A New Face for the Alleged Violation Reporting System at Universitas Indonesia: SIPDUGA Updated

Depok, November 26, 2024 – Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a socialization event for the reform of the Whistleblowing System (WBS) or the Alleged Violation Reporting System of Universitas Indonesia (SIPDUGA UI) at the Ruang Apung of the UI Library. The event was opened by the Head of the Bureau of Transformation, Risk Management, and Monitoring Evaluation at UI, Mr. Vishnu Juwono, S.E., M.I.A, Ph.D. He expressed his gratitude to USAID and KEMITRAAN for their support in reforming SIPDUGA UI and acknowledged that the previous reporting system was still suboptimal in maintaining anonymity and efficiency. In his keynote speech, Mr. Rifqi Sjarief Assegaf, Ph.D., Program Director for Justice, Anti-Corruption, and Human Rights at KEMITRAAN, praised UI’s efforts in reforming this system. He stated that this reform is an important step towards ensuring better transparency and accountability in the campus environment, emphasizing the importance of protecting whistleblowers and ensuring effective follow-up actions.

This reform was carried out through benchmarking with various institutions, such as Pertamina, KPK, and KemenPANRB, and involved stakeholders from faculties, schools, and programs. The goal is to create a system that is more relevant and accessible. On this occasion, the USAID representative, Mr. Rifqi Sjarief Assegaf, Ph.D., appreciated UI’s efforts to improve the campus reporting system and hoped that the new system could address challenges such as whistleblower protection from retaliation and ensuring credible follow-up actions.

Mr. Bobby Hamzar Rafinus, Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman, also provided insights on improving public service complaint management. He assessed that the SIPDUGA UI reform is a preventive step in maintaining transparency and accountability within the campus. Another speaker, Mr. Fajar Bastari from PT Pertamina, explained the WBS process at Pertamina, which served as a reference for this system update, while Dr. Muhammad Imanuddin from KemenPANRB discussed public complaint management through the SP4N LAPOR! platform.

Moreover, the new technology and regulations of SIPDUGA UI were also presented by various experts, including Dr. Laode Rudita, who explained fundamental changes in SIPDUGA regulations. The system now places more emphasis on the resolution process of alleged violations, rather than just reporting. Meanwhile, a survey conducted by the UI WBS team showed that SIPDUGA still needs to be more widely recognized by the academic community, although the new features, such as anonymity assurance and transparency in report status, are expected to increase reporting participation.

With this reform, SIPDUGA UI is expected to create a better, safer, and more inclusive university governance system and become an inspiration for other educational institutions in Indonesia.

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