sustainable development goal 16


Universities encourage collaborations both internally, through governance and academic freedom, and externally with government stakeholders. They can also bolster outreach by enhancing policymakers’ skills on pertinent regulatory topics.


University governance measures encapsulate the policies, systems, and processes that ensure the effective management and ethical administration of higher education institutions, aiming to foster transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in decision-making, while upholding academic integrity and educational excellence.


The Board of Trustees of Universitas Indonesia, known as Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA), is the supreme governing entity that plays a critical role in defining the university’s policy-making and strategic guidance. The MWA is composed of elected individuals from various sectors, such as students, academic staff, administrative employees, government representatives, and figures from the community, all responsible for supervising essential aspects of the university’s administration.

A fundamental function of the MWA is to set overarching policies vital to the university’s operations. Their duties encompass the approval of budgets and financial oversight, the ratification of important institutional frameworks such as the Long-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang – RPJP) and the Strategic Plan (Rencana Strategis – Renstra), and the assessment of the execution of these policies and initiatives. Moreover, the board actively contributes key recommendations to the Rector regarding the governance of Universitas Indonesia, ensuring compliance with prevailing laws and standards.

Additionally, the MWA is tasked with the annual evaluation of the Rector’s performance in collaboration with the Academic Senate and the Board of Professors. The MWA also retains the authority to nominate and relieve the Rector, a critical decision impacting the university’s leadership. In internal challenges that cannot be resolved via regular organizational channels, the MWA intervenes to address and settle such matters effectively.

The MWA serves as a conduit for collective decision-making, bringing together voices from varied stakeholder groups—including government bodies, educators, administrative personnel, students, and the wider society. This diverse and comprehensive method of governance ensures that Universitas Indonesia maintains its advancement trajectory, responds to changing challenges, and sustains its standing as a prestigious academic institution.

  1. Universitas Indonesia Board of Trustees (MWA) Website
  2. List of MWA Members

Alongside the Universitas Indonesia Board of Trustees (MWA), the university’s governance is enhanced by various bodies and structures that exemplify its dedication to nurturing a secure, inclusive, and participative atmosphere. The Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence is a critical group within the university, composed of devoted experts and professionals. This team is key in promoting a university space devoid of sexual violence. By implementing strict policies, educational programs, and support networks, the task force is committed to increasing awareness, preventing occurrences, and delivering extensive support to those affected. In addressing the grave concern of sexual violence, Universitas Indonesia affirms its commitment to the safety and security of all community members, including students, staff, and faculty.

Universitas Indonesia’s Student Executive Board is another integral facet of the university’s governance model. Made up of democratically chosen student delegates, this board acts as the collective voice of the students, liaising with university administration and championing student rights and concerns. The Student Executive Board is crucial in promoting communication between the student body and the university leadership, ensuring that students’ views are integrated into the university’s policy-making. By involving students in the governance processes, UI fosters community and proprietorship amongst the students and enhances the university environment by embracing a spectrum of perspectives and ideas.

  1. Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence
  2. Student Representation from the Faculty of Public Health
  3. Student Representation from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences

The Student Executive Board (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa – BEM) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) is an independent student union that plays a crucial role in campus life dynamics. The organization boasts a complex internal structure with various bureaus, departments, and divisions collaborating to propel programs and activities supporting UI students. Each faculty within UI also has its own BEM governance. BEM actively engages in advocacy programs to provide constructive feedback regarding campus governance and organizes student support programs, such as scholarships and social aid. Furthermore, BEM embraces social dimensions by conducting activities that positively impact the surrounding community, highlighting BEM UI’s significant role in strengthening the relationship between students and the local environment and promoting sustainable social development.

  1. Student Executive Board of Universitas Indonesia
  2. BEM of the Faculty of Public Health
  3. BEM of the Faculty of Computer Science 2022
  4. BEM of the Faculty of Psychology 2022
  5. BEM of the Faculty of Economics & Business
  6. BEM of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences
  7. BEM of the Vocational Education Program 2022
  8. Postgraduate Student Association of the School of Environmental Sciences at Universitas Indonesia

The Vocational Education Program at Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Student Executive Board (BEM), has initiated the “Rumah Cita-cita” program to address the issue of school dropouts in Indonesia. This program concentrates on academic and non-academic teaching and collaborates with Kali Adem (REMKA) youth in the high-poverty area of Kali Adem, Muara Angke, North Jakarta. Over 80 kindergarten, elementary, and junior high school students participate in this program, which offers academic lessons and non-academic subjects such as science, mathematics, English, and professional, creative, and entrepreneurial classes. BEM Vokasi UI hopes this program will assist out-of-school children in receiving an equitable education and plans to make it an annual initiative. In addition to education, BEM Vokasi UI provides support in the form of valuable items to facilitate teaching and learning activities at the learning center, such as mats, fans, and shade nets, to enhance student comfort.

The “Rumah Cita-cita” program by BEM Vokasi UI Provides Free Education to School Dropouts.

The “Depok Kita” program, initiated by the Community Social Department of the Student Executive Board of Universitas Indonesia (BEM UI) in 2022, signifies BEM UI’s commitment to developing and empowering the local community. Through this community service initiative, BEM UI acts as an agent of change, supporting the empowerment of health, environment, education, and creativity in Depok. “Depok Kita 2022” represents a tangible collaboration between students and government, delivering positive benefits to the community. The program organizes various activities, such as a talk show about Zero Waste Living, aimed at educating the public on environmentally friendly lifestyles and reducing plastic waste. Additionally, the program holds blood donation events, rallying support for blood provision for those in need, reflecting a spirit of care towards public health. Through “Depok Kita 2022,” BEM UI plays a vital role in raising environmental awareness and enhancing the welfare of the local community, creating a lasting positive impact within the Depok community.

  1. Depok Kita 2022 Talk Show: Zero Waste Living
  2. Depok Kita UI 2022: Blood Donation Activity

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has established written policies and procedures to identify local stakeholders outside the university and engage with them. At the university level, UI has a whistle-blowing system known as Universitas Indonesia Alleged Violation Reporting System (Sistem Pelaporan Dugaan Pelanggaran Universitas Indonesia – SIPDUGA UI). SIPDUGA is a reporting mechanism for actions suspected of violating UI’s code of ethics and conduct and internal regulations and legislation carried out by members of the UI community.


The establishment of the Task Force for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (Satuan Tugas Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual – PPKS), based on Universitas Indonesia Rector Regulation Number 91 of 2022, demonstrates UI’s serious commitment to creating a campus environment that is safe and free from sexual violence. The PPKS Task Force is a significant step in protecting the rights and welfare of the UI academic community members, particularly in terms of prevention, management, and action against sexual violence on campus.

The PPKS Task Force at UI is responsible for providing support and assistance to victims of sexual violence, as well as coordinating various efforts to prevent, report, and handle cases of sexual violence. This initiative is crucial because sexual violence is a serious issue that affects the well-being of individuals and the community as a whole. With the establishment of the PPKS Task Force, UI strives to create a safer culture where community members feel comfortable and protected and where sexual violence can be eradicated.

  1. Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence at UI
  2. Universitas Indonesia Rector Regulation Number 91 of 2022 on Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Environment of Universitas Indonesia

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) provides a service for complaints, reporting, and aspirations called Sistem Informasi Aspirasi Pengaduan dan Pelaporan (SIAPP) FEB UI. The Complaint Service is a system for public grievances from external parties of FEB UI and a Whistleblowing System for internal parties concerning suspected specific violations that have occurred or have the potential to occur involving Educational Staff, Lecturers, Students, Staff of Special Work Units of FEB UI or other parties conducted within the FEB UI environment. The Reporting Service reports gratuities received by Officials, Lecturers, Educational Staff, and Special Work Unit Staff at FEB UI. Meanwhile, the Aspiration Service conveys opinions, input, suggestions, and criticisms to the FEB UI Institution.

SIAPP Faculty of Economics and Business UI

The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) at UI has an e-complaint application created to facilitate reporting on unsatisfactory services or facilities/equipment experiencing disturbances/malfunctions, allowing for quick responses. The e-complaint application also aims to facilitate coordination and record-keeping among units regarding issues and complaints that arise. The e-complaint can be used by educational staff, lecturers, students, and the general public after completing a registration. The confidentiality of e-complaint user data is assured.

  1. FKM UI Publicizes Service Complaint Application, e-Complaint
  2. E-Complaint Faculty of Public Health UI

Meanwhile, UI’s Faculty of Medicine (FK) has an Integrated Faculty Service (Layanan Terpadu Fakultas – Ladutas). The Integrated Faculty Service (LADUTAS) is a system organized to provide the best services and convenience for the users of the units at FK UI. LADUTAS supports the spirit of bureaucratic reform by simplifying service bureaucracy, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, and transparent service procedures. LADUTAS offers various services, such as Reporting Alleged Gratuities, Reporting Suspected Violations, etc.

Integrated Faculty Service (LADUTAS) Faculty of Medicine UI

Universitas Indonesia (UI) engages local stakeholders through various initiatives and participatory bodies. One example is the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) at UI, which has the Institute for Public Health Services and Community Engagement (Lembaga Pelayanan dan Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat – LPPKM). This institute manages the faculty’s study centers, which focus on research and policy studies according to their expertise. They respond to requests from the community and other organizations to help address various health and social issues at the local level. In this way, UI actively identifies local needs and provides appropriate solutions based on its academic knowledge and expertise.

Institute for Public Health Services and Community Engagement (LPPKM) Faculty of Public Health UI

Furthermore, Universitas Indonesia Community Service Team also assists in the collaborative governance arrangement for the Bakti Maju Mandiri Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa). In this instance, UI helps to strengthen the capacity of the BUM Desa so that it can operate more effectively and competitively. By bolstering the BUM Desa, UI contributes to enhancing the welfare of the local community through the development of the local economy.

Strengthening SDGs through Collaborative Governance of Bakti Maju Mandiri Village-Owned Enterprises

Moreover, Universitas Indonesia Alumni Association (Ikatan Alumni UI – ILUNI UI) also serves as a participatory body that recognizes and involves UI stakeholders. The alumni of UI, with their experience and knowledge, are potentially valuable resources in supporting the university’s development and projects involving the local community. Through alumni engagement, UI can establish strong connections with the industry, government, and the community, expand its collaborative network, and gain valuable input for the university’s sustainable development and growth. Thus, involving various participatory bodies enables UI to remain connected with the local community, identify their needs, and respond effectively through various sustainable programs and projects.

  1. ILUNI Faculty of Psychology UI
  2. ILUNI Faculty of Economics and Business UI

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has demonstrated its commitment to combatting organized crime, corruption, and bribery by issuing several regulations to strengthen governance and integrity within the campus environment. One such regulation is the Rector of UI Regulation No. 6 of 2022 on Gratification Control. This regulation provides clear guidelines on accepting gifts, money, or other facilities by UI members, intending to prevent conflicts of interest and practices that undermine institutional integrity.

Furthermore, UI has also issued the Rector of UI Regulation No. 23 of 2019 on Guidelines for Handling Conflicts of Interest within the UI environment. These guidelines stipulate methods for identifying, avoiding, and managing potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the context of university activities. By addressing conflicts of interest transparently and fairly, UI can ensure that decisions are made based on objective considerations and are not influenced by the personal interests of any individual or group.

Additionally, UI has released the Rector Regulation No. 43 of 2017 on the Internal Control System. Through this regulation, UI strengthens its internal control structures to ensure that university processes and operations are conducted in accordance with established standards and policies. With a robust internal control system, UI can identify potential risks related to organized crime, corruption, and bribery and take necessary preventative measures.

  1. Rector of UI Regulation No. 6 of 2022 on Gratification Control
  2. Rector of UI Regulation No. 23 of 2019 on Guidelines for Handling Conflicts of Interest within UI

UI also has systems in place related to the reporting of corruption and bribery cases through the Alleged Violation Reporting System (SIPDUGA), as well as the Sistem Informasi Aspirasi Pengaduan dan Pelaporan (SIAPP) FEB UI. The Faculty of Public Health has also established gratification control policies and violation reporting through the Complaint Reporting System (Whistleblowing System / WBS) as outlined in the Dean’s Decree and has formed an Anti-Bribery Compliance Commission (Komisi Kepatuhan Anti Penyuapan – KKAP), Internal Auditors, and Investigators. The Faculty of Public Health at UI has an e-complain application designed to facilitate reporting services that are not up to standard or facilities/equipment malfunctioning, thus enabling a swift response. The Faculty of Medicine (FK) UI has an Integrated Faculty Service (Layanan Terpadu Fakultas – LADUTAS), which offers various services such as Reporting Suspected Gratification, Reporting Suspected Violations, and so on.

  2. SIAPP Faculty of Economics and Business
  3. Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Principles at the Faculty of Public Health
  4. Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Principles at the Faculty of Medicine

Likewise, other faculties are also committed to forming Integrity Zone Teams as a manifestation of their commitment to anti-corruption and gratification. The Faculty of Administrative Science and the School of Environmental Science (Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan – SIL) UI have Integrity Zone Teams based on the Rector’s Decision regarding the Appointment of Integrity Zone Teams at the State University Legal Entity of Universitas Indonesia. The UI Vocational Education Program has also compiled an integrity pact toward a corruption-free area.

  1. Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Principles at the Faculty of Administrative Science
  2. Rector’s Decision No. 1648 of 2022 on the Appointment of Integrity Zone Teams of the School of Environmental Science UI
  3. Circular Letter SE-1/UN2/F14.DV/HKP.04/2022 on Gratification Control within the UI Vocational Education Program Environment
  4. Integrity Pact of the UI Vocational Education Program Building an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption-Free Area and Clean Service Bureaucracy

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has established strong policies to support academic freedom in conducting research, speaking, and teaching. These policies are recognized in the 9 Core Values of UI and are encapsulated in the Rector’s Regulation No. 14 on the UI Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. Within the framework of the 9 Core Values, the Code of Ethics, and the Code of Conduct of UI, the university affirms the importance of academic freedom and scientific autonomy, including the freedom of academia (academic freedom) and the freedom of the academic podium (freedom of speech) as integral parts of the university’s values.

The points related to academic freedom and scientific autonomy within the 9 Core Values of UI reflect the university’s commitment to maintaining scientific integrity, supporting a diversity of ideas, and providing freedom for academics to explore various research fields without illegitimate restrictions. These principles lay a strong foundation for UI researchers, lecturers, and students to pursue new knowledge and innovate without fear or pressure.

Furthermore, research freedom is also regulated in the Rector’s Regulation No. 5 of 2023 regarding the Research System. With this regulation, UI ensures that research within the campus environment is conducted with high ethical standards and freedom of exploration encompassing various scientific disciplines. In this context, UI fully supports researchers in developing new ideas, testing hypotheses, and presenting their research findings openly and transparently.

  1. 9 Core Values of UI
  2. Rector’s Regulation UI No. 14 on the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of UI
  3. Rector’s Regulation UI No. 5 of 2023 on the Research System

The Dean’s Decision of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Indonesia (UI) number SK-703/UN2.F6.D/HKP.02.04/2020 on the Establishment of Research Clusters signifies the commitment of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) to support the freedom of research and the development of knowledge. By issuing this decision, FEB UI provides a structured forum for researchers and academics at the faculty to conduct innovative and impactful research collaboratively.

The establishment of Research Clusters indicates FEB UI’s encouragement of scientific collaboration and the free exploration of knowledge without restricting ideas. This decision opens the door for researchers at FEB UI to develop joint research projects, delve into new fields that pique their interest, and engage in experiments and empirical studies relevant to economics and business.

One of the primary benefits of forming research clusters is creating an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and thoughts. Collaboration among researchers with similar interests and research focuses allows them to enrich each other’s ideas and expand their horizons. It also enables researchers to obtain constructive feedback from their peers, enhancing the quality of their research.

Furthermore, research clusters also provide opportunities for researchers to access resources and facilities necessary for their work. In such a supportive environment, researchers can focus more on exploring new ideas and developing innovative research methodologies without being hindered by logistical or financial constraints. Thus, the Dean’s Decision of the Faculty of Economics and Business at UI on the Establishment of Research Clusters strengthens research freedom and opens up opportunities for researchers to create a tangible impact in economics and business. Through the collaboration and innovation driven by these research clusters, FEB UI affirms its position as a leading center for research and learning in economics and business at national and international levels.

Dean’s Decision of the Faculty of Economics and Business number SK-703/UN2.F6.D/HKP.02.04/2020 on the Establishment of Research Clusters

Universitas Indonesia has published its financial report as of December 31, 2022, which can be accessed through the link provided below. This report provides a detailed overview of the university’s financial statements, including its income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, offering transparency and accountability in its financial management and operations. The financial report serves as a comprehensive document that allows stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and the public, to gain insights into the university’s financial health, budget allocation, and utilization of resources. It plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fostering trust among the university’s various stakeholders. Accessing the report via the provided link enables interested parties to review and analyze the financial performance of Universitas Indonesia, thereby promoting informed decision-making and accountability in the institution’s financial matters.

Consolidated Financial Statements of Universitas Indonesia – December 2022

As one form of collaboration, Universitas Indonesia (UI) provides specialized expert advice to local, regional, or national governments through policy guidance, participation in committees, and provision of evidence to address issues and developments related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Faculty of Psychology at UI is drafting policy briefs with the government. This significant effort demonstrates a commitment to providing expertise and insights based on research, aiding policymakers in making informed decisions that positively impact society. The published policy briefs include “The Urgency of Developing Mindfulness to Create Wellbeing among Youth in the Era of Digital Transformation” and “A Guide for Parents and Teachers in Educating Deaf Children.” The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at UI has also compiled a variety of policy briefs, ranging from “Allocation of Health Taxes for Financing Sustainable Universal Health Coverage in G20 Developing Countries,” “Digitalization of the Supply Chain of Staple Food Ingredients to Minimize Disruption Impacts,” “Policy Framework and Regulatory Development for Crowdfunding Services in Sustainable Agriculture to Support National Economy and Protect the Interests of Investors and Farmers,” and others.

  1. Policy Brief of the Faculty of Psychology
  2. Policy Brief of the Faculty of Economics & Business

The Institute for Economic and Community Research (Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – LPEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) hosted a webinar on the topic of ‘The Contribution of LPEM FEB UI to T20 Indonesia in Promoting Sustainable Global Economic Recovery through the G20 Forum.’ LPEM FEB UI, in collaboration with Task Force 3 of T20 Indonesia and the Tropical Forest Alliance, also held a Study Dissemination on the theme “Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Sustainability Standards for Agricultural and Forestry Commodities: Examining the Perspectives of Developing Countries.”

  1. Webinar: The Contribution of LPEM FEB UI to T20 Indonesia in Promoting Sustainable Global Economic Recovery through the G20 Forum
  2. Study Dissemination: “Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Sustainability Standards for Agricultural and Forestry Commodities: Examining the Perspectives of Developing Countries”

Additionally, the Faculty of Law is represented on the Law Development Index (LDI) Team by Parul Paidi Aritonang, SH, LLM, MPP, and Dr. Lidwina Inge Nurtjahyo, SH, M.Si, based on the Decision of the Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense, and Security No. 07 of 2022 regarding the Establishment of the Law Development Index (LDI) Team.

Decision of the Deputy for Politics, Law, Defense, and Security No. 07 of 2022 on the Establishment of the Law Development Index Team

The Faculty of Administrative Science (FIA) at Universitas Indonesia, through the Institute for the Study and Application of Administrative Sciences (Lembaga Pengkajian & Penerapan Ilmu Administrasi – LPPIA), engages in various collaborations to enhance the capacity and skills of policymakers and legislators. FIA UI also organizes Real Work Lectures (Kuliah Kerja Nyata – KKN) as an effort to socialize with the wider community.

Collaboration of the Faculty of Administrative Science to Enhance the Capacity and Skills of Policymakers and Legislators

Universitas Indonesia (UI) demonstrates a strong commitment to providing outreach, public education, skill enhancement, and capacity development to policymakers and legislators on various relevant topics. To enhance policymakers’ understanding and insights, UI organizes a series of diverse and informative activities.

One initiative UI has is through the scientific oration conducted by the Faculty of Psychology. This oration addresses the relevance of psychology in the legal domain. By bringing together experts in psychology, UI provides a platform to discuss how psychological knowledge can be integrated into policy and legal formulation, aiding policymakers to comprehend the psychological aspects pertinent in a legal context.

Contribution of the Faculty of Psychology in Producing Public Policies Oriented towards Mental Health

Task Force 9 of T20 Indonesia, in collaboration with Indonesia Philanthropy and the Institute for Economic and Community Research (LPEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business at UI, also organized a webinar aimed at exploring environments that enable enhanced philanthropic foundations’ contributions to the financing of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This webinar offers in-depth insights into the role of philanthropy in achieving sustainable development goals and creates opportunities for policymakers to discuss and learn from the experiences of practitioners and related experts.

Enhancing Philanthropies’ Contributions in SDGs Blended Financing

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) demonstrates its commitment to providing an educational platform and discussions relevant to current global issues. One example of such an initiative is the organization of two significant events: a webinar titled “Incubating Indonesia’s Young Entrepreneurs: Recommendations for Improving Development Programs” and a Guest Lecture from CGS UMD on the topic of “Climate Action in the United States, from National to an All-in Strategy.”

The “Incubating Indonesia’s Young Entrepreneurs” webinar highlights the importance of fostering entrepreneurship among Indonesian youth. This activity recommends enhancing programs that support and develop young entrepreneurs in Indonesia. In an era of global challenges and increasing competition, entrepreneurship among the youth plays a crucial role in driving innovation, economic growth, and job creation. In this webinar, FEB UI may invite experienced experts, practitioners, or academics to share insights and concrete recommendations for improving entrepreneurial development programs that support Indonesia’s younger generation.

Incubating Indonesia’s Young Entrepreneurs: Recommendations for Improving Development Programs

Meanwhile, the Guest Lecture on “Climate Action in the United States” represents an effort to deepen understanding of climate action efforts in the United States. Climate action is an urgent global issue, and exploring the strategies used by developed countries like the United States can provide valuable insights. In this guest lecture, an expert or practitioner involved in planning and implementing climate action strategies in the United States may present and share their knowledge. This can provide students, staff, and other participants valuable perspectives on concrete efforts to respond to climate change.


The Faculty of Law at Universitas Indonesia (UI) also contributes significantly through the Digital Resilience and Cyber Security Academy training for government staff. In today’s digital era, knowledge about cyber security is critical, especially for those involved in policy-making and law enforcement processes. This training equips government staff with the knowledge and skills to face complex cybersecurity challenges.

Digital Resilience and Cyber Security Academy: Training for Government Officials

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences at UI, through the Institute for the Study and Application of Administrative Sciences (LPPIA), has partnered with various entities to enhance capacity and skills in policy formulation and legislation. Through programs like these, UI provides ongoing support to policy-makers to respond to complex challenges in ever-changing social, economic, and political contexts.

Moreover, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at UI is also active in organizing Community Service Programs. These programs represent a form of direct interaction with the community, allowing UI academics and students to work together with the community to identify local issues and formulate solutions based on knowledge and research. Thus, UI not only imparts theoretical knowledge to policy-makers but also supports the application of this knowledge in real-world contexts, creating direct positive impacts for society.

Policy and Lawmakers Outreach and Education by Faculty of Administrative Sciences at UI

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has participated in various research projects in collaboration with the government on a range of topics. Some of the research undertaken by UI includes the breeding of Stingless Bees in West Nusa Tenggara, in cooperation with Bank Indonesia, the Upcycle of Palm Kernel Shell as Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete towards a Circular Economy in the Palm Oil Industry, and the Development of a Ganoderma Boninense Early Detection Tool Using Portable DNA Detection Devices in partnership with the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit – BPDPKS). UI implements the Research-Based Policy Grant, a scheme aimed at finding solutions and recommendations for existing societal, industry, and government problems as an extension of basic research. This activity is a research model that integrates research and community service.

  1. UI’s Government-Collaborative Research Projects
  2. Research-Based Policy Grant

The collaborations facilitated by Universitas Indonesia (UI) with various institutions and relevant parties in the environment and research are crucial in supporting the development and innovation within the scope of environmental sustainability. One such collaboration is between UI and the Environmental Research and Clean Technology Center, the Biological and Environmental Research Organization, and the National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional – BRIN) in environmental research and innovation. This partnership indicates UI’s commitment to supporting the development of clean technology, environmental research, and innovation that can contribute positively to environmental conservation efforts and the sustainable management of natural resources.

UI and National Research and Innovation Agency Collaboration on Environmental Research and Innovation

Furthermore, the collaboration between the School of Strategic and Global Studies at Universitas Indonesia and the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Provincial Government in research and community service in culture is a concrete effort to support the development and preserving cultural aspects in Jakarta. Culture plays a significant role in environmental sustainability, as it can influence societal behavior patterns concerning using natural resources and environmental conservation. This collaboration enables UI to actively preserve Jakarta’s cultural heritage and enhance its understanding of the importance of cultural sustainability within an urban context.

Collaboration of the School of Strategic and Global Studies and the Jakarta Capital Region Provincial Government

The participation of the Faculty of Public Health at the G20 and the publication of the policy brief “Building Back Better: Addressing Laboratory Readiness for Biodefense and Global Health Security” is a concrete example of their commitment to global health and biological security. This policy brief can potentially influence national and international policies related to laboratory preparedness in the face of global health threats, including pandemics. By publishing this policy brief, the Faculty of Public Health at UI demonstrates the vital role of universities in providing relevant thought and solutions for global health issues.

Faculty of Public Health Publishes Policy Brief on Building Back Better: Addressing Laboratory Readiness for Biodefense and Global Health Security

In addition, the collaboration of the Faculty of Psychology with government institutions such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Indonesian National Police underscores their commitment to collaborate on research that supports the advancement and welfare of the Indonesian people. This collaboration reflects the importance of university involvement in research that can have a tangible impact in addressing significant domestic issues. The research outcomes from this partnership can be used as a basis for government decision-making and policy improvement in various sectors.

Faculty of Psychology Collaborates with Government in Research

Universitas Indonesia (UI) provides a neutral platform and a ‘safe space’ for stakeholders from diverse political backgrounds to come together and discuss challenges candidly. The School of Environmental Science at Universitas Indonesia, Disaster Management Research Cluster, organized webinars titled “Human Capacity Building in Disaster Awareness & Preparedness” and “How to Attain Sustainable Low-Carbon Development of Indonesia with Appropriate Technology Choice,” featuring a range of speakers from various backgrounds.

  1. Webinar on Human Capacity Building in Disaster Awareness & Preparedness
  2. Webinar on How to Attain Sustainable Low-Carbon Development in Indonesia with Appropriate Technology Choice

The activities held by the School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) reflect their vital role in supporting Indonesia’s economic development and maintaining unity and peace to preserve tranquility. The Public Discussion and Launching of the SKSG UI Business Incubator Center with the theme “Advancing Entrepreneurship in Efforts to Build the Indonesian Economy” demonstrates SKSG UI’s commitment to supporting entrepreneurial development in Indonesia. Through their business incubator, SKSG UI provides a container and support for young entrepreneurs to develop their business ideas. This is a highly relevant step in advancing the Indonesian economy, as entrepreneurship plays a significant role in creating jobs and driving economic growth. SKSG also organizes public discussions on the Transparency of Donation Institutions and their Issues. This activity allows students, alumni, and the general public to access resources and training that support entrepreneurial development.

  1. Public Discussion and Launching of SKSG UI Business Incubator Center: Advancing Entrepreneurship in Efforts to Build the Indonesian Economy
  2. Public Discussion: Transparency of Donation Institutions and their Issues

The National Dialogue with the theme “77 Years of Indonesian Independence: Preserving Unity and Integrity for a Peaceful Indonesia” is crucial in supporting stability and peace in Indonesia. Maintaining unity and integrity is a significant challenge within the context of the complexity of Indonesian society. This dialogue provides a platform for discussions on national issues, understanding diverse perspectives, and finding solutions to sustain the unity and integrity of Indonesia. By providing comprehensive access to students, alumni, and the general public, SKSG UI facilitates active participation in preserving national unity and supporting the development of a peaceful country.

National Dialogue: Preserving Unity and Integrity for a Peaceful Indonesia

In 2022, UI’s Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) organized 3 National Lectures. The first theme was “Interpreting Independence through Synergistic, Inclusive, and Sustainable Regional Development,” featuring the Vice Governor of East Java, Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak, B.Bus., M.Sc. The second theme, “Interpreting the Youth Pledge to Strengthen Unity Commitment in the Era of Division,” featured speaker Dr. Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh Rahman Wahid, also known as Yenny Wahid (Director of the Wahid Foundation). The third theme was “Nationalism, National Resilience, and Pancasila: Relevance and Challenges in Contemporary Indonesia,” with Andi Widjajanto (Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional – LEMHANNAS)) as the speaker. These events were held as part of FISIP UI’s commitment to fostering a sense of nationalism and enhancing interest in national studies at the university level.

  1. National Lecture “Interpreting Independence through Synergistic, Inclusive, and Sustainable Regional Development”
  2. National Lecture “Interpreting the Youth Pledge to Strengthen Unity Commitment in the Era of Division”
  3. National Lecture “Nationalism, National Resilience, and Pancasila: Relevance and Challenges in Contemporary Indonesia”


Working with government refers to the collaborative efforts between individuals, organizations, and entities to engage with governmental bodies, aiming to influence, support, or implement public policies and initiatives. This partnership is essential for civic advancement, societal development, and the effective realization of democratic values and community goals

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