for formulating and evaluating policies related to climate change.

  1. Business Economic Sustainability Tracker (BEST) Dashboard
  2. Study of the Contribution of the Danone-AQUA #BijakBerplastic Movement to Environmental, Economic, and Social Aspects 

UI remains committed to overcoming the challenges of climate change through official university programs and alumni initiatives. Alumni of Environmental Studies from various universities in Indonesia, including UI, have established the Indonesian Alumni Association of Environmental Studies (IASILI). This collaboration aims to face the global energy and food crisis, accelerate development towards 2045, and support recovery efforts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. IASILI emphasizes the important role of environmental studies in overcoming multiple challenges such as the climate crisis, pollution, natural degradation, and pandemics. In their declaration, they highlighted that science and environment are still frequently ignored, and alumni of environmental studies should take an active role in real actions and support Indonesia in facing the various challenges, including climate change.

Alumni of Environmental Studies Are United to Guard Sustainable Indonesia 

These initiatives and collaboration emphasize that UI not only plays a role as an educational institution, but also as an active agent of change in overcoming climate change. Through a holistic approach involving education, research, community service, and cross-sector collaboration, UI continues to play an important role in maintaining environmental sustainability and supporting global efforts to deal with climate change.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has played an essential role in cooperative planning to face disasters due to climate change by collaborating with the government and various related parties. UI has demonstrated a strong commitment to face the increasingly urgent global challenges, particularly the evenly distributed impact of climate change throughout the world, through a collaborative approach.

Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI is active in providing local education and campaigns that focus on the important aspects of climate change. These educational programs aim to increase public awareness and in-depth understanding of the climate change issue, including risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning mechanisms. These programs are crucial in providing understanding to local communities, including FIB UI students and staff, about the risks and potential consequences of climate change. One of the programs is the Community Service and Empowerment Program in the Assisted Village Scheme in Olehsari Village, Glagah Subdistrict, Banyuwangi by the Community Service Team of FIB UI. The program educated the community regarding waste management and invited them to understand and manage their household waste independently before throwing it to the Final Disposal Site (TPA). 

Empowering Olehsari Residents, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI Holds Waste Management Training

In addition, FIB UI also organized a Friends of Turtle program aimed to protect the endangered turtle population and increase public awareness, specifically FIB UI students, about the importance of environmental sustainability. This program also aimed to maintain a healthy marine ecosystem as a whole. A balanced marine ecosystem is essential to support marine life and humans. The sea is a vital natural resource for humans, providing food, energy, and even oxygen through the photosynthesis process by marine planktons. By maintaining the sustainability of marine ecosystems, we can ensure that these resources remain sustainable for future generations.

Faculty of Law (FH) of UI is also involved in the efforts to overcome the climate change issue. FH UI and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding the development of Climate Change Law course in the FH UI curriculum. This MoU represents the commitment of FH UI and ICEL to developing the curriculum of “Climate Change Law” course and building collaborative research on environmental law and policy. This signing shows close cooperation between academics and non-governmental organizations in facing the challenges of climate change.

Signing of MoU between Faculty of Law (FH) of UI and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law during the ICEL 30th Anniversary Dialogue 

Meanwhile, the Department of Community Service of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of FH UI held a Public Discussion with the theme “Dissecting Environmental and Corporate Crime in the Draft of Criminal Code (RKUHP)”. This discussion aimed to increase the understanding of the general community regarding the problems of regulating environmental and corporate crimes in RKUHP. This discussion was expected to help the community further understand the legal aspects related to the environment and corporations to be able to contribute to addressing the problem of climate change.

Public Discussion of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI x Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL): Dissecting Environmental and Corporate Crimes in the Draft of Criminal Code (RKUHP)  

In addition to academic and research activities, UI also takes concrete measures to support climate change mitigation through real action. The Student Executive Board (BEM) and lecturers of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI implemented a community service program called GERTAKAU (Mangrove Planting Movement). This program has been running for the last three years, and students of Vokasi UI planted nearly 3,000 mangrove seedlings in Olehsari Village, Glagah Subdistrict, Banyuwangi in 2022. In addition to planting mangroves, this program also educated the local communities about the importance of mangroves in maintaining coastal ecosystems and the role of mangrove forests in mitigating the risks of climate change.

  1. Responsibility Sheet for the GERTAKAU Activity by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI in 2022 
  2. Documentation of the 2022 GERTAKAU Activity by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI  

UI is also involved in international discussions such as Task Force 7 International Finance and Economic Recovery of T20 Indonesia, which discussed the challenges of climate transition on financial stability, socio-economic development, and global coordination. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI hosted this international discussion, reflecting the commitment of UI to creating shared understanding and concrete action in overcoming the climate crisis. The series of international discussions of Task Force 7 International Finance and Economic Recovery of T20 Indonesia is expected to increase the economic income of Indonesia while still prioritizing environmental sustainability.

  1. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI: Managing Elevated Risks of Climate Transition
  2. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI: Realizing a Just Transition in Coal-Based Regions in Indonesia
  3. Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of UI: Achieving Just Energy Transition, How Can We Collaborate? 

These concrete measures demonstrate the significant commitment and contribution of UI in cooperative planning to face disasters due to climate change. By collaborating with the government, non-government organizations, and local communities, UI continues to act as an active agent of change in overcoming climate change, not only in the academic and research sector, but also through real action with a positive impact on the community and the surrounding environment. With a strong spirit of collaboration and commitment, UI continues to make a real contribution to maintaining the sustainability of the earth and mitigating the risks of climate change.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has confirmed its commitment to actively informing and supporting local governments through monitoring and early warning regarding disasters or risks due to climate change. Strong collaboration between universities and government allows UI to play an important role in building awareness, mitigating risks, and creating solutions to environmental challenges faced by local communities and governments.

Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI is actively involved in providing local education and campaigns related to climate change. FIB UI has developed educational programs that focus on crucial aspects of climate change, including risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning mechanisms. Through these programs, FIB UI aims to increase the awareness of the local communities, including FIB UI students and staff, of the climate change issue.

One concrete program is the Community Service and Empowerment Program in Olehsari Village, Banyuwangi by the Community Service Team of FIB UI. The program educated the community regarding waste management and invited them to understand and manage their household waste independently before throwing it to the Final Disposal Site (TPA). 

Empowering Olehsari Residents, Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of UI Holds Waste Management Training

FIB UI also organized a Friends of Turtle program aimed to protect the endangered turtle population and increase the awareness of the community, specifically FIB UI students, about the importance of environmental sustainability. This program also aimed to maintain a healthy marine ecosystem as a whole, considering the importance of marine ecosystems in supporting human life and the surrounding environment. Awareness is the key to creating positive change. By increasing the awareness of the importance of environmental conservation, this program can inspire real action in the daily lives of students and the general community. Involving FIB UI students in this program also provided them with the opportunity to be directly involved in environmental conservation efforts, creating in-depth experiences and building a strong understanding of environmental issues.

The Student Executive Board (BEM) and lecturers of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI implemented a community service program called GERTAKAU (Mangrove Planting Movement) for the last three years. Thus program was conducted in Eretan Kulon Village, Indramayu District, West Java in 2022. In this program, Vokasi UI planted around 3,000 mangrove seedlings along the coast and provided education to local communities about the importance of mangrove forests for coastal ecosystems and their role in reducing the risk of climate change. It is hoped that these mangrove seeds will grow into mangrove forests that can maintain a balanced coastal ecosystem, reduce coastal erosion, and provide a green environment to reduce the risk of climate change.

  1. Responsibility Sheet for the GERTAKAU Activity by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI in 2022 
  2. Documentation of the 2022 GERTAKAU Activity by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Vocational Education Program (Vokasi) of UI  

In addition, the Alumni of Environmental Studies from various universities in Indonesia have established the Indonesian Alumni Association of Environmental Studies (IASILI) with the aim of monitoring the pro-environmental and sustainable development of Indonesia. IASILI is committed to being actively involved in real action and supporting Indonesia in facing complex challenges such as the climate crisis, achievement of SDGs, the development of the National Capital City (IKN), the Covid-19 recovery, potential disasters, and other major disruptions. In their declaration, IASILI also emphasized the important role of the environment in development, particularly in the context of IKN development with the forest city concept.

The Indonesian Alumni Association of Environmental Studies (IASILI) was Declared from Zero Point, IASILI Ready to Guard the National Capital (IKN) 

The active contribution of UI and its members through various educational programs and real action is expected to help Indonesia be better prepared to face the challenges of climate change and build a sustainable environment for future generations. All these efforts not only support local governments in facing the risks of climate change, but also educate the community and create awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability. With strong collaboration between universities, governments, and the community, Indonesia can move forward towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has taken progressive initiatives in addressing climate change and environmental sustainability through collaboration with non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This measure emphasizes the importance of environmental education and adaptation to climate change. By collaborating with NGOs, UI expands the reach of environmental education, increases public awareness, and contributes to overcoming climate change. Collaboration between educational institutions and NGOs plays a key role in forming future leaders conscious of environmental challenges, sustainable action, and environmental conservation for the welfare of future generations.

This collaboration involved the Department of Community Service of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI, which held a Public Discussion with the theme “Dissecting Environmental and Corporate Crime in the Draft of Criminal Code (RKUHP)”. This discussion aimed to increase the understanding of the general community regarding the problems of regulating environmental and corporate crimes in RKUHP as well as invited them to contribute to addressing the problem of climate change.

Public Discussion of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI x Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL): Dissecting Environmental and Corporate Crimes in the Draft of Criminal Code (RKUHP)  

UI also collaborates closely with the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL) through the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding the development of Climate Change Law course in the curriculum of Faculty of Law (FH) of UI. This MoU represents the commitment of FH UI and ICEL to developing the curriculum of “Climate Change Law” course and conducting collaborative research on environmental law and policy. This collaboration reflects the strong synergy between academics and non-governmental organizations in facing the challenges of climate change and environmental conservation.

Signing of MoU between Faculty of Law (FH) of UI and the Indonesian Center for Environmental Law during the ICEL 30th Anniversary Dialogue 

Innovative programs were also initiated by Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI in order to increase public awareness about environmental health issues. One example is the “Envihsa” program in 2022. This program had a very comprehensive objective, namely increasing the awareness of the general community regarding environmental health issues and preparing them to face the issues in the future. This program provided in-depth knowledge about environmental threats that pose challenges to human life, as well as facilitating the dissemination of information regarding the readiness of Indonesia and the world to face environmental threats.

This activity targeted various levels of society, starting from high school/equivalent students and university students throughout Indonesia, academics, health workers in the field of environmental health in particular, to the general community. Through this program, FKM UI sought to create a better understanding of environmental health issues and invited various parties to collaborate to find sustainable solutions.

Accountability Report of Evergreen Activity of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of UI in 2022

The efforts of UI to support environmental sustainability do not stop there. Alumni of Environmental Studies from various universities in Indonesia, including UI, have established the Indonesian Alumni Association of Environmental Studies (IASILI). Their Declaration was symbolically carried out from the zero point of the National Capital (IKN) and held online on August 17, 2022. IASILI aimed to supervise the pro-environmental and sustainable development of Indonesia. IASILI is committed to being actively involved in real action and supporting Indonesia in facing complex challenges such as the climate crisis, achievement of SDGs, the development of the National Capital City (IKN), Covid-19 recovery, potential disasters and other major disruptions. 

In their declaration, IASILI highlighted the important role of the environment in development, particularly in the context of IKN development with the forest city concept. IASILI realized that it is time for the alumni of environmental studies to participate in real action. They are determined to be at the forefront, monitoring sustainable development and maintaining environmental sustainability for future generations.

From the Zero Point of IKN, the Alumni of Environmental Studies Commit to Guarding Sustainable Indonesia 

These initiatives and collaboration reflect the determination and commitment of UI and related stakeholders to overcome the challenges of climate change and environmental conservation. In dealing with the complexity of environmental problems, collaboration between academics, non-governmental organizations, and the community is pivotal. UI, with all its efforts, has played a significant role in leading positive change towards environmental sustainability, guiding future generations to become environmental-conscious and responsible leaders.


Environmental education measures, key for SDG 13 “Climate Action,” involve teaching individuals and communities about the impacts of climate change and ways to mitigate them. These measures include developing curricula on sustainable practices, promoting awareness about carbon footprints, and encouraging actions like recycling and energy conservation. This education empowers people to make informed decisions, fostering a culture of environmental stewardship and proactive engagement in climate action, essential for addressing global warming and environmental challenges.


Commitment to a carbon-neutral university directly supports SDG 13, “Climate Action.” This commitment involves universities striving to reduce their carbon footprint to zero through sustainable practices. Actions include using renewable energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, implementing green transportation, and promoting sustainable resource use. This approach not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also sets an educational example, inspiring students and communities to actively participate in combating climate change and fostering a sustainable future.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has confirmed its strong commitment to achieving carbon neutral status by determining the target date in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocols. This measure reflects the determination of UI to be an active player in efforts to combat climate change and contribute to environmental conservation. This commitment is not only limited to academic aspects, but also includes the operational aspects on campus, involving the Rectorate and UI faculties. Collectively, they have identified sources of carbon emissions on campus and developed concrete strategies to reduce them.

UI has adopted the Greenhouse Gas Protocol as a means to routinely measure and monitor carbon emissions. In addition, concrete measures have been taken to reduce emissions optimally. This determination and commitment is reflected in a series of policies related to environmental sustainability. One of them is the UI Rector’s Decree No. 1310 of 2011 on the Energy Conservation Program on the UI Campus, which underlines the importance of energy efficiency in campus operations.

UI Rector’s Decree No. 1310 of 2011 on the Energy Conservation Program on the UI Campus

Another adopted policy involves the use of bicycles and pedestrian paths on the UI campus, as stated in UI Rector’s Decree No. 1304 of 2011. It is another measure towards reducing transportation emissions by encouraging eco-friendly transportation alternatives.

UI Rector’s Decree No. 1304 of 2011 on the Policy on the Use of Bicycles and Pedestrian Paths on Campus

UI has also formulated UI Rector’s Decree No. 2893 of 2018 on UI Green Campus Policy, which emphasizes the importance of transforming UI into a “Green Campus.” This measure includes concrete efforts to increase the efficiency of energy use and reduce environmental impacts. 

UI Rector’s Decree No. 2893 of 2018 on UI Green Campus Policy

In addition, UI Rector’s Decree No. 1303 of 2011 on UI Transportation Policy regulates transportation policies that focus on reducing carbon emissions. 

UI Rector’s Decree No. 1303 of 2011 on UI Transportation Policy 

Lastly, UI Rector’s Decree No.1307 of 2011 on Global Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies on the UI Campus shows the efforts of UI to face the challenges of climate change. 

UI Rector’s Decree No.1307 of 2011 on Global Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies on the UI Campus

These policies are a concrete manifestation of the commitment of UI to becoming a carbon neutral university and playing an active role in maintaining environmental sustainability in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. 

In its journey towards carbon-neutral status, UI highly emphasizes transparency and accountability. UI actively monitors progress at every stage and is committed to undertaking the journey towards sustainability with integrity and responsibility. UI also follows the Greenhouse Gas Protocol guidelines which regulate how to measure, report, and verify carbon emissions. It shows the commitment of UI to ensuring that the efforts to achieve carbon-neutral status are not just empty rhetoric, but also a reality that can be measured and verified. 

Overall, the commitment of UI to achieving carbon-neutral status and supporting environmental sustainability is a positive measure in facing the increasingly urgent challenges of climate change. UI not only focuses on academic aspects, but also on the operational aspects and active involvement in environmental education. By collaborating with NGOs and integrating environmental issues in the curriculum, UI plays a pioneering role in encouraging awareness and action on environmental issues, as well as maintaining its commitment to achieving carbon-neutral status in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. 

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