Efforts to Improve Better Governance at UI: Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Reforming UI’s WBS/SIPDUGA

Jakarta – On October 17-18, 2024, the University of Indonesia (UI) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to discuss the reform of the Whistle Blowing System (WBS) and the Alleged Violations Reporting System (SIPDUGA UI). The event, held at the Emerald Ballroom, Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel, aimed to enhance reporting governance and transparency at UI by improving reporting and monitoring systems.

The event was opened by drg. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp. OF(K), Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at UI, who emphasized the importance of the FGD in developing safer and more effective reporting mechanisms for the campus community. Vishnu Juwono, S.E., M.I.A, Ph.D., Head of the Bureau for Transformation, Risk Management, and Monitoring Evaluation, also inaugurated the event by outlining the challenges in the effectiveness of the previous WBS UI system.

The main presentations were divided into three key areas: (1) the latest SIPDUGA system with enhanced interface and features, (2) pre-test survey results on academic staff’s knowledge of the WBS/SIPDUGA UI system, and (3) the draft of the latest rector regulation on SIPDUGA. Imairi Eitiveni, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D., initiated the session by presenting the technical design of the SIPDUGA website, equipped with new features to improve security, anonymity, and accessibility for users across all UI faculties. Imairi also shared benchmarking results with organizations such as Pertamina and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Nurul Dina Rahmawati, S.Gz., M.Sc., presented survey results showing that the majority of UI’s academic community was still unaware of SIPDUGA UI and its benefits. These findings highlighted the need for improved outreach and system utilization to address violations within the campus environment.

The presentation continued with Dr. Laode Rudita, S.H., M.H., who explained the draft of the latest rector regulation, covering general provisions to procedures for reporting and resolving alleged violations. An interactive discussion was held to gather participants’ input on the implementation of the regulation, particularly concerning case handling timeframes and sanction mechanisms.

Through this two-day discussion, UI reaffirmed its commitment to integrating better reporting governance by enhancing the effectiveness of the WBS/SIPDUGA UI system to foster a safe and transparent campus environment.

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